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Case Law, TWBD and PUC Update

Contains material from Nov 2015

Case Law, TWBD and PUC Update
4.06 out of 5 stars
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Carlos Rubenstein was the best of the speakers. Spellbinding content and delivery. I hope he is now teaching somewhere.

The TWDB presentation needed to provide a more detailed explanation of the changes to the agency given the new legislation.

Technical Questions?

Session 1: Case Law Update - Evaluate recent groundwater, surface water, and utility cases and their implications.
Session 2: PUC Update on CCN Decertifications - The transfer of retail water and wastewater utility regulation from TCEQ to the PUCT occurred a little more than a year ago. Hear from all sides—landowners, agency, and CCN holders—about the latest issues involving CCN applications and decertifications.
Session 3: The Texas Water Development Board: Past, Present, and Future - A look back at the history of water resource development in Texas, an update on current developments at the Board, and a few opinions on the future from the former Chairman of the Texas Water Development Board.

Includes: Audio Paper Slides

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1. Case Law Update (Nov 2015)

Emily Willms Rogers

0.50 0.00 0.00
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29 mins
29 pgs
7 pgs
Session 1 —29 mins
Case Law Update (Nov 2015)

Evaluate recent groundwater, surface water, and utility cases and their implications.

Originally presented: Oct 2015 Texas Water Law Institute

Emily Willms Rogers, Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta LLP - Austin, TX

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2. PUC Update on CCN Decertifications (Nov 2015)

Leonard H. Dougal, C. Joe Freeland, Margaret Uhlig Pemberton

0.75 0.00 0.00
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47 mins
11 pgs
24 pgs
8 pgs
11 pgs
11 pgs
Session 2 —47 mins
PUC Update on CCN Decertifications (Nov 2015)

The transfer of retail water and wastewater utility regulation from TCEQ to the PUCT occurred a little more than a  year ago. Hear from all sides—landowners, agency, and CCN holders—about the latest issues involving CCN applications and decertifications.

Originally presented: Oct 2015 Texas Water Law Institute

Leonard H. Dougal, Jackson Walker L.L.P. - Austin, TX
C. Joe Freeland, Mathews & Freeland LLP - Austin, TX
Margaret Uhlig Pemberton, Public Utility Commission - Austin, TX

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3. The Texas Water Development Board: Past, Present, and Future (Nov 2015)

Carlos Rubinstein

0.50 0.00 0.00
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31 mins
14 pgs
Session 3 —31 mins
The Texas Water Development Board: Past, Present, and Future (Nov 2015)

A look back at the history of water resource development in Texas, an update on current developments at the Board, and a few opinions on the future from the former Chairman of the Texas Water Development Board.

Originally presented: Oct 2015 Texas Water Law Institute

Carlos Rubinstein, Austin, TX