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Capitalizing on Yield Structures in the U.S. Public Markets: Master Limited Partnerships and Yieldcos

Contains material from Jul 2015

Capitalizing on Yield Structures in the U.S. Public Markets: Master Limited Partnerships and Yieldcos
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Many non-U.S. companies have discovered the benefits of going public in the United States using yield-oriented structures—a trend that is expected to continue and likely accelerate over the next five years. By using a "master limited partnership" or "yieldco" structure, non-U.S. companies can realize the benefits of the U.S. capital markets at attractive valuations while maintaining a flexible governance framework and securing opportunities for increasing cash distributions from existing assets.

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1. Capitalizing on Yield Structures in the U.S. Public Markets: Master Limited Partnerships and Yieldcos (Jul 2015)

Sean T. Wheeler

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45 mins
107 pgs
Session 1 —45 mins
Capitalizing on Yield Structures in the U.S. Public Markets: Master Limited Partnerships and Yieldcos (Jul 2015)

Many non-U.S. companies have discovered the benefits of going public in the United States using yield-oriented structures—a trend that is expected to continue and likely accelerate over the next five years. By using a "master limited partnership" or "yieldco" structure, non-U.S. companies can realize the benefits of the U.S. capital markets at attractive valuations while maintaining a flexible governance framework and securing opportunities for increasing cash distributions from existing assets.

Originally presented: Jun 2015 International Upstream Energy

Sean T. Wheeler, Latham & Watkins LLP - Houston, TX