Answer Bar: Maximizing Technology in Your Law Practice
Contains material from Jun 2018 to May 2022
Jason Boulette - he is just too good. Love hearing him speak any time I can!
not particularly great for a corporate practice but still interesting
Very helpful. A little boring at times, but the info was all there.
Technical Questions?
Session 2: Data Analytics: The Answer to Your Law Firm's Innovation Efforts - Learn how to easily kick-start your firm’s innovation efforts, close the gender pay gap (for you and your clients), and use data to reduce bias, improve inclusion as part of a diversity and inclusion initiative, and simultaneously use proven scientific methods to improve bottom-line profitability!
Session 3: Is Your Bot Bigoted? The Looming Risks of Bias in AI and ML - Join Heather and Amit as they explore the basics of AI and ML, the challenges in avoiding bias in these technologies, the current landscape of legal claims, and best practices for avoiding liability and harm. Join us to learn about this growing area, even if you are new to the world of AI and ML.
Session 4: Conducting Cost-Effective E-Discovery and the Use of Technology Assisted Review (TAR) - Examine how technology-based processes, specifically technology assisted review (TAR), can be cost-effective and efficient solutions for e-discovery in litigation. This session highlights situations where TAR is often the preferred tool over attorney review and flags times that it is not, and discusses how to address contentious issues that may arise in TAR-related negotiations with opposing counsel.
Session 5: Avoiding Ethical Issues with Lawyers' Use of Social Media - The world of social media has engulfed us all. Not only has it transformed our society, but it has worked its way into every legal field as well. Discover the ethical issues facing you as attorneys—and that of your clients—in this social media age.
Session 6: Communication - Attorneys have a duty to keep client communication secure. Get practical tips on conducting communication with the courts or with opposing counsel, as well email filtering and its impacts on communication including filing deadlines, etc.
Session 7: Cybersecurity and Protecting Against Cyber Scams - An informative program about the legal standards that govern a compliant cybersecurity program as well as an update about the ethical duty of technology competence that affects all Texas lawyers.
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Hon. John G. Browning
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Session 1 —57 mins
The Duty of Technology Competence (May 2022)
Understand the importance of technology competence for your practice and the ethical obligations to be competent. Explore the current landscape and recent decisions in this area, as well as common problem areas for attorneys.
Originally presented: Apr 2022 Essential Technology Competence for Attorneys
Hon. John G. Browning,
Of Counsel, The Cole Law Firm, McKinney, Texas and Distinguished Jurist in Residence, Faulkner University School of Law - Plano, TX
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Zev J. Eigen
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Session 2 —29 mins
Data Analytics: The Answer to Your Law Firm's Innovation Efforts (Jun 2018)
Learn how to easily kick-start your firm’s innovation efforts, close the gender pay gap (for you and your clients), and use data to reduce bias, improve inclusion as part of a diversity and inclusion initiative, and simultaneously use proven scientific methods to improve bottom-line profitability!
Originally presented: May 2018 Labor and Employment Law Conference
Zev J. Eigen,
Syndio - Los Angeles, CA
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Heather J. Meeker, Amit Itai
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Session 3 —59 mins
Is Your Bot Bigoted? The Looming Risks of Bias in AI and ML (Jun 2021)
Join Heather and Amit as they explore the basics of AI and ML, the challenges in avoiding bias in these technologies, the current landscape of legal claims, and best practices for avoiding liability and harm. Join us to learn about this growing area, even if you are new to the world of AI and ML.
Originally presented: May 2021 First Friday Ethics (May 2021)
Heather J. Meeker,
O'Melveny & Myers LLP - Menlo Park, CA
Amit Itai,
O’Melveny & Myers LLP - Menlo Park, CA
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Christine Payne, Hon. Andrew Peck
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Session 4 —47 mins
Conducting Cost-Effective E-Discovery and the Use of Technology Assisted Review (TAR) (Jun 2021)
Examine how technology-based processes, specifically technology assisted review (TAR), can be cost-effective and efficient solutions for e-discovery in litigation. This session highlights situations where TAR is often the preferred tool over attorney review and flags times that it is not, and discusses how to address contentious issues that may arise in TAR-related negotiations with opposing counsel.
Originally presented: Apr 2021 E-Discovery Essentials
Christine Payne,
Gunster - Austin, TX
Hon. Andrew Peck,
DLA Piper LLP US - New York, NY
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Jason Boulette
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Session 5 —43 mins
Avoiding Ethical Issues with Lawyers' Use of Social Media (Dec 2019)
The world of social media has engulfed us all. Not only has it transformed our society, but it has worked its way into every legal field as well. Discover the ethical issues facing you as attorneys—and that of your clients—in this social media age.
Originally presented: Nov 2019 Advanced Patent Law Institute
Jason Boulette,
Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P. - Austin, TX
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Lisa Angelo
Session 6 —30 mins
Communication (May 2022)
Attorneys have a duty to keep client communication secure. Get practical tips on conducting communication with the courts or with opposing counsel, as well email filtering and its impacts on communication including filing deadlines, etc.
Originally presented: Apr 2022 Essential Technology Competence for Attorneys
Lisa Angelo,
Angelo Law Firm PLLC - Houston, TX
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Elizabeth Rogers
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Session 7 —28 mins
Cybersecurity and Protecting Against Cyber Scams (May 2022)
An informative program about the legal standards that govern a compliant cybersecurity program as well as an update about the ethical duty of technology competence that affects all Texas lawyers.
Originally presented: Apr 2022 Essential Technology Competence for Attorneys
Elizabeth Rogers,
Michael Best & Friedrich LLP - Austin, TX