eSupplement to the 43rd Annual Corporate Counsel Institute
Contains material from Jun 2020 to Mar 2021
Good information from all the speakers, especially Irene.
Technical Questions?
Session 2: Challenges and Current Issues Facing In-House Counsel -
Session 3: Employee Activism and Workplace Political Speech - Analyze legal and practical implications of employee activism and political speech including best practices for employee training, policy development, and navigating related day-to-day workplace realities.
Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides
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Marla A. Moore
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Session 1 —58 mins
Investigations in the C-Suite (Mar 2021)
Conducting an internal investigation can be tricky even in the best of circumstances, but when your executive is the target, it adds a whole other layer of complexity. In this presentation, Marla will cover everything about conducting the investigation of a high level employee, including: managing conflicts, dealing with the media, remote interviewing in the age of COVID, and more.
Originally presented: Feb 2021 Investigations in the C-Suite
Marla A. Moore,
Marla Moore, PLLC - Houston, TX
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Ann LaFeir, Brianna Hinojosa-Smith, Irene Kosturakis, Keith E. Witek
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Session 2 —58 mins
Challenges and Current Issues Facing In-House Counsel (Dec 2020)
Originally presented: Nov 2020 Advanced Patent Law Institute
Ann LaFeir,
USAA - San Antonio, TX
Brianna Hinojosa-Smith,
Yum! Brands, Inc. - Plano, TX
Irene Kosturakis,
BMC Software, Inc. - Houston, TX
Keith E. Witek,
Google, Inc. - Mountain View, CA
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Laura M. Merritt
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Session 3 —27 mins
Employee Activism and Workplace Political Speech (Jun 2020)
Analyze legal and practical implications of employee activism and political speech including best practices for employee training, policy development, and navigating related day-to-day workplace realities.
Originally presented: May 2020 Labor and Employment Law Conference
Laura M. Merritt,
Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P. - Austin, TX