Contract Drafting Essentials: A Practical Guide to Fundamental Concepts, Approaches, and Key Considerations
Contains material from Oct 2020
Truly the best CLE I have attended in the over ten years I have been a licenced attorney in Texas. The speakers were each excellent. I enjoyed the back and forth between the various speakers. The material was practical, detailed and clear. Thank you.
well done and thorough both for basics and current state of the law
great course/information
Really good
I think part 3 was the most helpful. Specific provisions to use, specific situations to think about, rather than section 1 and 2, which were a little more theoretical.
very intuitive and helpful
Technical Questions?
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Carol Bavousett Mattick
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Session 1 —61 mins
Fundamentals Concepts in Contract Drafting (Oct 2020)
Using settled case law as the foundation, walk through the key considerations and steps in drafting and executing contracts, from early considerations given and received, to the consent, delivery, and execution of an enforceable contract. In addition, understand when and why certain concepts and provisions should be included and how best to operationalize them, including protection of IP and confidential information, insurance coverage provisions, non-compete provisions, dispute resolution provisions, limits on liability, and the construction and scope of boilerplate language.
Originally presented: Sep 2020 Contract Drafting Essentials: A Practical Guide to Fundamental Concepts, Approaches, and Key Considerations
Carol Bavousett Mattick,
Carol Bavousett Mattick, PLLC - San Antonio and Austin, TX
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Carol Bavousett Mattick, Christina Marshall
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Session 2 —64 mins
Approaches to Contract Drafting (Oct 2020)
A discussion on different approaches to contract drafting, and the different processes or techniques one can utilize to answer key considerations for each situation, including the economics of the business relationship, how all of the documents in the deal affect or relate to each other, a tally of the events/agreements between the parties, summaries of key provisions and keeping your client informed throughout the process, and more.
Originally presented: Sep 2020 Contract Drafting Essentials: A Practical Guide to Fundamental Concepts, Approaches, and Key Considerations
Carol Bavousett Mattick,
Carol Bavousett Mattick, PLLC - San Antonio and Austin, TX
Christina Marshall,
Haynes and Boone LLP - Dallas, TX
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Carol Bavousett Mattick, Ladd Hirsch, Patrick D. Keating
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Session 3 —61 mins
Analyzing Your Contract Through the Eyes of a Litigator and Jury (Oct 2020)
Examine the common causes of action coming out of a breach of contract, review the state statutory and case law regarding common contract provisions, and understand different perspectives of the transactional attorney and the litigator on the same agreement so that you can ask and answer important questions that may change the drafting of the agreement in the first place.
Originally presented: Sep 2020 Contract Drafting Essentials: A Practical Guide to Fundamental Concepts, Approaches, and Key Considerations
Carol Bavousett Mattick,
Carol Bavousett Mattick, PLLC - San Antonio and Austin, TX
Ladd Hirsch,
Winstead PC - Austin, TX
Patrick D. Keating,
Keating Brown PLLC - Richardson, TX