Border Searches of Cell Phones and Computers
Contains material from Feb 2019
very good.
Well done. Audio can be weak based on what speaker is talking
Awesome stuff. But in immigration law, one is regarded as merely knocking on the door and has not entered the U.S. at the port of entry and therefore, Constitutional protections do not extend beyond the borders of the U.S.
it would have been nice for a prosecutor or defense attorney to give the discussion
Technical Questions?
Includes: Video Paper
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Pierre Grosdidier
Session 1 —47 mins
Border Searches of Cell Phones and Computers (Feb 2019)
As unsettling as they are, digital border searches are legal. Delete your client files from your devices if you want to avoid delays occasioned by a search.
Originally presented: Feb 2019 Border Searches of Cell Phones and Computers
Pierre Grosdidier,
Haynes and Boone, LLP - Houston, TX