This program blends cutting-edge analysis, including comprehensive and detailed papers, with practical perspectives from practitioners and general counsel from major energy companies on the role of arbitrators and the courts.
The 2010 program features an internationally-renowned faculty including keynote speakers Lord Leonard H. Hoffmann of Chadwick, Retired Law Lord, Brick Court Chambers, London, U.K, and Mariano Gomezperalta Casali, General Counsel for Trade Negotiations, Ministry of the Economy, Mexico City, Mexico.
Select papers and conference proceedings will be published in The American Review of International Arbitration, a quarterly law review by the Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law at Columbia University.
Program is subject to change.
All times are Central Time Zone.
Alan S. Rau,
The University of Texas School of Law - Austin, TX
W. Michael Reisman,
Yale Law School - New Haven, CT
James L. Loftis,
Vinson & Elkins RLLP - London, United Kingdom
Brooks Daly,
Permanent Court of Arbitration - The Hague, Netherlands
Hon. Dominique T. Hascher,
Cour d'Appel, France - Paris, France
Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler,
Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler - Geneva , Switzerland
Loukas Mistelis,
Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary, University of London - London, United Kingdom
Kevin M. O'Gorman,
Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. - Houston, TX
Ben H. Sheppard Jr.,
University of Houston Law Center - Houston, TX
Leonard H. Hoffmann,
Brick Court Chambers - London, United Kingdom
Michael S. Goldberg,
Baker Botts, LLP - Houston, TX
David D. Caron,
University of California, Berkeley - Boalt Hall School of Law - Berkeley, CA
Pierre Mayer,
Dechert LLP - Paris, France
Tomasz J. Sikora,
El Paso Corporation - Houston, TX
Andrea K. Bjorklund,
UC Davis School of Law - Davis, CA
Toni D. Hennike,
Exxon Mobil Corporation - Houston, TX
John M. Minor,
Alliant Emerging Markets - Chicago, IL
C. Mark Baker,
Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. - Houston, TX
John Bowman,
King & Spalding LLP - Houston, TX
W. Laurence Craig,
Orrick - Paris, France
Anthony Evans,
Dubai International Financial Centre Courts, and Arbitrator - London, United Kingdom
R. Doak Bishop,
King & Spalding LLP - Houston, TX
Alejandro A. Escobar,
Baker Botts (UK) LLP - London, United Kingdom
Mariano Gomezperalta Casali,
Robert Wray PLLC - Mexico City, DF
Alan R. Crain,
Baker Hughes Incorporated - Houston, TX
Robert W. Baker,
El Paso Corporation - Houston, TX
Jason E. Doughty,
ConocoPhillips - New York, NY
David A. Isenegger,
Shell U.K. Limited - Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Mark E. Lowes,
KBR, Inc. - Houston, TX
Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.
Houston, TX
El Paso Corporation
Houston, TX
King & Spalding LLP
Houston, TX
UC Davis School of Law
Davis, CA
King & Spalding LLP
Houston, TX
University of California, Berkeley - Boalt Hall School of Law
Berkeley, CA
Paris, France
Baker Hughes Incorporated
Houston, TX
Permanent Court of Arbitration
The Hague, Netherlands
New York, NY
Baker Botts (UK) LLP
London, United Kingdom
Dubai International Financial Centre Courts, and Arbitrator
London, United Kingdom
Baker Botts, LLP
Houston, TX
Robert Wray PLLC
Mexico City, DF
Cour d'Appel, France
Paris, France
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Houston, TX
Brick Court Chambers
London, United Kingdom
Shell U.K. Limited
Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler
Geneva , Switzerland
Vinson & Elkins RLLP
London, United Kingdom
KBR, Inc.
Houston, TX
Dechert LLP
Paris, France
Alliant Emerging Markets
Chicago, IL
Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary, University of London
London, United Kingdom
Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.
Houston, TX
The University of Texas School of Law
Austin, TX
Yale Law School
New Haven, CT
University of Houston Law Center
Houston, TX
El Paso Corporation
Houston, TX
King & Spalding LLP
Houston, TX
King & Spalding LLP
Houston, TX
Baker Hughes Incorporated
Houston, TX
Permanent Court of Arbitration
The Hague, Netherlands
New York, NY
The University of Texas School of Law
Austin, TX
Exxon Mobil Corporation (retired)
Houston, TX
Baker Botts, LLP
Houston, TX
Mayer Brown LLP
Houston, TX
Vinson & Elkins RLLP
London, United Kingdom
Attorney at Law
Houston, TX
Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.
Houston, TX
The University of Texas School of Law
Austin, TX
University of Houston Law Center
Houston, TX
El Paso Corporation
Houston, TX
Baker Botts L.L.P.
Houston, TX
Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.
Houston, TX
Exxon Mobil Corporation -- Retired
Houston, TX
$645.00 for registrations received after this time
Last day for cancellation (full refund): May 7, 2010$50 processing fee applied after this date
Last day for cancellation: May 10, 2010
1300 Lamar St
713.650.1300 (reservations)
$220.00 good through May 13, 2010
Valet $13 per day / $28 Overnight
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