Doing Business in Europe: Essential Considerations and Potential Pitfalls
Contains material from Nov 2019
Great Overview
Possibly it was overlooked but the presenters' powerpoints (except for the first, introductory half-hour session) were not posted. Supplemental materials would have been nice too. You did find presenters who spoke well and seemed quite knowledgeable and experienced.
Technical Questions?
- Key factors to consider when selecting a base for your EU operations
- EU market entry and how best to achieve this
- Entity choice and formation considerations
- Key EU corporate compliance obligations, including account filing requirements and beneficial ownership disclosure obligations
- The new EU Regulation on the Screening of Foreign Direct Investments in the EU
- statutory protective leave
- working time requirements
- employee discrimination laws
- employee rights on termination
- employee rights arising in the context of corporate transactions
- trade union representation.
Session 3: E-Commerce and Consumer Protection Regulation in the EU - Hear an introduction to each of the key regulations that businesses will need to comply with when selling online to consumers in the EU, with a focus on:
- website requirements
- online sales
- consumer contracts
- consumer remedies and enforcement
- Ireland as a data global stage, and the landscape of U.S. and EU data regulation.
- international data transfers, recent legal challenges to lawful transfer mechanisms, and the impact of Brexit.
- enforcement activity with a look at the fines issued by EU Supervisory Authorities.
- civil actions including the rights of individuals to seek compensation for data protection breaches and the potential for class actions.
- data breach notifications and the obligation to notify individuals and Supervisory Authorities of a breach.
- the one stop shop mechanism providing for the selection of a lead supervisory authority.
- trade marks
- designs
- copyright
- patents
Includes: Video Slides
Preview Sessions
Show session details
Gina Conheady
Session 1 —32 mins
Establishing EU Operations (Nov 2019)
An introduction with a high-level overview of some key legal issues for US companies to consider when expanding into Europe for the first time. This session covers:
- Key factors to consider when selecting a base for your EU operations
- EU market entry and how best to achieve this
- Entity choice and formation considerations
- Key EU corporate compliance obligations, including account filing requirements and beneficial ownership disclosure obligations
- The new EU Regulation on the Screening of Foreign Direct Investments in the EU
Originally presented: Nov 2019 Doing Business in Europe: Essential Considerations and Potential Pitfalls
Gina Conheady,
A&L Goodbody - San Francisco, CA
Show session details
Ciaran Ahern, Michael Doyle, Bríd Nic Suibhne
Session 2 —57 mins
Employment and Immigration Law Considerations for U.S. Companies Doing Business in the EU (Nov 2019)
Understand the key features of EU labor law, with a specific focus on recruiting, retaining, and terminating employees. Hear insights and key takeaways from an employment law perspective for U.S. employers interested in employing personnel in the EU, touching on the following:
- statutory protective leave
- working time requirements
- employee discrimination laws
- employee rights on termination
- employee rights arising in the context of corporate transactions
- trade union representation.
Originally presented: Nov 2019 Doing Business in Europe: Essential Considerations and Potential Pitfalls
Ciaran Ahern,
A&L Goodbody - Dublin, Ireland
Michael Doyle,
A&L Goodbody - Dublin, Ireland
Bríd Nic Suibhne,
A&L Goodbody - Dublin, Ireland
Show session details
Tom Harding, Elliott Prentiss
Session 3 —43 mins
E-Commerce and Consumer Protection Regulation in the EU (Nov 2019)
Hear an introduction to each of the key regulations that businesses will need to comply with when selling online to consumers in the EU, with a focus on:
- website requirements
- online sales
- consumer contracts
- consumer remedies and enforcement
Originally presented: Nov 2019 Doing Business in Europe: Essential Considerations and Potential Pitfalls
Tom Harding,
Osborne ClarkeUnited Kingdom
Elliott Prentiss,
Osborne ClarkeUnited Kingdom
Show session details
Andrea Lawler, John Whelan
Session 4 —42 mins
Regulation of Data in the EU (Nov 2019)
Get a big picture overview of data regulation in the EU covering, in particular, significant legal developments and hot topics including:
- Ireland as a data global stage, and the landscape of U.S. and EU data regulation.
- international data transfers, recent legal challenges to lawful transfer mechanisms, and the impact of Brexit.
- enforcement activity with a look at the fines issued by EU Supervisory Authorities.
- civil actions including the rights of individuals to seek compensation for data protection breaches and the potential for class actions.
- data breach notifications and the obligation to notify individuals and Supervisory Authorities of a breach.
- the one stop shop mechanism providing for the selection of a lead supervisory authority.
Originally presented: Nov 2019 Doing Business in Europe: Essential Considerations and Potential Pitfalls
Andrea Lawler,
A&L Goodbody - Dublin, Ireland
John Whelan,
A&L Goodbody - Dublin, Ireland
Show session details
Richard May
Session 5 —41 mins
Intellectual Property Rights and Strategies for Protection in Europe (Nov 2019)
Hear an introduction to each of the key intellectual property rights that are available to businesses, and strategies for their protection in the EU, including:
- trade marks
- designs
- copyright
- patents
Originally presented: Nov 2019 Doing Business in Europe: Essential Considerations and Potential Pitfalls
Richard May,
Osborne ClarkeUnited Kingdom
Show session details
Laura Kennedy, Richard Marron
Session 6 —38 mins
M&A in the EU: What U.S. Businesses Need to Know (Nov 2019)
Examine the current public and private M&A market in the EU, with an explanation of common deal structures and what drives them, as well as key terms of typical M&A transactions in the EU. Discuss recent M&A market trends, highlighting some of the key differences in deal-making in the U.S. and the EU.
Originally presented: Nov 2019 Doing Business in Europe: Essential Considerations and Potential Pitfalls
Laura Kennedy,
A&L Goodbody - Dublin, Ireland
Richard Marron,
A&L Goodbody - Dublin, Ireland