First Friday Ethics (November 2024)
Lawyer Wellness 101: A Guide to Avoiding TLAP
$145 Individual
1:00 p.m. to 4:20 p.m. (3.00 hr ethics)
Need ethics credit? We’ve got you covered! UT Law CLE’s First Friday Ethics streams live every first Friday of the month, and features some of our best ethics speakers and presentations for a total of 3.00 hrs ethics credit. Fulfill your entire annual ethics requirement in Texas in one day!
Join us for a transformative 3-hour CLE session that empowers Texas lawyers to achieve greater wellness and professional success. Kiele Linroth Pace, Lawyer Turned Law Leader Coach, discusses the importance of preventing burnout in the legal field. Marla Mattenson, Founder of The Ethical Sales Institute, introduces neuroscience-backed strategies to shift from stress to serenity, offering practical tools to manage negative thoughts. Kiele and Marla guide you through the inner and outer work necessary to find clarity, focus, and intuitive problem-solving while enhancing your well-being so you can thrive in law, business, and life in general.
Kiele Linroth Pace,
Pacefirm Consulting, LLC - Austin, TX
Marla Mattenson,
Mattenson Coaching & Consulting, Inc - Santa Barbara, CA
Marla Mattenson,
Mattenson Coaching & Consulting, Inc - Santa Barbara, CA
Kiele Linroth Pace,
Pacefirm Consulting, LLC - Austin, TX
Mattenson Coaching & Consulting, Inc
Santa Barbara, CA
Pacefirm Consulting, LLC
Austin, TX
$0 processing fee applied after this date
Last day for cancellation: Oct 28, 2024