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Tax-Exempt Bond Compliance for Colleges and Universities

Contains material from Aug 2024

Tax-Exempt Bond Compliance for Colleges and Universities
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This session provides an overview of the IRS rules and regulations applicable to tax-exempt bonds, including arbitrage rebate, private business use, and change in use of bond financed facilities, and provides an update on IRS enforcement and oversight in these areas. In addition, our university representative provides insight on how her organization manages its post-issuance tax compliance responsibilities.

Includes: Video Audio Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 1.00
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 8/31/2025

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1. Tax-Exempt Bond Compliance Overview (Aug 2024)

Alan Bond, Kirsten Muller, Sandee Stallings

1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
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60 mins
60 mins
29 pgs
Session 1 —60 mins
Tax-Exempt Bond Compliance Overview (Aug 2024)

This session provides an overview of the IRS rules and regulations applicable to tax-exempt bonds, including arbitrage rebate, private business use, and change in use of bond financed facilities, and provides an update on IRS enforcement and oversight in these areas. In addition, our university representative provides insight on how her organization manages its post-issuance tax compliance responsibilities.

Originally presented: Jun 2024 Higher Education Taxation Institute

Alan Bond, BLX Group - New York, NY
Kirsten Muller, University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, MN
Sandee Stallings, BLX Group - Dallas, TX