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Employment Litigation Hot Topics (2024) 

Contains material from Jul 2024

Employment Litigation Hot Topics (2024) 
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Session 01: What’s It Going to Take: Settlement Value/Monetizing Your Case - As lawyers return to the courtroom after the pandemic slow down, we are seeing large verdicts being returned by juries. Has that affected the settlement value of employment cases? The late Phil Durst had a very popular presentation as to how lawyers value cases. We will apply the Phil Durst Principles to see how lawyers are valuing cases today. 

Session 02: The New Balkans: Non-Compete and Restrictive Covenants Under Siege Yet Still Commonplace - Differences amongst the 50 states regarding non-competes creates uncertainty for 30 million employees. Now, the Federal Trade Commission has proposed a rule to ban non-competes. Discuss these developments and focus on recent Texas cases. 

Session 03: Why It's Best to Have a Lawyer on the Other Side: Dealing with Pro Se Plaintiffs and Lawyer-Less Defendants - A discussion of the ethical considerations when dealing with pro se litigants and zealously representing your client.

Includes: Audio Paper Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 1.75 | 0.50 ethics
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • Specialization: Civil Appellate Law | Civil Trial Law | Labor and Employment Law
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 8/31/2025

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1. What’s It Going to Take: Settlement Value/Monetizing Your Case (Jul 2024)

Malinda A. Gaul

0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50
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28 mins
9 pgs
19 pgs
Session 1 —28 mins
What’s It Going to Take: Settlement Value/Monetizing Your Case (Jul 2024)

As lawyers return to the courtroom after the pandemic slow down, we are seeing large verdicts being returned by juries. Has that affected the settlement value of employment cases? The late Phil Durst had a very popular presentation as to how lawyers value cases. We will apply the Phil Durst Principles to see how lawyers are valuing cases today. 

Originally presented: May 2024 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Malinda A. Gaul, Gaul and Dumont - San Antonio, TX

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2. The New Balkans: Non-Compete and Restrictive Covenants Under Siege Yet Still Commonplace (Jul 2024)

Kenneth D. Hughes

0.75 0.00 0.00 0.75
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43 mins
63 pgs
19 pgs
Session 2 —43 mins
The New Balkans: Non-Compete and Restrictive Covenants Under Siege Yet Still Commonplace (Jul 2024)

Differences amongst the 50 states regarding non-competes creates uncertainty for 30 million employees. Now, the Federal Trade Commission has proposed a rule to ban non-competes. Discuss these developments and focus on recent Texas cases. 

Originally presented: May 2024 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Kenneth D. Hughes, Ken Hughes PLLC - Houston, TX

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3. Why It's Best to Have a Lawyer on the Other Side: Dealing with Pro Se Plaintiffs and Lawyer-Less Defendants (Jul 2024)

Michael Twomey

0.50 0.50 0.00 0.50 | 0.50 ethics
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31 mins
11 pgs
8 pgs
Session 3 —31 mins
0.50 | 0.50 ethics
Why It's Best to Have a Lawyer on the Other Side: Dealing with Pro Se Plaintiffs and Lawyer-Less Defendants (Jul 2024)

A discussion of the ethical considerations when dealing with pro se litigants and zealously representing your client.

Originally presented: May 2024 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Michael Twomey, Kane Russell Coleman & Logan PC - Houston, TX