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Hydrogen Energy: Transaction Documents, Incentives, and Production Pathways

Contains material from Mar 2024

Hydrogen Energy: Transaction Documents, Incentives, and Production Pathways
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Session 01: Hydrogen Energy: Unique Considerations for Transaction Documents - As an emerging technology, clean hydrogen presents a number of considerations and issues that differ from existing legal paradigms for renewable energy projects. Address contract terms and considerations that are specific to clean hydrogen projects in both commercial and financing transactions.

Session 02: Hydrogen as an Emerging Low-Carbon Energy Solution: What’s Old is New Again - Substantive discussion of the existing hydrogen pipeline and storage system and the development, regulatory, policy, and legal issues shaping the growing clean hydrogen ecosystem, from the critical midstream perspective. Key topics will include: an overview of hydrogen incentives, production pathways, use cases and physical delivery mechanisms; real property issues in subsurface storage and pipeline development; regulatory and permitting uncertainty; and how commercial transactions are being structured.

Includes: Video Audio Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 1.50
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • Specialization: Administrative Law | Oil, Gas and Mineral Law | Property Owners Association Law | Real Estate Law
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 3/31/2025

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1. Hydrogen Energy: Unique Considerations for Transaction Documents (Mar 2024)

John C. Crossley, Nathan C. Howe

0.75 0.00 0.00 0.75
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47 mins
47 mins
8 pgs
Session 1 —47 mins
Hydrogen Energy: Unique Considerations for Transaction Documents (Mar 2024)

As an emerging technology, clean hydrogen presents a number of considerations and issues that differ from existing legal paradigms for renewable energy projects. Address contract terms and considerations that are specific to clean hydrogen projects in both commercial and financing transactions.

Originally presented: Jan 2024 Renewable Energy Law Institute

John C. Crossley, K&L Gates LLP - Kansas City, MO
Nathan C. Howe, K&L Gates LLP - Newark, NJ

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2. Hydrogen as an Emerging Low-Carbon Energy Solution: What’s Old is New Again (Mar 2024)

Michael C. Lewis

0.75 0.00 0.00 0.75
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45 mins
45 mins
19 pgs
Session 2 —45 mins
Hydrogen as an Emerging Low-Carbon Energy Solution: What’s Old is New Again (Mar 2024)

Substantive discussion of the existing hydrogen pipeline and storage system and the development, regulatory, policy, and legal issues shaping the growing clean hydrogen ecosystem, from the critical midstream perspective. Key topics will include: an overview of hydrogen incentives, production pathways, use cases and physical delivery mechanisms; real property issues in subsurface storage and pipeline development; regulatory and permitting uncertainty; and how commercial transactions are being structured.

Originally presented: Jan 2024 Renewable Energy Law Institute

Michael C. Lewis, The University of Texas Center for Electromechanics - Austin, TX