How ERISA Can Benefit You: What Every Employment Lawyer Needs to Know
Contains material from Mar 2023
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Jessica B. Palvino
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Session 1 —61 mins
What Every Employment Lawyer Needs to Know: How ERISA Can Benefit You (Mar 2023)
The word “ERISA” can strike fear in the heart of even the most seasoned employment lawyer. ERISA (the Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974) is a complex law with broad application to retirement, health, and welfare benefit plans, including medical travel reimbursement policies. Gain a working knowledge of its basic concepts and learn how to spot issues to help your client avoid potentially severe penalties.
Originally presented: Feb 2023 What Every Employment Lawyer Needs to Know: How ERISA Can Benefit You
Jessica B. Palvino,
Jackson Walker LLP - Austin, TX