Legal Ethics Challenges in the World of Healthcare Cyberthreats: Law, Technology and Professional Responsibility for Healthcare Lawyers
Contains material from Apr 2017
Very Good
Great topic and presenters, but most of the slides and handouts aren't there. The website shows a 32-page PDF paper, but the document that downloads is only 4 pages. The 4-page PDF doesn't download at all. The 47-page slide PDF only has the first 6 pages of their presentation. What a shame!
Good information.
Really wish we had video, but the speakers did a good job of describing the key powerpoint slides.
Liked the cyberthreats focus. A good presentation. Both presenters had a wealth of experience in the area.
Technical Questions?
Includes: Audio Paper Slides
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William W. Horton, Peter S. Vogel
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Session 1 —52 mins
Legal Ethics Challenges in the World of Healthcare Cyberthreats: Law, Technology and Professional Responsibility for Healthcare Lawyers (Apr 2017)
Cyber intrusions—hacking, ransomware, and other threats—make daily headlines, and a growing number of them are aimed at healthcare organizations. Technology-driven crises also pose significant professional responsibility challenges for healthcare lawyers as they prepare to help their clients respond to tomorrow’s cyberthreats today. Data breaches, disclosure issues and, of course, that really unfortunate tweet may involve an interconnected web of thorny legal, technological, and ethical issues. Hear a discussion of the latest cyber risks facing healthcare organizations and key legal ethics challenges in responding to them, along with other ethics and professional responsibility issues facing dial-up healthcare lawyers in a broadband technology world.
Originally presented: Apr 2017 Health Law Conference
William W. Horton,
Jones Walker LLP - Birmingham, AL
Peter S. Vogel,
Gardere - Dallas, TX