eSupplement to the 29th Annual Conference on State and Federal Appeals
Contains material from Feb 2018 to May 2019
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Session 2: 12 Techniques for Sentence-Level Concision - If all you need is brevity, you can simply cut a section, an argument, or a paragraph. But if you need that content, then you want concision. Concision results from many small edits that add up, and this session offers 12 techniques to improve concision.
Session 3: Copyrighting My Style - In March 2017, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that certain articles of clothing can obtain copyright protection. This was the Varsity case. This ruling seems at odds with the previous laws of the land in which utility articles, like clothing, could not get copyright protection. Join us as we discuss the impact of Varsity in areas such as fashion, cosplay, and daily wear clothing items.
Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides
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Rocky Dhir
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Part 2 – 18 pgs
Part 3 – 4 pgs
Session 1 —61 mins
Outsourcing Legal Work (Jun 2018)
What kinds of legal services can you outsource? How do you go about it and how do you effectively protect client confidences when you do? This presentation explores three areas: core legal services (legal research, deposition summaries, drafting, etc.), support services (bookkeeping, website development, HR, etc.) and ancillary services (tenant representatives, retirement plan implementation, or other professional services for one-off-projects).
Originally presented: Jun 2018 Outsourcing Legal Work
Rocky Dhir,
Atlas Legal Research, LP - Irving, TX
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Wayne Schiess
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Session 2 —42 mins
12 Techniques for Sentence-Level Concision (May 2019)
If all you need is brevity, you can simply cut a section, an argument, or a paragraph. But if you need that content, then you want concision. Concision results from many small edits that add up, and this session offers 12 techniques to improve concision.
Originally presented: May 2019 Conference on Criminal Appeals
Wayne Schiess,
The University of Texas School of Law - Austin, TX
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Ira P. Domnitz
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Session 3 —31 mins
Copyrighting My Style (Feb 2018)
In March 2017, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that certain articles of clothing can obtain copyright protection. This was the Varsity case. This ruling seems at odds with the previous laws of the land in which utility articles, like clothing, could not get copyright protection. Join us as we discuss the impact of Varsity in areas such as fashion, cosplay, and daily wear clothing items.
Originally presented: Feb 2018 Copyright and IP for Comic Conventions
Ira P. Domnitz,
Ewing & Jones, PLLC - Houston, TX