Enjoyed the course. Good diverse range of topics and was pleasantly surprised at how consistently good the speakers were for each topic.
Impressive CLE. Most of the sessions were full of specific, useful and practical information. I thought the CFO, Partnering and Best Practices sessions were particularly good.
This was a fantastic eConference with a variety of sessions that were very informative and interesting.
Good course. I like the varied types of subjects covered.
Technical Questions?
2017 program highlights include:
- In-house perspective into pressures to improve disclosure, increase board diversity, enhance corporate governance and stave off cyber-attacks in What Keeps Boards Up at Night?
- Updates on employment law, trends in mergers and acquisitions, trade secret best practices, and trends in compensation
- A discussion of Effective Partnering, including best practices for effective communication between in-house and outside counsel on all facets of litigation practice, with focus on recent changes to the role of in-house counsel
- The Opportunity to Trump Obama's Environmental & Energy Agenda: a review of the first 100 days of the Trump Administration and what it means for the energy industry
- Judicial Views on the Role of In-House Counsel and the C-Suite featuring Hon Caroline Elizabeth Baker, 295th Civil District Court, Hon. Alfred Bennett, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas, and Hon. Randall W. Wilson, 157th District Court.
- Cybersecurity updates, including insights into the risks when data breaches occur and how to manage a data breach crisis, and practical tips for how to respond to network intrusions, data loss, data breach, and cyber disruption
Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides
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Gary D. Eisenstat
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Session 1 —41 mins
Employment Law Update (Jul 2017)
Analyze recent legal developments in employment law and non-compete rulings, including litigation trends, EEOC enforcement guidelines, FLSA changes and regulations, and social media issues.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
Gary D. Eisenstat,
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. - Dallas, TX
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William H. Sultemeier IV
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Session 2 —29 mins
Choosing the Right Entity for You (Jul 2017)
Discuss the legal and practical points to consider when choosing the right legal entity for your business, and explore the overlooked pitfalls associated with that decision.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
William H. Sultemeier IV,
OGE Energy Corp - Oklahoma City, OK
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Sean Gorman, Shannon Weinberg Kinney, Emily Ennis Leitch
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Session 3 —43 mins
What Keeps Boards Up at Night? (Jul 2017)
With pressures from regulators, shareholders, and proxy advisory firms to improve disclosure, increase board diversity, enhance corporate governance, and stave off cyber-attacks, directors must be more alert than ever in this constantly evolving corporate environment. Hear insights and practical tips on the topics that keep boards up at night.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
Sean Gorman,
Bracewell LLP - Houston, TX
Shannon Weinberg Kinney,
ConocoPhillips Company - Houston, TX
Emily Ennis Leitch,
Jones Day - Houston, TX
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James Edward Zucker, Brandy L. Copley, Kenneth E. Broughton, Roderick Duncan Hardie, C. E. Rhodes
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Session 4 —58 mins
Effective Partnering (Jul 2017)
Review best practices for effective communication between in-house and outside counsel on all facets of litigation practice, including discovery, budgeting, dialogue with the opponent, and trial strategy. Explore recent changes—including market realities—to the role of in-house counsel in these complicated situations.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
James Edward Zucker,
Yetter Coleman LLP - Houston, TX
Brandy L. Copley,
GE Capital Energy Financial Services - Houston, TX
Kenneth E. Broughton,
Reed Smith LLP - Houston, TX
Roderick Duncan Hardie,
Exterran - Houston, TX
C. E. Rhodes,
Baker Hughes Incorporated - Houston, TX
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Denise Davis, C. Andrew Weber, Eric Woomer
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Session 5 —45 mins
Government Relations (Jul 2017)
Knowing the legal landscape and rules is necessary but sometimes not sufficient. Discover how government relations professionals can assist counsel in avoiding and minimizing problems or assist in making good things happen—whether at the agency or legislative level.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
Denise Davis,
Davis Kaufman PLLC - Austin, TX
C. Andrew Weber,
Kelly Hart & Hallman LLP - Austin, TX
Eric Woomer,
Eric Woomer Policy Solutions - Austin, TX
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Arnold J. Johnson
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Session 6 —61 mins
Conspiracy Theory? The Ethical Paradox of “Big is Bad” (Jul 2017)
There was a time when “big business,” and the “big professions” that support it, were revered for their contributions to society. Those contributions continue today, yet “big” is often vilified in the public eye. Explore some recurring themes in this area, from the dark clouds of conspiracy theories to media and political portrayals, and highlight ways in which ethics and professionalism might lead everyone “big” out of the storm.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
Arnold J. Johnson,
Noble Energy Inc. - Houston, TX
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Catherine Bedell, Paul R. Tobias
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Session 7 —54 mins
Contract "Killer Clauses" (Jul 2017)
Identify the pitfalls and landmines to avoid in bet-the-company and other scenarios, including unexpected consequences of documents such as Memoranda of Understanding, Letters of Intent, Non-Disclosure Agreements and Commercial Arrangements.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
Catherine Bedell,
Vapor IO, Inc. - Austin, TX
Paul R. Tobias,
Vinson & Elkins LLP - Austin, TX
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Sterling L. Miller
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Session 8 —48 mins
Law Department Best Practices (Jul 2017)
Hear about the best technology, management practices, and analytics to enhance the value of the legal department to the business.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
Sterling L. Miller,
Hilgers Graben PLLC - Dallas, TX
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Fields Alexander, Hon. Caroline Elizabeth Baker, Hon. Alfred H. Bennett, Hon. Randall W. Wilson
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Session 9 —76 mins
Judicial Views on the Role of In-House Counsel and the C-Suite (Jul 2017)
Learn what trial judges expect from in-house counsel and upper management as esteemed members of the judiciary discuss their experiences. Hear what has worked, what has not worked, what juries expect, and gain insight into mistakes that have been made by both groups in their courtrooms.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
Fields Alexander,
Beck Redden LLP - Houston, TX
Hon. Caroline Elizabeth Baker,
295th Civil District Court - Houston, TX
Hon. Alfred H. Bennett,
U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas - Houston, TX
Hon. Randall W. Wilson,
157th District Court - Houston, TX
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(Jul 2017)
Lara Cardin de Leon, Marla A. Moore
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Session 10 —31 mins
Pay Equity: Recent Developments and How to Tackle Them
(Jul 2017)
Federal and many state laws have prohibited pay discrimination for decades. A renewed focus on pay bias from administrative agencies, state legislatures, and popular media, and the reemergence of pay discrimination class actions, means that all employers and their in-house counsel must be prepared to address these issues. Learn about legal developments and obtain practical guidance for examining pay equity and developing defensible compensation practices.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
Lara Cardin de Leon,
Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. - San Antonio, TX
Marla A. Moore,
Marathon Oil Company - Houston, TX
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Stephen E. Stein
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Session 11 —29 mins
Cybersecurity Update, Part I: Risk & Liability (Jul 2017)
We all know that information and data can be breached, but what are the risks when that happens? Discuss what you, as a firm and/or attorney, are liable for and what the liabilities are for vendors.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
Stephen E. Stein,
Thompson & Knight LLP - Dallas, TX
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Chad M. Pinson, Austin Teng
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Session 12 —46 mins
Cybersecurity Update, Part II: Crisis Management (Jul 2017)
Explore issues related to crisis management and how to respond to network intrusions, data loss, data breach, and cyber disruption.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
Chad M. Pinson,
Stroz Friedberg - Dallas, TX
Austin Teng,
Thompson & Knight LLP - Austin, TX
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Lui Chambers, Brenda Arndt, Carlos R. Escobar, Robert F. Gray Jr.
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Session 13 —46 mins
Trends in Mergers and Acquisitions (Jul 2017)
Hear an update on the buying and selling of domestic assets, and trace the latest legal trends in the domestic M&A markets.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
Lui Chambers,
Langley & Banack, Inc - San Antonio, TX
Brenda Arndt,
Cargill Incorporated - Minneapolis, MN
Carlos R. Escobar,
Solvay America Inc - Houston, TX
Robert F. Gray Jr.,
Mayer Brown LLP - Houston, TX
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Clay B. Scheitzach, Donal E. Antill, Laura Rossi
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Session 14 —47 mins
Things Your CFO Wishes You Knew (Jul 2017)
One of the first lessons in-house lawyers learn is the critical role accounting and finance play in every in-house lawyer’s day-to-day job. Hear directly from CFOs about how in-house counsel can best work with their finance and accounting counterparts, and learn the things CFOs wish their in-house lawyers knew.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
Clay B. Scheitzach,
Conduent - Dallas, TX
Donal E. Antill,
Baker Hughes Inc. - Houston, TX
Laura Rossi,
Conduent - Dallas, TX
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Donald R. Philbin Jr.
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Session 15 —42 mins
Investigation and Settlement Strategies: The Right Number at the Wrong Time is the Wrong Number (Jul 2017)
Life is negotiation. We are constantly negotiating with our bosses, clients, and opponents. Gain insights from recent advances in experimental psychology, behavioral economics, and big data to improve negotiating outcomes, while maintaining an ethical negotiating position.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
Donald R. Philbin Jr.,
Donald R. Philbin, Jr., P.C. - San Antonio, TX
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Kathryn Cameron Atkinson, John J. Sardar, John Park Pearson, Shamoil T. Shipchandler
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Session 16 —62 mins
Hot Topics in Compliance (Jul 2017)
Examine the new trending issues in compliance, including the implications of the Yates Memo for executives, individuals, and corporations; the Department of Justice FCPA pilot program; anti-trust issues in employment law; and the use of data analytics in compliance risk management.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
Kathryn Cameron Atkinson,
Miller & Chevalier - Washington, DC
John J. Sardar,
Noble Energy, Inc. - Houston, TX
John Park Pearson,
U.S. Department Of Justice - Houston, TX
Shamoil T. Shipchandler,
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission - Fort Worth, TX
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Jason Boulette, Michael D. Marin
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Session 17 —44 mins
Trade Secrets: A Practical Guide to Protecting Information In and Out of Court (Jul 2017)
Explore techniques for use before and during litigation to protect trade secret information critical to an organization’s success.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
Jason Boulette,
Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P. - Austin, TX
Michael D. Marin,
Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P. - Austin, TX
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Kelly A. Johnson
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Session 18 —41 mins
The Opportunity to Trump Obama's Environmental & Energy Agenda (Jul 2017)
Review the first 100 days of the Trump Administration and what it means for the energy industry.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
Kelly A. Johnson,
Holland & Hart - Washington, DC
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Jeffrey A. Chapman, Douglas York Bech, Margaret Barrett Shannon
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Session 19 —42 mins
Communicating with the Board of Directors (Jul 2017)
Learn how in-house and outside counsel can communicate effectively and objectively, while quantifying individual risk assessments of mergers and acquisitions and other matters.
Originally presented: May 2017 Corporate Counsel Institute
Jeffrey A. Chapman,
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP - Dallas, TX
Douglas York Bech,
Raintree Resorts International Inc - Houston, TX
Margaret Barrett Shannon,
Margaret Shannon - Houston, TX