Hooked on CLE: November 2019
Contains material from Mar 2019 to Sep 2019
The Speakers were all well prepared and well versed in their areas of practice. The topics were wide ranging and interesting. The presentations focused significantly on application in practice and not solely on intellectual analysis. This was much appreciated.
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Michael J. Golden
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Session 1 —44 mins
The Gig Economy: Don’t Call It a Comeback (Jun 2019)
Revisit the rapidly evolving gig economy and take a tour through the myriad approaches courts and agencies have adopted, tested, and abandoned in their collective attempt to understand and classify the growing number of digital platform providers that now enable service providers to connect directly with end-users. Examine the limitations of the binary employee/contractor classification system, the promises and pitfalls of a proposed hybrid “gig” worker classification, and the competing federal, state, and local efforts to find the right balance between entrepreneurial enablement and service provider protection.
Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference
Michael J. Golden,
Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P. - Austin, TX
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Erreka Campbell, Skyla R. Johnson, Nate St. Clair
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Session 2 —58 mins
Ethical Issues Presented by Changing Technology (Aug 2019)
Increasingly technology is integrated into the practice of law. Examine lawyers' current ethical responsibility in relation to the use of technology and how such responsibility may change as technological advances, like artificial intelligence, become more commonplace in the practice of law.
Originally presented: Jul 2019 LLCs, LPs and Partnerships
Erreka Campbell,
WeWork - Dallas, TX
Skyla R. Johnson,
HSB Solomon Associates, LLC - Dallas, TX
Nate St. Clair,
Jackson Walker LLP - Dallas, TX
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Ryan D. McConnell, Meagan Baker, Brent McDaniel, Krissy Turner
Session 3 —74 mins
Conducting a Risk Assessment (Jul 2019)
Following the DOJ’s 2019 guidance on the evaluation of corporate compliance programs, what's changed? How do you ensure your process is effective? And what are the key steps and best practices for an effective risk assessment process?
Originally presented: Jul 2019 Conducting a Risk Assessment
Ryan D. McConnell,
R. McConnell Group PLLC - Houston, TX
Meagan Baker,
R. McConnell Group PLLC - Houston, TX
Brent McDaniel,
KPMG LLP - Dallas, TX
Krissy Turner,
Xandr, an AT&T company - New York, NY
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John C. (Jack) Zinda, Melinda Wetzel
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Session 4 —27 mins
Insurance and Rideshare Litigation (Sep 2019)
Hear an overview of the law surrounding rideshare insurance and accompanying litigation, common issues encountered when taking on the various types of rideshare cases, and practical tips regarding how to best try these cases from sign-up to resolution.
Originally presented: Aug 2019 Car Crash Seminar
John C. (Jack) Zinda,
Zinda Law Group, PLLC - Austin, TX
Melinda Wetzel,
Zinda Law Group, PLLC - Austin, TX
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Amy Magee
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Session 5 —32 mins
Community Colleges (Mar 2019)
Texas community colleges are an integral component of the state’s education system. Learn about community colleges, the students they serve, the programs they offer, and select legal issues they face.
Originally presented: Feb 2019 School Law Conference
Amy Magee,
Texas Association of School Boards - Austin, TX