2023 Oil, Gas, and Energy Tax
Join leading members of the oil, gas and energy tax community—including senior government officials, IRS staff, corporate energy and tax counsel, and members of the energy tax bar—at the 16th Biennial Parker C. Fielder Oil, Gas, and Energy Tax Conference. This nationally recognized event is a unique collaboration between The University of Texas School of Law and the Chief Counsel’s Office of the IRS, and provides an exchange of views and perspectives between the private sector and the Service. The 2023 program features a sophisticated array of presentations, panels, and discussions on current energy industry and taxation issues, including: Keynote Presentation by IRS LB&I Deputy Commissioner, Douglas W. O’Donnell An overview of current issues in the energy sector—where are we now and where might we be headed? An examination of current energy deals, deal structures, and transactional considerations A discussion on IRS examinations and interaction between the industry and the government Concurrent Tracks focused on hot topics in Oil and Gas Taxation or in the Energy Transition space Don’t miss the chance to hear directly from nationally recognized experts and key personnel at the IRS on multiple taxation issues impacting the oil, gas, and energy industry.
2019 Oil and Gas Tax
Join leading members of the oil, gas and energy tax community—including senior government officials, IRS staff, corporate energy and tax counsel, and members of the energy tax bar—at the 15th Biennial Parker C. Fielder Oil and Gas Tax Conference. This nationally recognized event is a unique collaboration between The University of Texas School of Law and the Chief Counsel’s Office of the IRS, and provides an exchange of views and perspectives between the private sector and the Service. The 2019 program features a sophisticated array of presentations, panels, and discussions on current energy taxation issues, including: Keynote Presentation by IRS Chief Counsel, Michael J. Desmond. An Opening Presentation on The International Outlook for Upstream Activities. In depth discussion on Capital Cost Recovery. An analysis of choosing business entities after the TCJA 2017. Select domestic tax issues: The Evolving Partnership Audit Rules; 1031 Issues; plus the Section 45Q Tax Credit. International tax issues: Continuation of FTC Issues; plus GILTI, FIDII and the BEAT: Planning in a Post-Tax Reform World A look at significant trends in oil and gas transactions and financing in the oil and gas industry Changes and Developments in IRS Examinations and Appeals 1 hour Ethics on select ethical issues for tax professionals Multiple networking opportunities, including the Thursday Evening Attendee Reception If your work involves energy taxation law or finance, don’t miss this exceptional educational and networking event.
2017 Oil and Gas Tax
Join leading members of the oil, gas and energy tax community—including senior government officials, IRS staff, corporate energy and tax counsel, and members of the energy tax bar—at the 14th Biennial Parker C. Fielder Oil and Gas Tax Conference. This nationally recognized event is a unique collaboration between The University of Texas School of Law and the Chief Counsel’s Office of the IRS, and provides an exchange of views and perspectives between the private sector and the Service. The 2017 program features a sophisticated array of presentations, panels, and discussions on current energy taxation issues, including: An Opening Presentation on The Global Energy Challenge and How the U.S. Fits Keynote Presentation by IRS LB&I Commissioner, Doug O’Donnell In depth discussion on Capital Cost Recovery An analysis of Oil and Gas Investment Vehicles, including price and profitability issues and tax reform issues Select domestic tax issues: Partnership Allocation Issues, plus Tax Issues for Distressed Companies International tax issues: Current Issues in International Tax for the General Practitioner; in-depth discussion of International Tax Planning Issues; and International Compliance Hot Topics in Oil and Gas Tax A discussion on the latest developments and impacts of LB&I’s campaign audit strategy on the energy sector 1 hour Ethics on recent developments in the area of the regulation of tax practice and tax ethics Multiple networking opportunities, including the Thursday Evening Attendee Reception If your work involves energy taxation law or finance, don’t miss this exceptional educational and networking event.
2015 Oil and Gas Tax
Join leading members of the oil, gas and energy tax community—including senior government officials, IRS staff, corporate energy and tax counsel, and members of the energy tax bar—at the 13th Biennial Parker C. Fielder Oil and Gas Tax Conference. This nationally recognized event is a unique collaboration between The University of Texas School of Law and the Chief Counsel’s Office of the IRS, and provides an exchange of views and perspectives between private sector and the Service. The 2015 program opens with an analysis of Distress in the Energy Industry—factors that led to the current downturn, an overview of the current markets, and the short-term and long-term implications on the industry and the U.S. economy—and continues with a sophisticated array of presentations, panels, and discussions on current energy taxation issues: Keynote Presentation by IRS Chief Counsel William J. Wilkins on Current Issues in Tax Administration In depth discussion on Capital Cost Recovery A look at the use of Farmouts in an Era of Low Oil Prices Domestic tax issues evaluation and discussion: Oil and Gas Tax Fundamentals, plus oil and gas Property and Sale Transactions International tax issues evaluation and discussion: International Tax Issues for the General Practitioner; Transfer Pricing; and Foreign Tax Credit Developments An understanding of the unique property and tax issues in fracking An analysis of Publicly Traded Vehicles for the Energy Industry, including MLPs, Yield Cos, and more Current Issues, pitfalls and best practices involving audits and controversies for taxpayers in the oil and gas industry 1 hour Ethics on recent developments in the area of the regulation of tax practice and tax ethics Special awards presentation honoring William J. Wilkins of the Internal Revenue Service, John T. Bradford of Liskow & Lewis, and Robert A. Sweich of KPMG, for their outstanding service and achievement in oil and gas taxation If your work involves energy taxation law or finance, don’t miss this exceptional educational and networking event.