eSupplement to the 2019 Car Crash Seminar
Contains material from Aug 2016 to Dec 2018
Excellent presentations on a wide range of topics. However, the presentation on ‘Virtual Law Firms’ has raised a question regarding the ‘passive revenue stream’. I am recalling concerns involving referral fees.
Technical Questions?
Session 2: Getting from Internet to Evidence - Social media can be a goldmine in certain cases, if you can discover relevant data and get it into evidence. Learn ethical methods of eDiscovery related to social media, the nuts and bolts of admitting social media data into evidence, and strategies for using that evidence on both liability and damages claims.
Session 3: eDiscovery for Every Case – Even the Small Ones! - From the largest class actions to small individual claims, almost all litigation matters touch on some form of electronic discovery. Learn about key issues related to preservation, collection, processing, and review of electronically stored evidence, along with some of the latest tools and technology that can help you make the most of your time and resources regardless of case size.
Session 4: Authentication of Electronic Evidence - Learn how to authenticate electronic evidence without having to rely on an expert.
Session 5: How Can We Persuade in Polarized Times? - As Americans increasingly rely on information only from sources with which they agree, and the internet increasingly becomes the answer for any question, lawyers need to re-think how they view their jury and how it receives information. Hear global thoughts from several modern sources on creating a tribe in your jury for any case.
Session 6: Virtual Law Firms: Is It An Option For You? - What is a virtual law firm? What does it mean? Why does this law firm business model make a lot of sense for lawyers and clients in today’s legal environment?
Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides
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Charlotte H. Smith
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Session 1 —33 mins
Spinal Complications of Car Crashes: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, and The Confusing (Aug 2018)
Review common injuries of the spine caused by motor vehicle collisions, including current and appropriate acute assessment and treatment, as well as rehabilitation strategies and long-term considerations and challenges.
Originally presented: Aug 2018 The Car Crash Seminar
Charlotte H. Smith, M.D.,
Physician Life Care Planning - Austin, TX
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Jason Boulette
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Session 2 —30 mins
Getting from Internet to Evidence (Aug 2016)
Social media can be a goldmine in certain cases, if you can discover relevant data and get it into evidence. Learn ethical methods of eDiscovery related to social media, the nuts and bolts of admitting social media data into evidence, and strategies for using that evidence on both liability and damages claims.
Originally presented: Jul 2016 The Car Crash Seminar
Jason Boulette,
Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P. - Austin, TX
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Rachel Ratcliff
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Session 3 —43 mins
eDiscovery for Every Case – Even the Small Ones! (Dec 2018)
From the largest class actions to small individual claims, almost all litigation matters touch on some form of electronic discovery. Learn about key issues related to preservation, collection, processing, and review of electronically stored evidence, along with some of the latest tools and technology that can help you make the most of your time and resources regardless of case size.
Originally presented: Nov 2018 Civil Litigation Conference
Rachel Ratcliff,
Stroz Friedberg - Dallas, TX
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Pierre Grosdidier
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Session 4 —53 mins
Authentication of Electronic Evidence (May 2018)
Learn how to authenticate electronic evidence without having to rely on an expert.
Originally presented: May 2018 Authentication of Electronic Evidence
Pierre Grosdidier,
Haynes and Boone, LLP - Houston, TX
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Jim M. Perdue Jr.
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Session 5 —47 mins
How Can We Persuade in Polarized Times? (Dec 2018)
As Americans increasingly rely on information only from sources with which they agree, and the internet increasingly becomes the answer for any question, lawyers need to re-think how they view their jury and how it receives information. Hear global thoughts from several modern sources on creating a tribe in your jury for any case.
Originally presented: Nov 2018 Civil Litigation Conference
Jim M. Perdue Jr.,
Perdue & Kidd - Houston, TX
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Wei Wei Jeang
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Session 6 —28 mins
Virtual Law Firms: Is It An Option For You? (Mar 2018)
What is a virtual law firm? What does it mean? Why does this law firm business model make a lot of sense for lawyers and clients in today’s legal environment?
Originally presented: Feb 2018 Managing Your Success: Practice Management at the Next Level
Wei Wei Jeang,
Grable Martin Fulton PLLC - Dallas, TX