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Practice Tips and Challenges for the Consumer Bankruptcy Practitioner

Contains material from Aug 2019

Practice Tips and Challenges for the Consumer Bankruptcy Practitioner
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Session 1: When the Debtor Defaults on a Plan Survey the options to overcome Default on a Plan, including Motions to Dismiss, Modifications, Hardship Discharges, and other alternatives.
Session 2: ​Beast of Burden Take a closer look at burdens of proof, production, and presumptions in the Bankruptcy Code. Also, listen to a discussion about the role of evidence in bankruptcy, including direct and cross-examination and the effective use of proffers.
Session 3: Data Mining: Uses and Abuses in Bankruptcy Cases Explore how information gathered from social media and other technology platforms can complicate a bankruptcy case.
Session 4: Dirt for Debt Get information on the process of transferring real property Pre- and Post-Confirmation in a Chapter 13 case.

Session 5: Important Old Cases Review old(er) cases of fundamental and/or practical significance that should be kept in every bankruptcy attorney's toolbox.

Includes: Audio Paper Slides

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1. When the Debtor Defaults on a Plan (Aug 2019)

Marcos D. Oliva, Cristina Rodriguez

0.50 0.00 0.00
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31 mins
18 pgs
Session 1 —31 mins
When the Debtor Defaults on a Plan (Aug 2019)

Survey the options to overcome Default on a Plan, including Motions to Dismiss, Modifications, Hardship Discharges, and other alternatives.

Originally presented: Jul 2019 Consumer Bankruptcy Practice

Marcos D. Oliva, Oliva Law - McAllen, TX
Cristina Rodriguez, Keeling Law Firm - Houston, TX

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2. Beast of Burden (Aug 2019)

Hon. H. DeWayne "Cooter" Hale, Emma Persson

0.75 0.00 0.00
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42 mins
17 pgs
8 pgs
Session 2 —42 mins
Beast of Burden (Aug 2019)

Take a closer look at burdens of proof, production, and presumptions in the Bankruptcy Code. Also, discuss the role of evidence in bankruptcy, including direct and cross-examination and the effective use of proffers.

Originally presented: Jul 2019 Consumer Bankruptcy Practice

Hon. H. DeWayne "Cooter" Hale, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Texas - Dallas, TX
Emma Persson, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Texas - Dallas, TX

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3. Data Mining: Uses and Abuses in Bankruptcy Cases (Aug 2019)

Michael V. Baumer, Behrooz P. Vida

0.75 0.25 0.00
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42 mins
10 pgs
Session 3 —42 mins
Data Mining: Uses and Abuses in Bankruptcy Cases (Aug 2019)

Explore how information gathered from social media and other technology platforms can complicate a bankruptcy case.

Originally presented: Jul 2019 Consumer Bankruptcy Practice

Michael V. Baumer, Law Office of Michael Baumer - Austin, TX
Behrooz P. Vida, The Vida Law Firm - Bedford, TX

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4. Dirt for Debt (Aug 2019)

Marquise Bryant, Hon. Jeffrey P. Norman

0.50 0.00 0.00
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30 mins
7 pgs
Session 4 —30 mins
Dirt for Debt (Aug 2019)

Get information on the process of transferring real property Pre- and Post-Confirmation in a Chapter 13 case.

Originally presented: Jul 2019 Consumer Bankruptcy Practice

Marquise Bryant, Attorney at Law - Houston, TX
Hon. Jeffrey P. Norman, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of Texas - Houston, TX

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5. Important Old Cases (Aug 2019)

Chris Manuel López, Hon. Edward L. Morris, Hon. Brenda T. Rhoades

0.75 0.00 0.00
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45 mins
8 pgs
Session 5 —45 mins
Important Old Cases (Aug 2019)

Review old(er) cases of fundamental and/or practical significance that should be kept in every bankruptcy attorney's toolbox.

Originally presented: Jul 2019 Consumer Bankruptcy Practice

Chris Manuel López, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP - Houston, TX
Hon. Edward L. Morris, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Texas - Dallas, TX
Hon. Brenda T. Rhoades, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of Texas - Plano, TX