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Recent Tax Law and Policy Developments and for Colleges and Universities (2024)

Contains material from Aug 2024

Recent Tax Law and Policy Developments and for Colleges and Universities (2024)
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Session 01: Recent Developments in College and University Tax Law - Review recent tax law developments that affect the higher education community, such as Congressional legislation, IRS enforcement measures and pronouncements as well as judicial decisions. Discuss the impact on prevalent tax issues, including unrelated business taxable income, compensation and fringe benefits, charitable contributions, international activities, endowments, and reporting requirements.

Session 02: Legislative and Policy Update; Playing Defense for 2024 and Preparing for 2025 - Gain insight into what has been and will be occurring in 2024 regarding taxation of universities, their endowments, and examinations of school conduct and governance policies. Discuss the upcoming 2024 elections and the impact on tax policy, including the expected rewrite of the 2017 tax bill and related issues.

Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 2.00
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 8/31/2025

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1. Recent Developments in College and University Tax Law (Aug 2024)

Benjamin A. Davidson, Edward J. Jennings

1.25 0.00 0.00 1.25
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80 mins
80 mins
42 pgs
13 pgs
Session 1 —80 mins
Recent Developments in College and University Tax Law (Aug 2024)

Review recent tax law developments that affect the higher education community, such as Congressional legislation, IRS enforcement measures and pronouncements as well as judicial decisions. Discuss the impact on prevalent tax issues, including unrelated business taxable income, compensation and fringe benefits, charitable contributions, international activities, endowments, and reporting requirements.

Originally presented: Jun 2024 Higher Education Taxation Institute

Benjamin A. Davidson, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Chapel Hill, NC
Edward J. Jennings, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI

Show session details

2. Legislative and Policy Update; Playing Defense for 2024 and Preparing for 2025 (Aug 2024)

Richard A. Grafmeyer

0.75 0.00 0.00 0.75
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52 mins
52 mins
7 pgs
Session 2 —52 mins
Legislative and Policy Update; Playing Defense for 2024 and Preparing for 2025 (Aug 2024)

Gain insight into what has been and will be occurring in 2024 regarding taxation of universities, their endowments, and examinations of school conduct and governance policies. Discuss the upcoming 2024 elections and the impact on tax policy, including the expected rewrite of the 2017 tax bill and related issues.

Originally presented: Jun 2024 Higher Education Taxation Institute

Richard A. Grafmeyer, Capitol Tax Partners - Washington, DC