
2022 Health Law Pre-eConference

Contains material from May 2022
2022 Health Law Pre-eConference
3.85 out of 5 stars
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The 2022 Health Law Pre-Conference is the perfect overview and conference primer—for both new entrants and seasoned practitioners in the field.

Includes: Audio Paper Slides

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1. Health Law Fundamentals (May 2022)

Kenneth J. Kramer, Virginia Alverson Mimmack, Kristin M. Roshelli

2.00 0.00 0.00
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124 mins
18 pgs
16 pgs
15 pgs
Session 1 —124 mins
Health Law Fundamentals (May 2022)

Explore the basics of health law, with an emphasis on fraud and abuse (including the Stark law and the federal anti-kickback statute), managed healthcare, HIPAA, and Medicare coverage and reimbursement issues.

Originally presented: Apr 2022 Health Law Pre-Conference

Kenneth J. Kramer, Texas Health Resources - Arlington, TX
Virginia Alverson Mimmack, Jackson Walker LLP - Dallas, TX
Kristin M. Roshelli, King & Spalding - Houston, TX

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2. Innovations in Healthcare Delivery: From Start-Ups to Stand-Bys (May 2022)

Beth Anne Jackson

0.75 0.00 0.00
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48 mins
3 pgs
14 pgs
Session 2 —48 mins
Innovations in Healthcare Delivery: From Start-Ups to Stand-Bys (May 2022)

From “hospital at home” to med spas, from infusions and injections for cash to the latest digital devices and remote monitoring. Alternative methods of care are proliferating—what are the precipitating factors and legal issues, and who’s going to pay for it all?

Originally presented: Apr 2022 Health Law Pre-Conference

Beth Anne Jackson, Brown & Fortunato, P.C. - Amarillo, TX