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International Jeopardy: Key Issues for Colleges and Universities

Contains material from Aug 2024

International Jeopardy: Key Issues for Colleges and Universities
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An interactive game of Jeopardy with topics highlighting international issues including; BEPS 2.0, indirect and digital taxes, nexus and triggering permanent establishment, NSPM33, 117 compliance, audit notices, and more!

Includes: Video Audio Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 1.00
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 8/31/2025

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1. International Jeopardy (Aug 2024)

John M. Kelleher, Jodi R. Kessler, Artemis Velahos Koch, Bob Lammey

1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
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58 mins
58 mins
28 pgs
Session 1 —58 mins
International Jeopardy (Aug 2024)

An interactive game of Jeopardy with topics highlighting international issues including; BEPS 2.0, indirect and digital taxes, nexus and triggering permanent establishment, NSPM33, 117 compliance, audit notices, and more!

Originally presented: Jun 2024 Higher Education Taxation Institute

John M. Kelleher, Crowe LLP - Dallas, TX
Jodi R. Kessler, Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, MA
Artemis Velahos Koch, University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, PA
Bob Lammey, Ernst & Young LLP - Boston, MA