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Evidence Skits and Trial Strategy

Contains material from Aug 2015

Evidence Skits and Trial Strategy
4.05 out of 5 stars
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great materials.

examples a little weak


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Session 1: Evidence Skits: Direct and Cross Examination of Witnesses - You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!
Session 2: Evidence Skits: How to Get In Tax Returns, Schedules, Appraisals, and Other Key Documents - Live Testimony! Dead Bodies! Smoking Guns! That would be fun, but this is about documents, instead. Sorry.
Session 3: Mini-Trial: How Big Is Too Big? - The judges talk about strategy, evidence, and things that really matter during trial.

Includes: Audio Paper Slides

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1. Evidence Skits: Direct and Cross Examination of Witnesses (Aug 2015)

Mark A. Castillo, Hon. Tony M. Davis, Charles E. Lauffer Jr., Layla D. Milligan, Brendetta A. Scott, Tracie M. Shelby, Sarah Darnell Wood

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59 mins
9 pgs
2 pgs
Session 1 —59 mins
Evidence Skits: Direct and Cross Examination of Witnesses (Aug 2015)

You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!

Originally presented: Jul 2015 Consumer Bankruptcy Practice

Mark A. Castillo, Curtis | Castillo PC - Dallas, TX
Hon. Tony M. Davis, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Western District of Texas - Austin, TX
Charles E. Lauffer Jr., Ritcheson, Lauffer & Vincent, P.C. - Tyler, TX
Layla D. Milligan, Office of Deborah B. Langehennig, Chapter 13 Trustee - Austin, TX
Brendetta A. Scott, Hoover Slovacek LLP - Houston, TX
Tracie M. Shelby, The Shelby Law Firm - Dallas, TX
Sarah Darnell Wood, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Western District of Texas - Austin, TX

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2. Evidence Skits: How to Get In Tax Returns, Schedules, Appraisals, and Other Key Documents (Aug 2015)

Mark A. Castillo, Hon. Tony M. Davis, Kristina L. Gonzales, Charles E. Lauffer Jr., Layla D. Milligan, Brendetta A. Scott, Tracie M. Shelby, Sarah Darnell Wood

0.75 0.00 0.00
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41 mins
21 pgs
6 pgs
Session 2 —41 mins
Evidence Skits: How to Get In Tax Returns, Schedules, Appraisals, and Other Key Documents (Aug 2015)

Live Testimony! Dead Bodies! Smoking Guns!
That would be fun, but this is about documents, instead. Sorry.

Originally presented: Jul 2015 Consumer Bankruptcy Practice

Mark A. Castillo, Curtis | Castillo PC - Dallas, TX
Hon. Tony M. Davis, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Western District of Texas - Austin, TX
Kristina L. Gonzales, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Western District of Texas - Austin, TX
Charles E. Lauffer Jr., Ritcheson, Lauffer & Vincent, P.C. - Tyler, TX
Layla D. Milligan, Office of Deborah B. Langehennig, Chapter 13 Trustee - Austin, TX
Brendetta A. Scott, Hoover Slovacek LLP - Houston, TX
Tracie M. Shelby, The Shelby Law Firm - Dallas, TX
Sarah Darnell Wood, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Western District of Texas - Austin, TX

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3. Mini-Trial: How Big Is Too Big? (Aug 2015)

Hon. H. DeWayne "Cooter" Hale, Hon. Marvin Isgur, Hon. David R. Jones, Hon. Jeffrey P. Norman, Hon. Eduardo V. Rodriguez

0.75 0.00 0.00
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37 mins
Part 1 – 3 pgs
Part 2 – 4 pgs
Session 3 —37 mins
Mini-Trial: How Big Is Too Big? (Aug 2015)

The judges talk about strategy, evidence, and things that really matter during trial.

Originally presented: Jul 2015 Consumer Bankruptcy Practice

Hon. H. DeWayne "Cooter" Hale, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Texas - Dallas, TX
Hon. Marvin Isgur, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of Texas - Houston, TX
Hon. David R. Jones, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of Texas - Houston, TX
Hon. Jeffrey P. Norman, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Western District of Louisiana - Shreveport, LA
Hon. Eduardo V. Rodriguez, Judge Designate, U.S Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of Texas - McAllen, TX