eSupplement to the 30th Annual Conference on State and Federal Appeals
Contains material from Nov 2019 to Feb 2020
Loved it! The implicit bias section was exceptionally good.
I saved all the materials provided and will return to the video presentations to help me in my practice.
Technical Questions?
Session 2: Dos and Don'ts of Discovery in Texas Civil Proceedings - Join Robert K. Wise and Kennon L. Wooten as they cover tips and traps relating to seeking and resisting discovery in litigation pending in Texas state courts. They will focus on the Texas discovery rules and will cover both written discovery and depositions.
Session 3: How to Be an Ethical Ally (When You Work with a Bunch of Attorneys) - Are you a person who notices inequities around you? Do you want to respond when you see or hear another person being slighted? Do you work with a bunch of attorneys? If you said "yes" to any of these questions, then this is the ethics presentation is for you. Join DeDe Church as she dives into some common biases sometimes seen in law firms and legal departments and discuss how you can effectively interrupt these biases by being an ally to your peers and to your profession.
Includes: Video Paper Slides
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Richard M. Hunt
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Session 1 —59 mins
Write Your Brief Like a Country Song: The Universal Rules of Effective Communication (Feb 2020)
A great country song tells a compelling story in a way that makes you want listen to whole thing. A brief should do the same. Richard Hunt, an attorney with 37 years of experience writing briefs, shares the new perspective on brief writing he gained when he started writing country music.
Originally presented: Jan 2020 Write Your Brief Like a Country Song: The Universal Rules of Effective Communication
Richard M. Hunt,
Hunt | Huey PLLC - Dallas, TX
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Robert K. Wise, Kennon L. Wooten
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Session 2 —60 mins
Do's and Don'ts of Discovery in Texas Civil Proceedings (Nov 2019)
Cover tips and traps relating to seeking and resisting discovery in litigation pending in Texas state courts. Focus on the Texas discovery rules and cover both written discovery and depositions.
Originally presented: Oct 2019 Do's and Don'ts of Discovery in Texas Civil Proceedings
Robert K. Wise,
Lillard Wise Szygenda PLLC - Dallas, TX
Kennon L. Wooten,
Scott Douglass & McConnico LLP - Austin, TX
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Session 3
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Originally presented: Feb 2020 How to Be an Ethical Ally (When You Work with a Bunch of Attorneys)