2025 Oil, Gas and Mineral Law
2025 Live Conference
coming up Apr 3 in Houston.
Info and registration »
2025 Materials
expected available
3-5 weeks from conference date.
Now in its 51st year, the Ernest E. Smith Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Institute continues to be the definitive course for attorneys, corporate lawyers, E&P operators, and landmen, and it brings together a distinguished faculty of academics and practitioners for presentations on the latest oil and gas developments. The Institute will be a day and half programming on April 3-4 in Houston, coving an array of topics including: The popular two-part Case Law Updates A view from the Business Court & Fifteenth Court of Appeals - Rules, Procedures, Cases & Know-How Pulling the Brake on Predatory Litigation, provides insight on the root causes of and strategies available to counteract the abuses and promote fairness and predictability in litigation. Coverage of mineral conveyancing, mineral ownership, purchase and sale agreements, pore space ownership, carbon capture and sequestration permitting and much more Plus, join faculty, planning committee, section members and attendees for the Thursday evening Networking Reception.

2024 Oil, Gas and Mineral Law
UT Law CLE and the Oil, Gas and Energy Resources Law Section is celebrating 50 years of the Ernest E. Smith Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Institute! After 50 years, the Institute continues to be the definitive course for attorneys, corporate lawyers, E&P operators, and landmen, and it brings together a distinguished faculty of academics and practitioners for presentations on the latest oil and gas developments. In this 50th anniversary year, the Institute will now be a day and half program on April 4-5 in Houston, and covers an array of topics including: The popular two-part Case Law Updates Legislative and Regulatory Updates Information on how the new business courts could impact oil and gas disputes Coverage of MSA terms, service agreements, wellborn assignment updates, and much more Plus, join faculty, planning committee, section members and attendees Thursday evening for the 50th Anniversary Celebration Reception. All Institute attendees will also receive UT Law CLE's "15&3 Guarantee" that provides complimentary access to a bonus accredited eCourse and allows Texas attorneys to complete their annual MCLE reporting requirements with this one registration.

2023 Oil, Gas and Mineral Law
The Ernest E. Smith Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Institute continues to be the definitive course for attorneys, corporate lawyers, E&P operators, and landmen. The Institute brings together a distinguished faculty of academics and practitioners for presentations on the latest oil and gas developments. 2023 program highlights include: Two-part Case Law Update showcasing recent decisions on oil and gas leases, royalties, mineral conveyances, joint operating agreements, state regulation, and related topics. Examine recent cases across the country concerning subsurface property rights and hear a high-level account of the state of subsurface property law. Devon v. Sheppard: Is Royalty Owed on Gross Proceeds or Gross Proceeds Plus? Explore the use of equitable defenses in deed construction cases, and the application of Sun Oil to those defense. Plus valuable information on the consequences of not complying with preferential rights to purchase, PPQ, surface conflicts between oil and gas and renewable energy developments and more. Come a day early for Thursday's Fundamentals of Oil, Gas and Mineral Law—ideal for beginners and experienced practitioners seeking a refresher. The Institute is jointly presented by The University of Texas School of Law and The Oil, Gas and Energy Resources Law Section of the State Bar of Texas.

2022 Oil, Gas and Mineral Law
The Ernest E. Smith Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Institute continues to be the definitive course for attorneys, corporate lawyers, E&P operators, and landmen. The Institute brings together a distinguished faculty of academics and practitioners for presentations on the latest oil and gas developments. 2022 program highlights include: Two-part Case Law Update showcasing recent decisions on oil and gas leases, royalties, mineral conveyances, joint operating agreements, state regulation, and related topics. A general overview explaining what ESG is, how it affects the industry, and why lawyers for the energy industry should pay attention to ESG. Produced Water: The Next “Title” Wave of Oil and Gas Litigation Updates on litigation matters from Winter Storm Uri. Plus valuable information on voluntary pooling, royalty litigation and post production cost, retained acreage clauses, and more. Come a day early for Thursday's Fundamentals of Oil, Gas and Mineral Law—ideal for beginners and experienced practitioners seeking a refresher. The Institute is jointly presented by The University of Texas School of Law and The Oil, Gas and Energy Resources Law Section of the State Bar of Texas.

2021 Oil, Gas and Mineral Law
The Ernest E. Smith Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Institute continues to be the definitive course for attorneys, corporate lawyers, E&P operators, and landmen. The Institute brings together a distinguished faculty of academics and practitioners for presentations on the latest oil and gas developments. 2021 program highlights include: Two-part Case Law Update showcasing recent decisions on oil and gas leases, royalties, mineral conveyances, joint operating agreements, state regulation, and related topics. Turn Around, Don’t Drown: A New Generation of Oil and Gas Lease “Washouts” in Texas and How to Avoid Them a discussion on three Texas cases that have shaken up the assumptions about the law on this topic. Updates on midstream agreements in bankruptcy from Sabine to Chesapeake. Plus valuable information on title and environmental due diligence as it relates to oil and gas acquisitions, review of surface conflicts between oil and gas lessees and renewable energy companies, trade secrets in the oil and gas context, and more. Come a day early for Thursday's Fundamentals of Oil, Gas and Mineral Law—ideal for beginners and experienced practitioners seeking a refresher. The Institute is jointly presented by The University of Texas School of Law and The Oil, Gas and Energy Resources Law Section of the State Bar of Texas.

2020 Oil, Gas and Mineral Law
The Ernest E. Smith Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Institute continues to be the definitive course for attorneys, corporate lawyers, E&P operators, and landmen. The Institute brings together a distinguished faculty of academics and practitioners for presentations on the latest oil and gas developments. 2020 program highlights include: Two-part Case Law Update showcasing recent decisions on oil and gas leases, royalties, mineral conveyances, joint operating agreements, state regulation, and related topics. Mock negotiation of a master service agreement with particular attention paid to the insurance and indemnity provisions to ensure an effective risk allocation program. Discuss Working Interest Disputes under AAPL 2015 Form 610 JOA. The Limits to Certainty in Title Examination: Bright Lines and Sharp Corners vs. Holistic and Harmonizing, and Those Pesky Fact Questions. Plus valuable information on split estate issues, oil and gas bankruptcies, flaring issues, and more. Come a day early for Thursday's Fundamentals of Oil, Gas and Mineral Law—ideal for beginners and experienced practitioners seeking a refresher. The Institute is jointly presented by The University of Texas School of Law and The Oil, Gas and Energy Resources Law Section of the State Bar of Texas.

2019 Oil, Gas and Mineral Law
The Ernest E. Smith Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Institute continues to be the definitive course for attorneys, corporate lawyers, E&P operators and landmen. The Institute brings together a distinguished faculty of academics and practitioners for presentations on the latest oil and gas developments. 2019 program highlights include: Case Law Update showcasing recent decisions on oil and gas leases, royalties, mineral conveyances, joint operating agreements, state regulation, and related topics. Practical guidance for negotiating agreements and navigation disputes over shared use, including an update on recent cases affecting surface disputes. Explore the reach of TOAIA. Discuss operational and economic considerations in drilling horizontal wells and how selected lease provisions impact development decisions. Plus valuable information on practical considerations in arbitration, key differences in representing E&P clients in TX and NM, negation of warranties in mineral transactions, and more. Come a day early for Thursday's Fundamentals of Oil, Gas and Mineral Law—ideal for beginners or experienced practitioners seeking a refresher. The Institute is jointly presented by The University of Texas School of Law and The Oil, Gas and Energy Resources Law Section of the State Bar of Texas.

2018 Oil, Gas and Mineral Law
The Ernest E. Smith Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Institute continues to be the definitive course for attorneys, corporate lawyers, E&P operators and landmen. The Institute brings together a distinguished faculty of academics and practitioners for presentations on the latest oil and gas developments. 2018 program highlights include: Professor Ernest E. Smith shares his thoughts and perspectives from his many years of work with the oil and gas industry. The Case Law Update reviews recent decisions dealing with oil and gas leases, royalties, mineral conveyances, joint operating agreements, state regulation, and related topics. Discuss the history and development of the proration unit as a regulatory tool, and the consequences of importing the term into oil and gas leases and contracts. Review the evolution of the regulatory and land-title process for PSA and Allocation Wells. Hear the latest on Why and How to Recycle Oil and Gas Wastewater. Outline of the law of implied covenants, including duties imposed, standards applied, and remedies available. Plus information on surface use, decommissioning, P&A, executive rights and more. Come a day early for Thursday's Fundamentals of Oil, Gas and Mineral Law—ideal for beginners or experienced practitioners seeking a refresher. The Institute is jointly presented by The University of Texas School of Law and The Oil, Gas and Energy Resources Law Section of the State Bar of Texas.

2017 Oil, Gas and Mineral Law
The Ernest E. Smith Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Institute continues to be the definitive course for attorneys, corporate lawyers, E&P operators and landmen. The Institute brings together a distinguished faculty of academics and practitioners for presentations on the latest oil and gas developments. 2017 program highlights include: Professor Ernest E. Smith presents his annual Case Law Update. Bart W. Huffman, Reed Smith LLP, and Will R. Daugherty, Baker & Hostetler LLP, explore the ethical and legal obligations of attorneys and law firms to protect against cybersecurity threats including threats to client data and communications. Brian Sullivan, McElroy, Sullivan, Miller, Weber & Olmstead L.L.P., delivers the Railroad Commission Update. Matt Ray, Energy Transfer Partners, L.P., presents on Gas Exports to Mexico during the luncheon presentation. J. Robert Goldsmith Jr., Goldsmith, Bogisch & Chaires, moderates a panel discussion of Legal and Regulatory Issues in Light of Current Drilling Technology with panelists Gregory S. Mathews, Chevron USA INC., and John B. McFarland, Graves, Dougherty, Hearon & Moody. Hear Fun New Ways for Density and Proration Rules to Bust Your Lease with Brandon Durrett, Dykema Cox Smith. Come a day early for Thursday's Fundamentals of Oil, Gas and Mineral Law—ideal for beginners or experienced practitioners seeking a refresher. The Institute is jointly presented by The University of Texas School of Law and The Oil, Gas and Energy Resources Law Section of the State Bar of Texas.

2016 Oil, Gas and Mineral Law
The Ernest E. Smith Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Institute continues to be the definitive course for attorneys, corporate lawyers, E&P operators and landmen. The Institute brings together a distinguished faculty of academics and practitioners for presentations on the latest oil and gas developments. 2016 program highlights include: Professor Ernest E. Smith's annual Case Law Update Review the state of the law on downhole trespass from hydraulic fracturing, trespass by drilling horizontally through unleased acreage, and tort actions from alleged groundwater contamination An update on royalty clause construction in Texas—with David Drez, Wick Phillips, Fort Worth, TX Kathleen Magruder, BP Energy Company, Houston, TX, reviews Regulatory and Legislative Developments Affecting Product Disposition Update from the Texas Railroad Commission, including statewide rules for UFT Fields, upgrades in special field rules for unconventional development and concerns about induced seismicity and earthquakes Discuss the New 2015 JOA, with Jeff Weems, Porter Hedges LLP, Houston TX Lisa Vaughn Lumley, Shannon, Gracey, Ratliff & Miller, LLP, Fort Worth, TX, moderates Recent Developments Involving the Conflicting Rights of Mineral Owners and Surface Owners, with William Bredthauer, Harris Finley & Bogle, P.C., Fort Worth, TX, and Dick Watt, Watt Thompson & Henneman LLP, Houston, TX Come a day early for Thursday's Fundamentals of Oil, Gas and Mineral Law—ideal for beginners or experienced practitioners seeking a refresher. The Institute is jointly presented by The University of Texas School of Law and The Oil, Gas and Energy Resources Law Section of the State Bar of Texas.

2015 Oil, Gas and Mineral Law
The Ernest E. Smith Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Institute continues to be the definitive course for attorneys, corporate lawyers, E&P operators and landmen. The Institute brings together a distinguished faculty of academics and practitioners for presentations on the latest oil and gas developments. 2015 program highlights include: Professor Ernest E. Smith’s annual Case Law Update Review the state of the law on downhole trespass from hydraulic fracturing, trespass by drilling horizontally through unleased acreage, and tort actions from alleged groundwater contamination Analyze the evolution of royalty clauses and issues—past, present and future—with Dick Watt, Watt Beckworth Thompson & Henneman LLP, Houston, TX Review recent changes to the Railroad Commission rules, the Klotzman decision, RRC v. Roland Oil, and other important rules to remember Learn about evolving trends in Eminent Domain Law in Texas Friday’s Luncheon Presentation, The Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040, by ExxonMobil Corporation’s Todd W. Onderdonk, discusses significant technology advances and our growing energy needs Examine the benefits and mechanics of hedging, commonly used hedging contracts, and practical considerations impacting hedging transactions Learn how PR and Legal can work together when facing a lawsuit or regulatory challenge Come a day early for Thursday's Fundamentals of Oil, Gas and Mineral Law—ideal for beginners or experienced practitioners seeking a refresher.