First Friday Ethics (January 2021)
Contains material from Sep 2018 to Jan 2021
This was a good mix of ethics in different contexts. All the presenters were first rate! Please Note: the materials cut off about 2 minutes of the last (Professor McCormack - New Ethics) presentation and I could not access them again. At the time the course stopped, all three segments showed completed (green mark).
Good materials and speakers.
The most though-provoking and inspirational cle I have experienced.
Technical Questions?
Session 2: Understanding the Proposed Changes to the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct, Referendum 2021 - Join Claude as he covers the New Disciplinary Rules which EVERY Texas lawyer will be voting on in February 2021.
Session 3: Race, Truthiness and the New Ethics (REPLAY) - What new responsibilities do lawyers have in the era of fewer trials and more ADR? What does any of that have to do with LBJ? What are the “new ethics”. Take a look at the changing landscape of litigation over the last fifty years.
Includes: Video Slides
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DeDe Church
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Session 1 —56 mins
Hey Ho Pinocchio! Slowing Down Our Reflex to Call Someone a Liar (Jan 2021)
Join DeDe Church in this entertaining yet practical exploration of how we can determine when a witness or client is lying and the best practices for responding in those sticky situations. Often we are quick to label someone a liar these days, but we now know that stress and trauma can cause memories to be stored in a non-linear fashion or to be riddled with blank spots. We'll learn some proven techniques for determining if a person is intentionally lying and the ethical ways to respond without necessarily "outing" them as a liar.
Originally presented: Jan 2021 First Friday Ethics (January 2021)
DeDe Church,
DeDe Church & Associates, LLC - Austin, TX
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Claude E. Ducloux
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Session 2 —55 mins
Understanding the Proposed Changes to the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct, Referendum 2021 (Jan 2021)
Join Claude as he covers the New Disciplinary Rules which EVERY Texas lawyer will be voting on in February 2021.
Originally presented: Jan 2021 First Friday Ethics (January 2021)
Claude E. Ducloux,
Attorney at Law - Austin, TX
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Tracy W. McCormack
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Session 3 —53 mins
Race, Truthiness and the New Ethics (REPLAY) (Sep 2018)
What new responsibilities do lawyers have in the era of fewer trials and more ADR? What does any of that have to do with LBJ? What are the “new ethics”. Take a look at the changing landscape of litigation over the last fifty years.
Originally presented: Jan 2021 First Friday Ethics (January 2021)
Tracy W. McCormack,
The University of Texas School of Law - Austin, TX