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Gas and Power Trading Documents and Transactions

Contains material from Oct 2019

Gas and Power Trading Documents and Transactions
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Session 1: Key Documents 101 Get a basic overview and comparison of the essential gas and power transaction documents commonly used in the industry – the EEI, ISDA, NAESB and WSPP.  Learn the background of these documents and when they are used, then delve into the important differences and similarities between them.

Session 2: The Market’s Recent Evolution to Simplifying Power and Gas Transactions The North American Energy Markets Association (NAEMA) and the International Energy Credit Association (IECA) have launched a new Power and Gas Master Agreement that streamlines the transaction process and allows parties to transact on a faster, more cost effective basis. Hear an overview of the new agreement and how it removes hurdles that have historically impeded energy transactions.

Session 3: Retail Electric Supply Agreements: How Companies Meet Their Power Supply Needs in the Texas Market Examine the commercial, regulatory, and legal considerations that shape the power supply arrangements of large customers. Focus on the nuts and bolts of retail supply agreements, common issues and pitfalls, and how customers are using them to meet corporate sustainability goals.

Session 4: Heat Rate Call Options An introduction to the use, risks, and key terms of heat rate call options, and a comparison with other hedge products for gas-fired generators.

Session 5: ​Transaction Liability Insurance: A Strategic Approach to Managing Deal Risk The use of transaction-focused insurance capital continues to be an important tool to facilitate cleaner exits for sellers, while providing buyers with robust and comprehensive protection for post-closing losses related to liabilities associated with a transaction. Listen to a discussion about the latest market trends with respect to energy M&A, including recent developments in the gas and power industries.

Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides

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1. Key Documents 101 (Oct 2019)

Craig R. Enochs

0.75 0.25 0.00
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43 mins
43 mins
17 pgs
24 pgs
Session 1 —43 mins
Key Documents 101 (Oct 2019)

Get a basic overview and comparison of the essential gas and power transaction documents commonly used in the industry – the EEI, ISDA, NAESB and WSPP.  Briefly discuss the background of these documents and when they are used, then delve into the important differences and similarities between them.

Originally presented: Sep 2019 Gas and Power Institute

Craig R. Enochs, Reed Smith LLP - Houston, TX

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2. The Market’s Recent Evolution to Simplifying Power and Gas Transactions (Oct 2019)

K.C. Hairston

0.50 0.00 0.00
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28 mins
28 mins
59 pgs
3 pgs
Session 2 —28 mins
The Market’s Recent Evolution to Simplifying Power and Gas Transactions (Oct 2019)

The North American Energy Markets Association (NAEMA) and the International Energy Credit Association (IECA) have launched a new Power and Gas Master Agreement that streamlines the transaction process and allows parties to transact on a faster, more cost effective basis. Hear an overview of the new agreement and how it removes hurdles that have historically impeded energy transactions.  

Originally presented: Sep 2019 Gas and Power Institute

K.C. Hairston, Balch & Bingham LLP - Birmingham, AL

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3. Retail Electric Supply Agreements: How Companies Meet Their Power Supply Needs in the Texas Market (Oct 2019)

Meghan Elaine Griffiths

0.50 0.00 0.00
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28 mins
28 mins
8 pgs
Session 3 —28 mins
Retail Electric Supply Agreements: How Companies Meet Their Power Supply Needs in the Texas Market (Oct 2019)

Examine the commercial, regulatory, and legal considerations that shape the power supply arrangements of large customers. Focus on the nuts and bolts of retail supply agreements, common issues and pitfalls, and how customers are using them to meet corporate sustainability goals.

Originally presented: Sep 2019 Gas and Power Institute

Meghan Elaine Griffiths, Jackson Walker LLP - Austin, TX

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4. Heat Rate Call Options (Oct 2019)

Philip Carey

0.50 0.00 0.00
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28 mins
28 mins
5 pgs
Session 4 —28 mins
Heat Rate Call Options (Oct 2019)

An introduction to the use, risks, and key terms of heat rate call options, and a comparison with other hedge products for gas-fired generators.

Originally presented: Sep 2019 Gas and Power Institute

Philip Carey, Merrill Lynch Commodities, Inc. - Houston, TX

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5. Transaction Liability Insurance: A Strategic Approach to Managing Deal Risk (Oct 2019)

Matthew B. Wiener

0.50 0.00 0.00
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32 mins
32 mins
17 pgs
Session 5 —32 mins
Transaction Liability Insurance: A Strategic Approach to Managing Deal Risk (Oct 2019)

The use of transaction-focused insurance capital continues to be an important tool to facilitate cleaner exits for sellers, while providing buyers with robust and comprehensive protection for post-closing losses related to liabilities associated with a transaction. Discuss the latest market trends with respect to energy M&A, including recent developments in the gas and power industries.

Originally presented: Sep 2019 Gas and Power Institute

Matthew B. Wiener, Aon - Houston, TX