Hooked on CLE: March 2022
Contains material from Jun 2021 to Jan 2022
The election law course contained a number of partisan positions and inaccuracies. The audience would have been better served with a more balanced approach.
Voting Law should have included some actual instruction on the new Election Administration Laws in Texas, that contain some important changes. There was none of that in the presentation. Very disappointing! The other presentations were great.
The topics in the five sessions were in widely different topics, so there was no reptitious overlap in the different sessions.
Natalie Arbaugh’s presentation was one of the best and most thoughtful I have ever heard.
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Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides
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Mitchell D. Brown, Allison Riggs
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Session 1 —45 mins
Voting Law and Overcoming Barriers to Entry (Jan 2022)
Democracy is intended to be an inclusive process, but for many, the barriers to the ballot box seek to exclude them. Allison Riggs and Mitchell Brown will explore how advocacy can be utilized to lower these barriers to the ballot box, so that Democracy returns to an inclusionary state.
Originally presented: Dec 2021 Voting Law 101: What Voters and Advocates Need to Know
Mitchell D. Brown,
Southern Coalition for Social Justice - Durham, NC
Allison Riggs,
Southern Coalition for Social Justice - Durham, NC
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William M. Toles, Paul Wingo
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Session 2 —45 mins
Communication Across the Aisle: How to Work Effectively with Opposing Counsel (Oct 2021)
Hear from two experienced litigators, who have had several cases against each other over the course of their practice. They explore how effective communication goes hand in hand with zealous advocacy.
Originally presented: Aug 2021 The Car Crash Seminar
William M. Toles,
Fee, Smith, Sharp & Vitullo - Dallas, TX
Paul Wingo,
Hamilton Wingo, LLP - Dallas, TX
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Natalie L. Arbaugh, Tim Biggio
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Session 3 —59 mins
Contract Tips, Tricks and Traps (Jun 2021)
Gain insight into tips, tricks and traps for the unwary in drafting key contract provisions, including strategy for negotiating these provisions. Discuss key contract provisions from the perspective of both an in-house lawyer and a litigator to help provide a balanced perspective on what is critical to have and when you can give a little during your negotiations.
Originally presented: Apr 2021 Corporate Counsel Institute
Natalie L. Arbaugh,
Winston & Strawn LLP - Dallas, TX
Tim Biggio,
Precisely - Richardson, TX
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Justin Cohen
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Session 4 —29 mins
The Ethical Traps of Joint Representations in IP Cases (Dec 2021)
This presentation covers the ethical issues involved in representing multiple parties in the same patent or trademark case, such as privilege, confidentiality, conflicts, disputes, and negotiating settlements.
Originally presented: Nov 2021 Advanced Patent Law Institute
Justin Cohen,
Holland & Knight LLP - Dallas, TX
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Raj Duvvuri, Amy Tellegen Geise
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Session 5 —58 mins
Commercial Litigation Funding 101: The Nuts and Bolts for Every Lawyer (Nov 2021)
In this program, Amy Geise and Raj Duvvuri of Omni Bridgeway will introduce viewers to the fundamentals of commercial litigation funding, including common applications, deal mechanics, and financial structures. They will also address frequently-raised ethical questions regarding fee splitting, confidentiality, privilege, and champerty.
Originally presented: Oct 2021 Commercial Litigation Funding 101: The Nuts and Bolts for Every Lawyer
Raj Duvvuri,
Omni Bridgeway - Houston, TX
Amy Tellegen Geise,
Omni Bridgeway - Houston, TX