eSupplement to the 31st Annual Conference on State and Federal Appeals
Contains material from Jul 2020 to Mar 2021
Very good presentations.
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Session 2: One Judge, Four Benches: A Perspective on Effective Advocacy - In nearly two decades on the bench, Judge Jeff Brown has served in both the state and federal systems, on two trial courts and two appellate courts. Based on that experience, he’ll share tips for productively pressing your client’s case.
Session 3: U.S. Supreme Court Update for Criminal Appeals - Hear an update on criminal law and criminal procedure cases relevant to Texas criminal appellate practice that were heard and decided by the United States Supreme Court in the 2019 term, and get a preview of hot cases in the pipeline for the 2020 term.
Session 4: Making Work-From-Home Work for You: Strategies for Coping During COVID-19 - A discussion on work-home balance when you can't seem to escape either.
Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides
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Claude E. Ducloux, Scott Rothenberg
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Session 1 —59 mins
The Votes Are In! Your Rights and Responsibilities Under the Newly Amended Texas Disciplinary Rules (Mar 2021)
Join Claude and Scott for a first-look at the results of the referendum on changes to rules of conduct and procedure. How will the approved changes impact your practice?
Originally presented: Mar 2021 The Votes Are In! Your Rights and Responsibilities Under the Newly Amended Texas Disciplinary Rules
Claude E. Ducloux,
Attorney at Law - Austin, TX
Scott Rothenberg,
Law Offices of Scott Rothenberg - Bellaire, TX
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Hon. Jeffrey V. Brown
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Session 2 —31 mins
One Judge, Four Benches: A Perspective on Effective Advocacy (Nov 2020)
In nearly two decades on the bench, Judge Jeff Brown has served in both the state and federal systems, on two trial courts and two appellate courts. Based on that experience, he’ll share tips for productively pressing your client’s case.
Originally presented: Oct 2020 Admiralty and Maritime Law Conference
Hon. Jeffrey V. Brown,
U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas - Galveston, TX
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Jennifer E. Laurin
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Session 3 —48 mins
U.S. Supreme Court Update for Criminal Appeals (Jul 2020)
Hear an update on criminal law and criminal procedure cases relevant to Texas criminal appellate practice that were heard and decided by the United States Supreme Court in the 2019 term, and get a preview of hot cases in the pipeline for the 2020 term.
Originally presented: Jul 2020 U.S. Supreme Court Update for Criminal Appeals
Jennifer E. Laurin,
The University of Texas School of Law - Austin, TX
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Bree Buchanan, Sarah Flournoy
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Session 4 —30 mins
Making Work-From-Home Work for You: Strategies for Coping During COVID-19 (Mar 2021)
A discussion on work-home balance when you can't seem to escape either.
Originally presented: Feb 2021 School Law Conference
Bree Buchanan,
Krill Strategies - Austin, TX
Sarah Flournoy,
Brackett & Ellis, P.C. - Fort Worth, TX