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Dos and Don'ts of Discovery in Texas Civil Proceedings

Contains material from Nov 2019
Dos and Don'ts of Discovery in Texas Civil Proceedings
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1. Nuts and Bolts of Discovery (Nov 2019)

Robert K. Wise, Kennon L. Wooten

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60 mins
31 pgs
Session 1 —60 mins
Nuts and Bolts of Discovery (Nov 2019)

Cover tips and traps relating to seeking and resisting discovery in litigation pending in Texas state courts. Focus on the Texas discovery rules and cover both written discovery and depositions.

Originally presented: Oct 2019 Do's and Don'ts of Discovery in Texas Civil Proceedings

Robert K. Wise, Lillard Wise Szygenda PLLC - Dallas, TX
Kennon L. Wooten, Scott Douglass & McConnico LLP - Austin, TX