
2019 Technology Law eConference

Contains material from Jun 2019
2019 Technology Law eConference
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UT Law CLE's 32nd Annual Technology Law Conference brings together a nationally-recognized faculty of technology and licensing practitioners, in-house counsel from leading tech companies, and experts in open source, data privacy and security, and emerging technology for the latest issues affecting the industry. 

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1. Advanced Licensing (Jun 2019)

Edward A. Cavazos

1.00 0.00 0.00
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61 mins
61 mins
15 pgs
Session 1 —61 mins
Advanced Licensing (Jun 2019)

Hear a review of key licensing law concepts and developments, including data licensing, unique challenges posed by AI and big data, licensing of characters and likeness, implied licensing and other cutting-edge topics.

Originally presented: May 2019 Technology Law Conference

Edward A. Cavazos, Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP - Austin, TX

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2. Delta Source - Open Source and Hybrid Licensing (Jun 2019)

Heather J. Meeker

0.75 0.00 0.00
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49 mins
49 mins
13 pgs
Session 2 —49 mins
Delta Source - Open Source and Hybrid Licensing (Jun 2019)

In the midst of multi-billion dollar exits for open source software companies in 2018, emerging companies are pushing the envelope of what "open" means - Commons Clause, Server Sided Public License, and other variations are challenging existing open source models. Learn about the latest developments in software licensing and monetization of open source software development.

Originally presented: May 2019 Technology Law Conference

Heather J. Meeker, O'Melveny & Myers LLP and OSS Capital - Okland, CA

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3. Copyright, Interfaces, and Implications of Oracle v. Google (Jun 2019)

Fred von Lohmann

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58 mins
58 mins
18 pgs
19 pgs
Session 3 —58 mins
Copyright, Interfaces, and Implications of Oracle v. Google (Jun 2019)

Although the monumental Oracle v. Google litigation continues, the Federal Circuit's 2014 ruling on the copyrightability of interfaces has already upset previous understandings that underpin the software industry. Rather than revisit the complex details of the Oracle v. Google litigation, this session will review trends in copyright litigation relating to software interfaces, suggest practical tips for advising clients, and guess at where the next battlefields may emerge. 

Originally presented: May 2019 Technology Law Conference

Fred von Lohmann, Attorney at Law - San Francisco, CA

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4. Evolving Ethics in the Application of AI (Jun 2019)

Ben Herndon

0.50 0.50 0.00
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30 mins
30 mins
Session 4 —30 mins
Evolving Ethics in the Application of AI (Jun 2019)

As AI application expands, the horizons of this issue do as well. Get a focused perspective on "human-machine teaming," including the ethical issues in this space.

Originally presented: May 2019 Technology Law Conference

Ben Herndon, U.S. Dept. of Treasury - Internal Revenue Service - Washington, DC

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5. Smart Cities: Privacy in the Public Sector (Jun 2019)

Bart W. Huffman, Rhonda Collins, Elaine Nicholson

0.75 0.25 0.00
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51 mins
51 mins
15 pgs
Session 5 —51 mins
Smart Cities: Privacy in the Public Sector (Jun 2019)

Cities are increasingly adopting emerging technology and implementing “Smart Cities” initiatives to improve services. These initiatives promise to increase the efficiency of city operations through sensors, cameras, and other internet-connected devices, but these initiatives carry many risks. Hear a discussion of the applicable legal and regulatory issues associated with these initiatives, especially with regard to privacy and cybersecurity.

Originally presented: May 2019 Technology Law Conference

Bart W. Huffman, Reed Smith LLP - Houston, TX
Rhonda Collins, City of Atlanta - Atlanta, GA
Elaine Nicholson, City of Austin - Austin, TX

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6. Ethics on the Edge: Disruptive Technology and Compliance (Jun 2019)

Christopher T. Brown, Courtney Hicks Dickey, Jose Valera

1.00 1.00 0.00
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56 mins
56 mins
18 pgs
13 pgs
Session 6 —56 mins
Ethics on the Edge: Disruptive Technology and Compliance (Jun 2019)

In an age of accelerating change, technology-driven innovation keeps lawyers busy. How do you advise a client when their business model is so disruptive it tests the bounds of existing law? And what are the ethical considerations you must weigh to make sure you don’t violate your own duties as a lawyer while helping your client meet its business objectives?

Originally presented: May 2019 Technology Law Conference

Christopher T. Brown, Attorney at Law, PLLC - Austin, TX
Courtney Hicks Dickey, Dosh Holdings, Inc. - Austin, TX
Jose Valera, moovel North America, LLC - Austin, TX

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7. The Latest Trends in Emerging Growth Financings (Jun 2019)

Alan Bickerstaff

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42 mins
42 mins
13 pgs
Session 7 —42 mins
The Latest Trends in Emerging Growth Financings (Jun 2019)

Review current trends and issues for early stage and late stage financings.

Originally presented: May 2019 Technology Law Conference

Alan Bickerstaff, Shearman & Sterling - Austin, TX

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8. Recent Developments in Private Company Mergers and Acquisitions (Jun 2019)

J. Robert Suffoletta, J. Matthew Lyons, Keith E. Witek

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61 mins
61 mins
16 pgs
Session 8 —61 mins
Recent Developments in Private Company Mergers and Acquisitions (Jun 2019)

Discuss recent key developments in private company merger and acquisition transactions including trends in deal terms, use of deal insurance, and recent Delaware case-law. Hear the perspectives of internal counsel, corporate development and external M&A counsel.

Originally presented: May 2019 Technology Law Conference

J. Robert Suffoletta, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, P.C. - West Lake Hills, TX
J. Matthew Lyons, Shearman & Sterling, LLP - Austin, TX
Keith E. Witek, SiFive, Inc. - Austin, TX

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9. The Use of Data Analytics In Employment Decision-Making (Jun 2019)

Jason Boulette

0.75 0.75 0.00
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44 mins
43 mins
23 pgs
Session 9 —44 mins
The Use of Data Analytics In Employment Decision-Making (Jun 2019)

Explore the growing role of data analytics in traditional employment decision-making, the use of wearable and implantable technology to capture employee data, and the legal risks associated with same. The effects of real-time performance metrics and hyper-transparency on employee feedback models will also be discussed. 

Originally presented: May 2019 Technology Law Conference

Jason Boulette, Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P. - Austin, TX

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10. California and Other Privacy Law Developments in the Wake of GDPR (Jun 2019)

Jessica Cassidy Katz, Devika Kornbacher, Sooji Seo

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61 mins
60 mins
17 pgs
Session 10 —61 mins
California and Other Privacy Law Developments in the Wake of GDPR (Jun 2019)

Review upcoming California Consumer Privacy Act requirements for covered businesses, discuss operational trade-offs in charting a compliance pathway for privacy, and discuss emerging privacy regimes both here in the US and internationally.

Originally presented: May 2019 Technology Law Conference

Jessica Cassidy Katz, Whole Foods Market - Austin, TX
Devika Kornbacher, Vinson & Elkins LLP - Houston, TX
Sooji Seo, Dell - Round Rock, TX

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11. Global Trade Issues (Jun 2019)

David R. Johnson

0.75 0.00 0.00
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44 mins
44 mins
12 pgs
19 pgs
Session 11 —44 mins
Global Trade Issues (Jun 2019)

An overview of relevant U.S. export controls and economic sanctions laws and regulations focused for lawyers working with technology companies. The presentation will cover international sales issues, implications with respect to non-U.S. employees and considerations in mergers and acquisitions.

Originally presented: May 2019 Technology Law Conference

David R. Johnson, Vinson & Elkins LLP - Washington, DC

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12. The TCPA: Still “Crazy” After All These (Seven) Years (Jun 2019)

Hon. Scott K. Field, Shannon Hutcheson, Hon. Lee Yeakel

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46 mins
46 mins
30 pgs
Session 12 —46 mins
The TCPA: Still “Crazy” After All These (Seven) Years (Jun 2019)

The Texas Citizen’s Participation Act (TCPA) is the latest mechanism that is being used to dismiss all kinds of lawsuits, including cases involving theft of trade secrets and violations of non-competition and non-solicitation agreements.  And, these dismissals often come with a hefty attorneys’ fee award for the other side. Discuss the background of the TCPA, review recent caselaw developments in both state and federal courts, and consider the TCPA’s impact on commercial litigation in the future.

Originally presented: May 2019 Technology Law Conference

Hon. Scott K. Field, Butler Snow, LLP (Fmr. Justice, Third Court of Appeals) - Austin, TX
Shannon Hutcheson, Hutcheson | Bowers LLLP - Austin, TX
Hon. Lee Yeakel, U.S. District Court, Western District of Texas - Austin, TX

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13. Trade Secret Law: For Software IP Protections (Jun 2019)

Danielle Joy "DJ" Healey

0.75 0.00 0.00
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49 mins
49 mins
14 pgs
Session 13 —49 mins
Trade Secret Law: For Software IP Protections (Jun 2019)

Trade Secret law can be a potent weapon for protection of software. Recent cases such as Epic v. Tata, Waymo v. Uber, and Amrock v. HouseCanary have illustrated how powerful a strong contract clause can be in preventing, and providing remedies for, misappropriation of software inventions. Discover how to maximize trade secret protection for software.

Originally presented: May 2019 Technology Law Conference

Danielle Joy "DJ" Healey, Fish & Richardson P.C. - Houston, TX

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14. Convergence of Media, Entertainment, & Technology: Virtual & Augmented Reality (Jun 2019)

Tammy Brandt, Courtney S. York

0.50 0.00 0.00
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36 mins
36 mins
6 pgs
Session 14 —36 mins
Convergence of Media, Entertainment, & Technology: Virtual & Augmented Reality (Jun 2019)

The media, entertainment and technology industries are converging, resulting in a dynamic environment for providers and consumers. Explore the legal considerations arising in connection with this convergence in the context of virtual and augmented reality content and technology. 

Originally presented: May 2019 Technology Law Conference

Tammy Brandt, Dreamscape Immersive - Culver City, CA
Courtney S. York, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP - Dallas, TX

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15. Cybersecurity Compliance Trends in 2019 - Why be concerned? (Jun 2019)

James E. Elliott, Ryan Lobato, Ryan T. Sulkin

0.75 0.25 0.00
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46 mins
45 mins
17 pgs
36 pgs
Session 15 —46 mins
Cybersecurity Compliance Trends in 2019 - Why be concerned? (Jun 2019)

Over the last six months and into the next six months of this current Congress, there has been an increase in federal and state legislative activity surrounding consumer data privacy and protection. Meanwhile, the FTC has been busy in the background, testifying before house and senate subcommittees, to ask for more enforcement authority and the right to impose civil penalties. Whether all 50 states enact a consumer data privacy law or whether the federal government does so - and preempts them all - ultimately the FTC will likely remain the primary enforcement agency.  Learn, from experts, about some basic steps that all in-house counsel can start taking to make their compliance program ready. Also discuss the most pressing developments from the perspective of legal risk and how to mitigate it. And, you will learn key takeaways for how to operationalize the new requirements to meet business objectives.

Originally presented: May 2019 Technology Law Conference

James E. Elliott, Federal Trade Commission - Dallas, TX
Ryan Lobato, Exxon Mobil Corp. - Houston, TX
Ryan T. Sulkin, Michael Best & Freidrich LLP - Chicago, IL

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16. Risk Allocation in Technology and Commercial Transactions (Jun 2019)

Bart W. Huffman, Bert G. Kaminski

1.00 0.50 0.00
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61 mins
61 mins
7 pgs
Session 16 —61 mins
Risk Allocation in Technology and Commercial Transactions (Jun 2019)

Discuss categories of risk (including commercial, performance, legal compliance, and cyber) for technology contracts. Hear the speakers draw from their experience to provide guidance and practice tips on the assessment and allocation of risk in limitations-of-liability, indemnities, and various other contractual provisions, as well as some related considerations regarding insurance requirements. Also touch on self-help measures and internal process implications, and hear a high-level discussion of specific data and information systems risk implications under the PCI standards, HIPAA, NERC CIP, the California Privacy Protection Act, and the GDPR.

Originally presented: May 2019 Technology Law Conference

Bart W. Huffman, Reed Smith LLP - Houston, TX
Bert G. Kaminski, ServiceMax Inc. - Pleasanton, CA

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17. Telehealth and Innovations in Technology (Jun 2019)

Lisa Clark, Mellie Price, Julian L. Rivera

0.75 0.25 0.00
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46 mins
46 mins
1 pgs
11 pgs
Session 17 —46 mins
Telehealth and Innovations in Technology (Jun 2019)

Explore how digital tools and innovations in technology are changing the traditional ways of delivering healthcare services. Hear a discussion on the innovations and uses of digital and mobile apps, the benefits and risks of their use, cybersecurity and other operational issues including approaches for evaluation, selection, and testing of new technologies.

Originally presented: May 2019 Technology Law Conference

Lisa Clark, Duane Morris LLP - Philadelphia, PA
Mellie Price, Dell Medical School at The University of Texas - Austin, TX
Julian L. Rivera, Husch Blackwell LLP - Austin, TX