First Friday Ethics (February 2023)
Contains material from Mar 2022 to Jan 2023
This was one of the best and most comprehensive online presentations I have seen.
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This month includes:
A Legal Ethics Wish List (REPLAY)
Law firm General Counsels and Risk Managers have wish lists…of what they hope their colleagues already know about the Rules of Professional Conduct and how to apply them. This presentation explores many things that are, no doubt, on those wish lists, including a working understanding of the conflict of interest rules, tools to help navigate those rules (like engagement letters and “I’m Not Your Lawyer” letters), the difference between the attorney-client privilege and the lawyer’s ethical duty of confidentiality, and a proper appreciation of the application of the “No Contact” Rule. The presentation also provides some practical tips to help create a culture of sound risk management practices to help keep the attendee from getting on the General Counsel’s or Risk Manager’s naughty list.
(0.75 hr | 0.75 hr ethics)
Protecting Privilege? The Evolving Role of Attorney-Client Privilege in Cybersecurity Incidents and Responses (REPLAY)
This session analyzes the advantages and limitations of including outside counsel during incident response.
Acting Ethically Even While Seething with Dislike (REPLAY)
Here we are, trying to be ethical professionals in the middle of a swirling culture of contempt. It has become very easy to see clients and counsel who disagree with us, not as merely incorrect, but as worthless and defective. How do we function ethically within today’s culture? Together we'll lay out cutting-edge behavioral research, ancient wisdom, current anecdotes, and common sense to create a pathway beyond mere tolerance and co-existence.
(0.50 hr | 0.50 hr ethics)
Recent Changes to the Advertising and Solicitation Rules: The Highlights (REPLAY)
Comprehensive changes to the Texas Disciplinary Rules governing advertisements and solicitations became effective in 2021. This presentation highlights some of the most notable changes.
Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides
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A.J. Singleton
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Session 1 —59 mins
A Legal Ethics Holiday Season Wish List (Jan 2023)
It’s the Holiday Season, y’all, and even law firm General Counsels and Risk Managers have Holiday Wish Lists…of what they hope their colleagues already know about the Rules of Professional Conduct and how to apply them. This presentation explores many things that are, no doubt, on those Wish Lists, including a working understanding of the conflict of interest rules, tools to help navigate those rules (like engagement letters and “I’m Not Your Lawyer” letters), the difference between the attorney-client privilege and the lawyer’s ethical duty of confidentiality, and a proper appreciation of the application of the “No Contact” Rule. The presentation also provides some practical tips to help create a culture of sound risk management practices to help keep the attendee from getting on the General Counsel’s or Risk Manager’s Naughty List.
Originally presented: Dec 2022 First Friday Ethics (December 2022)
A.J. Singleton,
Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC - Lexington, KY
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Jeremy Rucker
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Session 2 —44 mins
Protecting Privilege? The Evolving Role of Attorney-Client Privilege in Cybersecurity Incidents and Responses (Sep 2022)
This session analyzes the advantages and limitations of including outside counsel during incident response.
Originally presented: Jul 2022 Essential Cybersecurity Law
Jeremy Rucker,
Spencer Fane - Plano, TX
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DeDe Church
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Session 3 —43 mins
Acting Ethically Even While Seething with Dislike (Mar 2022)
Here we are, trying to be ethical professionals in the middle of a swirling culture of contempt. It has become very easy to see clients and counsel who disagree with us, not as merely incorrect, but as worthless and defective. How do we function ethically within today’s culture? Together we'll lay out cutting-edge behavioral research, ancient wisdom, current anecdotes, and common sense to create a pathway beyond mere tolerance and co-existence.
Originally presented: Mar 2022 First Friday Ethics (March 2022)
DeDe Church,
DeDe Church & Associates, LLC - Austin, TX
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Jason Panzer
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Session 4 —29 mins
Recent Changes to the Advertising and Solicitation Rules: The Highlights (Oct 2022)
Comprehensive changes to the Texas Disciplinary Rules governing advertisements and solicitations became effective in 2021. This presentation highlights some of the most notable changes.
Originally presented: Aug 2022 The Car Crash Seminar
Jason Panzer,
Herring & Panzer, L.L.P. - Austin, TX