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Hooked on CLE: January 2020

Contains material from Jun 2019 to Nov 2019
Hooked on CLE: January 2020
3.99 out of 5 stars
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I don’t practice in these areas. However programs #1, #2, #3 and #6 were particularly well presented and interesting.



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THIS MONTH: Do's and Don'ts of Discovery in Texas Civil Proceedings • What’s Going on at the Southern Border: Immigrants’ Rights Issues in Texas • Indeliberate Practice: How the Business of Law Will Make You Mediocre (If You Let It) • Employee Mental Health Accommodations: Tips for Success in Managing Stigma and Stress • Financial Powers of Attorney: Do You Want Fries With That Will? • Pro Bono Collaborations with Outside Counsel: The New Networking

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1. Do's and Don'ts of Discovery in Texas Civil Proceedings (Nov 2019)

Robert K. Wise, Kennon L. Wooten

1.00 0.00 0.00
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60 mins
31 pgs
Session 1 —60 mins
Do's and Don'ts of Discovery in Texas Civil Proceedings (Nov 2019)

Cover tips and traps relating to seeking and resisting discovery in litigation pending in Texas state courts. Focus on the Texas discovery rules and cover both written discovery and depositions.

Originally presented: Oct 2019 Do's and Don'ts of Discovery in Texas Civil Proceedings

Robert K. Wise, Lillard Wise Szygenda PLLC - Dallas, TX
Kennon L. Wooten, Scott Douglass & McConnico LLP - Austin, TX

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2. What’s Going on at the Southern Border: Immigrants’ Rights Issues in Texas (Nov 2019)

Fatima Menendez

0.75 0.00 0.00
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41 mins
41 mins
12 pgs
Session 2 —41 mins
What’s Going on at the Southern Border: Immigrants’ Rights Issues in Texas (Nov 2019)

Explore immigration-related issues throughout Texas, including family separation, immigrant detention and state legislation affecting immigrants. 

Originally presented: Oct 2019 Conference on Immigration and Nationality Law

Fatima Menendez, Mexican American Legal Defense & Educational Fund - San Antonio, TX

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3. Indeliberate Practice: How the Business of Law Will Make You Mediocre (If You Let It) (Jul 2019)

Kendall M. Gray

0.50 0.50 0.00
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28 mins
27 mins
30 pgs
Session 3 —28 mins
Indeliberate Practice: How the Business of Law Will Make You Mediocre (If You Let It) (Jul 2019)

Tom Brady, Yo-Yo Ma, Atul Gawande, and all master performers have one ingredient in common, but it is an ingredient that the business of law does not pay for and often does not value. Learn to identify this ingredient and actively fight against stagnation, automaticity, and mediocrity. 

Originally presented: Jun 2019 Conference on State and Federal Appeals

Kendall M. Gray, Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP - Houston, TX

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4. Employee Mental Health Accommodations: Tips for Success in Managing Stigma and Stress (Jun 2019)

Susan Motley

0.50 0.00 0.00
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33 mins
33 mins
19 pgs
5 pgs
Session 4 —33 mins
Employee Mental Health Accommodations: Tips for Success in Managing Stigma and Stress (Jun 2019)

Does the topic alone kill your confidence or increase your own stress level? Hear practical tips and strengthen your skills in spotting and responding to such issues in compliance with the ADA and FMLA.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Susan Motley, Wood Weatherly Trial Law - Denton, TX

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5. Financial Powers of Attorney: Do You Want Fries With That Will? (Aug 2019)

Dianne Reis

0.75 0.00 0.00
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39 mins
38 mins
19 pgs
10 pgs
Session 5 —39 mins
Financial Powers of Attorney: Do You Want Fries With That Will? (Aug 2019)

Drafting a statutory durable power of attorney used to be simple: You ask a couple questions, zap out the form, and bring it to the will signing ceremony with all the other documents. But these days we have to discuss compensation, co-agents, and hot powers. Even the location of the signing matters now. Can we design a form that works for all clients?

Originally presented: Aug 2019 Estate Planning, Guardianship and Elder Law Conference

Dianne Reis, Attorney at Law - Plano, TX

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6. Pro Bono Collaborations with Outside Counsel: The New Networking (Oct 2019)

Michael Hofrichter

0.50 0.50 0.00
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32 mins
31 mins
2 pgs
1 pgs
10 pgs
Session 6 —32 mins
Pro Bono Collaborations with Outside Counsel: The New Networking (Oct 2019)

With both in-house counsel and outside firms wanting to give back to their communities and to develop their relationships with each other, pro bono truly is the new networking. Learn how in-house counsel and outside firms can collaborate, including best practices and overcoming fears of lack of subject-matter knowledge, on pro bono projects from legal advice clinics to direct representation, and how these collaborations help bridge the “justice gap.”

Originally presented: Sep 2019 Gas and Power Institute

Michael Hofrichter, Houston Volunteer Lawyers - Houston, TX