Athletes and Controversy: Making a Stand or Taking a Knee
Contains material from May 2018
Glad the State Bar presented on this topic. But I wish they had stayed closer to the employment law issues and the CBA in force for the NFL
Technical Questions?
Includes: Video Slides
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Jason Boulette, Toysha "TJ" Martin, Pete Reid
Session 1 —62 mins
Athletes and Controversy: Making a Stand or Taking a Knee (May 2018)
Explore the legal and civil rights implications of protesting as a professional athlete.
Originally presented: May 2018 Athletes and Controversy: Making a Stand or Taking a Knee
Jason Boulette,
Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P. - Austin, TX
Toysha "TJ" Martin,
Austin Black Lawyers Association - Austin, TX
Pete Reid,
Pete Reid Law, PLLC - Austin, TX