
2017 Gas and Power eConference

Contains material from Nov 2017

2017 Gas and Power eConference
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The 16th Annual Gas and Power Institute features timely topics relevant to the gas and power industry in light of the changing landscape of rules, regulation, legislation, and environmental requirements. With essential information on the latest industry and market climate, the Institute also provides a must-have set of materials and resources.

2017 Institute highlights:
  • Texas Legislative and Regulatory Update provides highlights from the 85th Texas Legislative Session and updates on recent judicial and administrative decisions affecting the Texas gas and electric industries.
  • Todd Filsinger, Filsinger Energy Partners, provides an Overview of the U.S. Power Markets and the Impacts of Market Structures with.
  • Lisa Tonery and Adam Wenner, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, provide insight on how the new FERC chairman and commissioners will redirect the future of electric power and natural gas regulation.
  • Phil Lookadoo, Haynes and Boone, LLP, delivers Dodd-Frank: President Trump’s Agenda Changes Everything, Or Does It?
  • Craig R. Enochs, Reed Smith LLP, explores the challenges in preparing contracts for the purchase and sale of electric capacity.
  • Meghan Griffiths, Andrews Kurth, leads a panel on Meeting the Electricity Needs of Industrial and Large Commercial Customers.
  • Rebecca Bollenbach, Essentia Advisory Partners, reviews Mexico’s power registration for retail power marketing and wholesale power trading, including the challenges that many have faced in navigating the process. 
  • A panel of experts lead by Norma Rosner Iacovo, Tenaska Power Services Co., presents How to Build an Energy Project in the Face of Activist Opposition.

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1. Texas Legislative and Regulatory Update (Nov 2017)

Jennifer Littlefield, Jessica L. Morgan

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35 mins
34 mins
12 pgs
6 pgs
Session 1 —35 mins
Texas Legislative and Regulatory Update (Nov 2017)

Listen to highlights of the 85th Legislative Session and recent judicial and administrative decisions affecting the Texas gas and electric industries. 

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

Jennifer Littlefield, Haynes and Boone, LLP - Austin, TX
Jessica L. Morgan, Husch Blackwell LLP - Austin, TX

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2. Federal Energy Policy and Regulation Update (Nov 2017)

Lisa Tonery, Adam Wenner

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39 mins
38 mins
28 pgs
2 pgs
13 pgs
12 pgs
Session 2 —39 mins
Federal Energy Policy and Regulation Update (Nov 2017)

Gain insight on how the new FERC chairman and commissioners will redirect the future of electric power and natural gas regulation. 

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

Lisa Tonery, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP - New York, NY
Adam Wenner, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP - Washington, DC

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3. Dodd-Frank: President Trump’s Agenda Changes Everything, Or Does It? (Nov 2017)

Phil Lookadoo

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28 mins
28 mins
9 pgs
Session 3 —28 mins
Dodd-Frank: President Trump’s Agenda Changes Everything, Or Does It? (Nov 2017)

President Trump is using all the tools in his Presidential Toolbox—Presidential Appointments, Executive Orders, CRA Rejection of Obama-Era Final Rules, Federal Budget Approval Process, Tax Proposals, Legislative Agenda, the Bully Pulpit, Foreign Policy Initiatives, Bilateral Trade Treaty Negotiations, and, of course, his Twitter Account!—to alter much of the regulatory landscape established by his predecessor. Early on, there was talk of repealing the Dodd-Frank Act, but where are we now? Discuss what is likely to change, what is likely to remain, and how the gas and power industries will be affected.

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

Phil Lookadoo, Haynes and Boone LLP - Washington, DC

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4. Status, Structure, and Successes of U.S. Retail Markets (Nov 2017)

Philip R. O'Connor

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31 mins
31 mins
21 pgs
27 pgs
Session 4 —31 mins
Status, Structure, and Successes of U.S. Retail Markets (Nov 2017)

In an era of flat load, dramatic upheavals in generation economics and the arrival of digital customer sovereignty in the electricity industry, the data shows superior performance by competitive retail jurisdictions compared to traditional monopoly states. For nearly a decade, average prices have been declining in 14 competitively restructured markets while rising in 35 traditionally regulated states. At the same time competitive markets are attracting capital for new generation with improved operating efficiency relative to generation in monopoly states.

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

Philip R. O'Connor, PROactive Strategies, Inc. - Chicago, IL

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5. Documenting Electric Capacity Transactions (Nov 2017)

Craig R. Enochs

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40 mins
40 mins
16 pgs
18 pgs
Session 5 —40 mins
Documenting Electric Capacity Transactions (Nov 2017)

Explore the challenges in preparing contracts for the purchase and sale of electric capacity. These challenges include differences between capacity products in different markets, documentation used in capacity transactions, and issues to consider when drafting capacity contracts such as liquidated damages, force majeure, and calculating credit exposure.

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

Craig R. Enochs, Reed Smith LLP - Houston, TX

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6. Mexico Power Market Permitting and Legal Reform Update (Nov 2017)

Rebecca Bollenbach

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31 mins
31 mins
27 pgs
Session 6 —31 mins
Mexico Power Market Permitting and Legal Reform Update (Nov 2017)

In its emerging power market, Mexico’s regulators must balance the desire for a fast and efficient market participant registration process with the need to ensure that entities have the required skills and financial soundness to operate effectively. Many questions continue to arise from both Mexican and global companies about the registration process to participate in Mexico’s power markets. Review Mexico’s power registration for retail power marketing and wholesale power trading, including the challenges that many have faced in navigating the process.

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

Rebecca Bollenbach, Essentia Advisory Partners LLC - Houston, TX

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7. Priorities for the Evolution of an Energy-Only Electricity Market Design in ERCOT (Nov 2017)

William W. Hogan

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28 mins
28 mins
8 pgs
Session 7 —28 mins
Priorities for the Evolution of an Energy-Only Electricity Market Design in ERCOT (Nov 2017)

ERCOT is a leader in the development of an open competitive electricity market. Review the economic and policy trends which point to areas of enhancement of the basic energy-only design.

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

William W. Hogan, John F. Kennedy School of Government - Cambridge, MA

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8. How to Build an Energy Project in the Face of Activist Opposition (Nov 2017)

Norma Rosner Iacovo, Norman Lent III, Frederick M. Lowther, Phillip G. Oldham

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65 mins
64 mins
4 pgs
10 pgs
3 pgs
Session 8 —65 mins
How to Build an Energy Project in the Face of Activist Opposition (Nov 2017)

Energy projects involve a myriad of complex issues, ranging from state vs. federal regulatory control, to landowner impacts, to broad policy issues (climate change, “leave it in the ground,” etc). The scale of active opposition has been magnified by increased funding from multiple sources, coupled with an unprecedented number of major projects. Consider how to build energy projects in the face of widening political divisions at the federal, state and local levels.

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

Norma Rosner Iacovo, Tenaska Power Services Co. - Arlington, TX
Norman Lent III, Arent Fox LLP - Washington, DC
Frederick M. Lowther, Blank Rome LLP - Washington, DC
Phillip G. Oldham, Thompson & Knight LLP - Austin, TX

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9. Gas Processing Primer (Nov 2017)

Stacy Duke

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33 mins
33 mins
9 pgs
Session 9 —33 mins
Gas Processing Primer (Nov 2017)

A primer on the fundamental business and technical considerations in natural gas processing.

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

Stacy Duke, Targa Resources - Houston, TX

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10. Hot Topics in the Midstream Sector (Nov 2017)

David Pursell

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44 mins
44 mins
24 pgs
Session 10 —44 mins
Hot Topics in the Midstream Sector (Nov 2017)

There has been a lot going on in the midstream sector over the last few years—some good and some bad. Review what the future holds: is big infrastructure built out or is more still needed; how are commodity exposures and prices; are the days of easy returns gone as competition heats up; and what M&A trends are on the horizon. 

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

David Pursell, Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co. - Houston, TX

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11. Overview of the U.S. Power Markets and the Impacts of Market Structures (Nov 2017)

Todd Filsinger

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32 mins
31 mins
51 pgs
Session 11 —32 mins
Overview of the U.S. Power Markets and the Impacts of Market Structures (Nov 2017)

Given the diversity of regional market structures throughout the U.S., discuss the outlook and impacts of these market dynamics on asset valuations and generation development opportunities.

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

Todd Filsinger, Filsinger Energy Partners - Denver, CO

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12. ​Ten Tips to Avoid a Grievance: Conflicts and Dealing with the Unrepresented Person (Nov 2017)

Gaines F. West II

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52 mins
51 mins
25 pgs
7 pgs
Session 12 —52 mins
​Ten Tips to Avoid a Grievance: Conflicts and Dealing with the Unrepresented Person (Nov 2017)

Busy lawyers seem to forget the fundamentals about communication restrictions (do's/dont's) contained in our ethics rules. Listen to practical pointers that can keep you out of trouble. Remember, your ability to practice law is a privilege—not a right.

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

Gaines F. West II, West Webb Allbritton & Gentry P C - College Station, TX

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13. Meeting the Electricity Needs of Industrial and Large Commercial Customers (Nov 2017)

Meghan Elaine Griffiths, Daniel James Booth, James Cargas

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42 mins
41 mins
8 pgs
11 pgs
Session 13 —42 mins
Meeting the Electricity Needs of Industrial and Large Commercial Customers (Nov 2017)

What drives the power supply choices of large electricity consumers in the Texas power markets? Examine the commercial, regulatory, and legal considerations that shape the power supply decisions of industrial and large commercial customers. As a case study, explore the procurement, policy, and regulatory issues that drove the structure of the City of Houston’s three-party agreement to purchase 50 MW of solar power through its retail electric provider.   

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

Meghan Elaine Griffiths, Jackson Walker LLP - Austin, TX
Daniel James Booth, Calpine Corporation - Houston, TX
James Cargas, City of Houston Legal Department - Houston, TX

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14. NOIEs Moving to ERCOT: Do They Have an Advantage? (Nov 2017)

Aaron C. Gregg

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29 mins
28 mins
15 pgs
Session 14 —29 mins
NOIEs Moving to ERCOT: Do They Have an Advantage? (Nov 2017)

Gain insight into how not-for-profit electricity entities can address changes in markets in Texas and beyond.

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

Aaron C. Gregg, Greenberg Traurig, LLP - Austin, TX

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15. Interplay and Competition of Federal vs. State Energy Regulatory Jurisdiction (Nov 2017)

Norma Rosner Iacovo, Carrie Hill Allen, Jennifer S. Hsia

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43 mins
42 mins
6 pgs
9 pgs
Session 15 —43 mins
Interplay and Competition of Federal vs. State Energy Regulatory Jurisdiction (Nov 2017)

Are state zero-emission credit programs, such as those adopted in NY and IL, legitimate state actions or impermissible encroachments upon federal jurisdiction? Explore the federal and state tensions, as well as the possible paths competitive market resolutions. 

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

Norma Rosner Iacovo, Tenaska Power Services Co. - Arlington, TX
Carrie Hill Allen, Exelon Corporation - Washington, DC
Jennifer S. Hsia, NRG Energy, Inc - Princeton, NJ

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16. Navigating the Use of NAESB and EEI Contracts (Nov 2017)

Chad Eric Mills

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28 mins
28 mins
7 pgs
Session 16 —28 mins
Navigating the Use of NAESB and EEI Contracts (Nov 2017)

Discuss the most commonly used standard forms for buying and selling natural gas and electricity. Learn about common modifications buyers and sellers make to these forms, as well as when not to use them.

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

Chad Eric Mills, Haynes and Boone, LLP - Houston, TX

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17. LNG Update (Nov 2017)

Susan L. Sakmar

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31 mins
31 mins
21 pgs
Session 17 —31 mins
LNG Update (Nov 2017)

According to the IEA, LNG could be the “second revolution” in natural gas markets. Global LNG trade reached another record year in 2016 as new supply from Australia and the United States came online and found its way to markets in a diverse array of countries. The world’s traditional buyers are becoming sellers as potentially huge LNG demand markets open up in China and India. Hear an update of the key developments impacting global LNG markets. 

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

Susan L. Sakmar, The University of Houston Law Center - Houston, TX

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18. Too Many Entities (Nov 2017)

Thomas H. Watkins

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61 mins
60 mins
9 pgs
Session 18 —61 mins
Too Many Entities (Nov 2017)

As more “deals” are put together, more entities are used to facilitate the “deal." Assess the huge liability risk for clients and lawyers if litigation is the end result.

Originally presented: Oct 2017 Gas and Power Institute

Thomas H. Watkins, Husch Blackwell LLP - Austin, TX