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2022 Special Topics in Residential Lending: Legal Issues for Lending Counsel; Claims Against Agents; and Employment Issues

Contains material from Nov 2022

2022 Special Topics in Residential Lending: Legal Issues for Lending Counsel; Claims Against Agents; and Employment Issues
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Session 1: Future Legal Issues for Lending Counsel - Cover anticipated Texas legislation in 2023, including extensive UCC amendments relating to digital assets, and home equity legislation; recent attorney general opinions impacting foreclosure; and other late breaking legislative and administrative developments impacting mortgage lending.

Session 2: Claims Against Real Estate Agents and Brokers - A discussion on the different types of claims against agents and brokers, current trends in the marketplace, and risk avoidance.

​Session 3: Employment Issues Around a Work From Home Work Force - In 2022, more and more employees are moving to a work from home environment, whether on a full-time or part-time basis. While this arrangement can have many benefits for employees, there are some legal risks and considerations for employers including wage and hour, workers compensation, taxation, privacy, and productivity concerns. This session will explore the increase in the work from home phenomena and the inherent legal risks for employers.

Includes: Audio Paper Slides

  • Total Credit Hours:
  • 2.00
  • Credit Info
  • TX, CA, PA
  • Specialization: Bankruptcy Law | Consumer Law | Property Owners Association Law | Real Estate Law
  • TX MCLE credit expires: 11/30/2024

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1. Future Legal Issues for Lending Counsel (Nov 2022)

John Fleming

0.75 0.00 0.00 0.75
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45 mins
15 pgs
7 pgs
Session 1 —45 mins
Future Legal Issues for Lending Counsel (Nov 2022)

Cover anticipated Texas legislation in 2023, including extensive UCC amendments relating to digital assets, and home equity legislation; recent attorney general opinions impacting foreclosure; and other late breaking legislative and administrative developments impacting mortgage lending.

Originally presented: Sep 2022 Mortgage Lending and Servicing Institute

John Fleming, Law Office of John Fleming - Austin, TX

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2. Claims Against Real Estate Agents and Brokers (Nov 2022)

Craig Dowis

0.75 0.00 0.00 0.75
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42 mins
10 pgs
Session 2 —42 mins
Claims Against Real Estate Agents and Brokers (Nov 2022)

A discussion on the different types of claims against agents and brokers, current trends in the marketplace, and risk avoidance.

Originally presented: Sep 2022 Mortgage Lending and Servicing Institute

Craig Dowis, Thompson Coe - Dallas, TX

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3. Employment Issues Around a Work From Home Work Force (Nov 2022)

Fred Gaona

0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50
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35 mins
14 pgs
11 pgs
Session 3 —35 mins
Employment Issues Around a Work From Home Work Force (Nov 2022)

In 2022, more and more employees are moving to a work from home environment, whether on a full-time or part-time basis. While this arrangement can have many benefits for employees, there are some legal risks and considerations for employers including wage and hour, workers compensation, taxation, privacy, and productivity concerns. This session will explore the increase in the work from home phenomena and the inherent legal risks for employers.

Originally presented: Sep 2022 Mortgage Lending and Servicing Institute

Fred Gaona, Frost Brown Todd LLC - Dallas, TX