First Friday Ethics (March 2022)
Contains material from Nov 2021 to Mar 2022
Boulette was excellent
good content and presentation, I think presenter was a little preachy about how a person should feel .
I would propose that the evaluations be for each section as they did vary in quality.
Technical Questions?
This month includes:
Acting Ethically Even While Seething with Dislike
DeDe Church
Join DeDe Church as she explores this relevant topic.
Approaches to Privilege During Deposition Breaks
Jason Boulette
In an age of Zoom depositions, it is more important than ever to understand that different jurisdictions take different approaches the question of privilege during deposition breaks, with some disallowing any privilege at all once the deposition commences and others taking a more nuanced approach. Join Jason Boulette as he explores these different approaches, what they share in common, and where they differ sharply.
Everyday Strategies for Avoiding Professional Misconduct and Sanctions (REPLAY)
Scott Rothenberg
No attorney wants to be on the receiving end of a trial court sanctions order or grievance committee finding of professional misconduct. This presentation provides practical, thoughtful recommendations to help you avoid both.
The Ethical Traps of Joint Representations in IP Cases
Justin Cohen
This presentation covers the ethical issues involved in representing multiple parties in the same patent or trademark case, such as privilege, confidentiality, conflicts, disputes, and negotiating settlements.
Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides
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DeDe Church
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Session 1 —43 mins
Acting Ethically Even While Seething with Dislike (Mar 2022)
Here we are, trying to be ethical professionals in the middle of a swirling culture of contempt. It has become very easy to see clients/counsel/uncles who disagree with us not as merely incorrect, but as worthless and defective. We know that 9/10 of Americans dislike this culture, but how do we function ethically within it? Together we'll lay out cutting-edge behavioral research, ancient wisdom, current anecdotes, and common sense to create a pathway beyond mere tolerance and co-existence.
Originally presented: Mar 2022 First Friday Ethics (March 2022)
DeDe Church,
DeDe Church & Associates, LLC - Austin, TX
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Jason Boulette
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Session 2 —53 mins
Approaches to Privilege During Deposition Breaks (Mar 2022)
In an age of Zoom depositions, it is more important than ever to understand that different jurisdictions take different approaches the question of privilege during deposition breaks, with some disallowing any privilege at all once the deposition commences and others taking a more nuanced approach. Join Jason Boulette as he explores these different approaches, what they share in common, and where they differ sharply.
Originally presented: Mar 2022 First Friday Ethics (March 2022)
Jason Boulette,
Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P. - Austin, TX
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Scott Rothenberg
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Session 3 —62 mins
Everyday Strategies for Avoiding Professional Misconduct and Sanctions (REPLAY) (Nov 2021)
No attorney wants to be on the receiving end of a trial court sanctions order or grievance committee finding of professional misconduct. This presentation provides practical, thoughtful recommendations to help you avoid both.
Originally presented: Oct 2021 Gas and Power Institute
Scott Rothenberg,
Law Office of Scott Rothenberg - Bellaire, TX
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Justin Cohen
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Session 4 —29 mins
The Ethical Traps of Joint Representations in IP Cases (Dec 2021)
This presentation covers the ethical issues involved in representing multiple parties in the same patent or trademark case, such as privilege, confidentiality, conflicts, disputes, and negotiating settlements.
Originally presented: Nov 2021 Advanced Patent Law Institute
Justin Cohen,
Holland & Knight LLP - Dallas, TX