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Hooked on CLE: April 2020

Contains material from Jun 2019 to Feb 2020
Hooked on CLE: April 2020
4.12 out of 5 stars
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I appreciated the theme variation of these courses and the cost!!! Thank you for making them available. There are certainly valuable for general knowledge and practice.

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THIS MONTH: #Blessed: Using Social Media in Trial • What I Learned About Writing Briefs From Writing Country Songs • The Law of Loan Sharks • Legal Malpractice Update • Cybersecurity Insurance • C-Suite Investigations: An Experience To (or Not To) Forget

Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides

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1. #Blessed: Using Social Media in Trial  (Jan 2020)

Tim Williams

0.50 0.50 0.00
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35 mins
34 mins
17 pgs
Session 1 —35 mins
#Blessed: Using Social Media in Trial  (Jan 2020)

Review effective and ethical use of social media during trial.  

Originally presented: Nov 2019 Civil Litigation Conference

Tim Williams, Sprouse Shrader Smith PLLC - Amarillo, TX

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2. Write Your Brief Like a Country Song: The Universal Rules of Effective Communication (Feb 2020)

Richard M. Hunt

1.00 0.00 0.00
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59 mins
16 pgs
19 pgs
Session 2 —59 mins
Write Your Brief Like a Country Song: The Universal Rules of Effective Communication (Feb 2020)

A great country song tells a compelling story in a way that makes you want listen to whole thing. A brief should do the same. Richard Hunt, an attorney with 37 years of experience writing briefs, shares the new perspective on brief writing he gained when he started writing country music.

Originally presented: Jan 2020 Write Your Brief Like a Country Song: The Universal Rules of Effective Communication

Richard M. Hunt, Hunt | Huey PLLC - Dallas, TX

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3. The Law of Loan Sharks (Dec 2019)

Anne Fleming

0.50 0.00 0.00
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30 mins
30 mins
7 pgs
Session 3 —30 mins
The Law of Loan Sharks (Dec 2019)

In 1912, the Chicago Tribune newspaper observed: “It is easy to condemn the loan shark evil but hard to correct it" because wage workers "now and then, must have money.” Trace how recurring campaigns against loan sharking shaped the small-dollar lending industry and its regulation over the past century.

Originally presented: Nov 2019 Bankruptcy Conference

Anne Fleming, Georgetown Law - Washington, DC

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4. Legal Malpractice Update (Jul 2019)

Robyn Bigelow Hargrove

0.50 0.50 0.00
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28 mins
28 mins
33 pgs
22 pgs
Session 4 —28 mins
Legal Malpractice Update (Jul 2019)

Get the latest on recent developments in Texas legal malpractice law, as well as notable ethics opinions that are applicable to appellate practitioners.

Originally presented: Jun 2019 Conference on State and Federal Appeals

Robyn Bigelow Hargrove, Scott Douglass & McConnico LLP - Austin, TX

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5. Cybersecurity Insurance (Aug 2019)

Rebecca S. Pearson, Leslie C. Thorne

0.75 0.00 0.00
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48 mins
47 mins
12 pgs
Session 5 —48 mins
Cybersecurity Insurance (Aug 2019)

Examine key insurance provisions and hear thoughts on evolving exposures impacting privacy and cyber insurance.

Originally presented: Jul 2019 Essential Cybersecurity Law

Rebecca S. Pearson, Willis Towers Watson - San Francisco, CA
Leslie C. Thorne, Haynes and Boone, LLP - Austin, TX

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6. C-Suite Investigations: An Experience To (or Not To) Forget (Jun 2019)

Marla A. Moore, Mark L. Weintrub

0.75 0.00 0.00
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40 mins
39 mins
6 pgs
Session 6 —40 mins
C-Suite Investigations: An Experience To (or Not To) Forget (Jun 2019)

Explore an actual investigation of claims of harassment and discrimination against the company CEO and how the General Counsel should handle the role of ‘monkey in the middle’ without sacrificing integrity while preserving his/her relationship with the Board of Directors and the CEO.   

Originally presented: May 2019 Corporate Counsel Institute

Marla A. Moore, Marla Moore, PLLC - Houston, TX
Mark L. Weintrub, Authentix - Addison, TX