Hooked on CLE: April 2023
Contains material from Aug 2022 to Mar 2023
Really enjoyed the Managing Employees talk. Gave me lots to think about.
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Session 2: Managing Your Workforce in an Age of Mobility, Flexibility and Generational Shifts - Explore the legal, compliance, and employee relations challenges nonprofits are facing as employees become increasingly dispersed both in terms of geography and expectations, including challenges associated with the rise of remote work, the availability of viable alternatives to traditional employment, and the seemingly growing call for a new understanding of the role of work in life.
Session 3: Top Things to Consider When Terminating a Trust - Terminating trusts can, and should, be done for a number of reasons in a variety of different circumstances. This presentation is going to help you identify those situations, guide you through important considerations when doing so, and provide you with some of the tools you may need.
Session 4: Patent License Issues from the In-House Perspective - Key considerations in several common patent transaction models. The RPX patent aggregation and licensing model. Patent issues in IP agreements include indemnity clauses, limits of liability, IP ownership issues, and forum selection clauses.
Session 5: Setting Boundaries with Clients and Colleagues - Using mindset mastery practices to improve attorney wellness by setting boundaries in your work.
Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides
- Total Credit Hours:
- 4.00 | 1.00 ethics
- Credit Info
- TX, CA, PA
- TX MCLE credit expires: 3/31/2025
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Gregory W. Sampson
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Session 1 —53 mins 0.75
23 & Me: The Downside of Sharing Your DNA (Jan 2023)
With the proliferation of Ancestory.com and 23 & Me, people are more curious than ever before about their biological family members, both living and deceased. For people of significant wealth, this can cause problems if someone “out of the blue” claims a right to wealth or inheritance. Using lessons learned from an actual case, this presentation provides tips and best practices for drafting a will and trust to avoid problems, outlines what happens if someone, particularly a high-net-worth individual, dies with or without a trust or will, and describes the expense, both monetarily and relationally, involved in fighting this type of claim.
Originally presented: Dec 2022 Estate Planning Workshop
Gregory W. Sampson,
Gray Reed - Dallas, TX
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Jason Boulette
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Session 2 —60 mins 1.00
Managing Your Workforce in an Age of Mobility, Flexibility and Generational Shifts (Mar 2023)
Explore the legal, compliance, and employee relations challenges nonprofits are facing as employees become increasingly dispersed both in terms of geography and expectations, including challenges associated with the rise of remote work, the availability of viable alternatives to traditional employment, and the seemingly growing call for a new understanding of the role of work in life.
Originally presented: Jan 2023 Nonprofit Organizations Institute
Jason Boulette,
Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P. - Austin, TX
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Zachary Wiewel
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Session 3 —28 mins 0.50
Top Things to Consider When Terminating a Trust (Sep 2022)
Terminating trusts can, and should, be done for a number of reasons in a variety of different circumstances. This presentation is going to help you identify those situations, guide you through important considerations when doing so, and provide you with some of the tools you may need.
Originally presented: Aug 2022 Estate Planning, Guardianship and Elder Law Conference
Zachary Wiewel,
Texas Trust Law, PLLC - Austin, TX
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Umesh M. Desai, John D. Flynn, Paul Reidy
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Session 4 —46 mins 0.75
Patent License Issues from the In-House Perspective (Dec 2022)
Key considerations in several common patent transaction models. The RPX patent aggregation and licensing model. Patent issues in IP agreements include indemnity clauses, limits of liability, IP ownership issues, and forum selection clauses.
Originally presented: Oct 2022 Advanced Patent Law Institute
Umesh M. Desai,
AT&T Labs - Austin, TX
John D. Flynn,
IBM Corporation - Austin, TX
Paul Reidy,
RPX Corporation - Austin, TX
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Kiele Linroth Pace
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Session 5 —60 mins 1.00 | 1.00 ethics
Setting Boundaries with Clients and Colleagues (Aug 2022)
Using mindset mastery practices to improve attorney wellness by setting boundaries in your work.
Originally presented: Jul 2022 Setting Boundaries with Clients and Colleagues
Kiele Linroth Pace,
Pacefirm Consulting, LLC - Austin, TX