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Right-of-Way and Land Use Planning

Contains material from May 2024

Right-of-Way and Land Use Planning
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An overview of right-of-way planning, including comprehensive plans, traffic issues, subdivision requirements, street standards, private streets, sidewalks. Also gain insight into right-of-way management ordinances, including design manuals, plats, right-of-way dedications, sidewalk vendors and cafes, dockless mobility issues, robot deliveries, utility placement, and a discussion about utility easements vs. right-of-way.

Includes: Video Audio Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 0.75
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 5/31/2025

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1. Right-of-Way and Land Use Planning (May 2024)

Cathy Meyer Cunningham, Don Knight

0.75 0.00 0.00 0.75
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46 mins
45 mins
16 pgs
Session 1 —46 mins
Right-of-Way and Land Use Planning (May 2024)

An overview of right-of-way planning, including comprehensive plans, traffic issues, subdivision requirements, street standards, private streets, sidewalks. Also gain insight into right-of-way management ordinances, including design manuals, plats, right-of-way dedications, sidewalk vendors and cafes, dockless mobility issues, robot deliveries, utility placement, and a discussion about utility easements vs. right-of-way.

Originally presented: Apr 2024 Land Use Conference

Cathy Meyer Cunningham, Thomson Reuters - New York, NY
Don Knight, Dallas City Attorney's Office - Dallas, TX