2025 Live Conference
coming up Jun 5 in Austin.
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2025 Materials
expected available
3-5 weeks from conference date.
UT Law CLE's 32nd Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference is the premier program on employment law practice in Texas. By bringing together leading members of the bar, personnel experts, and in-house counsel, the conference offers timely updates, emerging trends, and the variety of perspectives practitioners need.
UT Law CLE's 31st Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference is the premier program on employment law practice in Texas. By bringing together leading members of the bar, personnel experts, and in-house counsel, the conference offers timely updates, emerging trends, and the variety of perspectives practitioners need. Topics will include: NLRB: An Inside the Beltway Perspective on Federal Labor Policy What's Weird About Texas Yet Another Acrimonious Election Year: The Challenge of Political Talk at Work (and On Social Media) The New World of Pregnancy Accommodations It Says What? Retaliation: Still the Most Attractive Claim for Plaintiffs and Most Complicated for Defendants What’s It Going to Take: Settlement Value/Monetizing Your Case Groff v. DeJoy: A Year Later and Other Emerging Issues in Religious Accommodation AI: Promising and Problematic Ethics: Officer of the Court Following the conference, attendees will receive a bonus eSupplement to ensure practitioners can earn their required 15.00/3.00 Texas MCLE hours for the year.
UT Law CLE's 30th Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference is the premier program on employment law practice in Texas. By bringing together leading members of the bar, personnel experts, and in-house counsel, the conference offers timely updates, emerging trends, and the variety of perspectives practitioners need.
UT Law CLE's 29th Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference is the premier program on employment law practice in Texas. By bringing together leading members of the bar, personnel experts, and in-house counsel, the conference offers timely updates, emerging trends, and the variety of perspectives practitioners need. This year’s program features: Updates on the latest federal and state employment case law and legislative developments, including disability issues under the ADA, changes under the NRLB, wage and hour enforcement, the public sector, trade secrets and non-competes, and more. Workplace issues and developments facing employees and employers on remote working arrangements, whistleblower cases, sexual harassment claims, developing an inclusive culture, and emotional support animals in the workplace. An examination of the complex framework that employers must navigate and obligations they must meet in A Deep Dive on Accommodations. ESG and Employment Lawyers, learn about the latest in social and governance reporting metrics and the resulting impact on litigation. Multiple networking opportunities with program faculty and fellow practitioners, including the Thursday Evening Reception. Following the conference, attendees will receive a free, on-demand eSupplement that will bring their total available hours to 15.00, including 3.00 hours of ethics.
UT Law CLE's 28th Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference is the premier program on employment law practice in Texas. By virtually bringing together leading members of the bar, personnel experts, and in-house counsel, the conference offers the timely updates, emerging trends, and the variety of perspectives practitioners need. 2021 highlights include: Updates on the latest federal and state employment case law and legislative developments, including disability issues under the ADA, changes under the NRLB, wage and hour enforcement, the public sector, #MeToo, and more. Workplace issues and developments facing employees and employers on workforce reductions, diversity and inclusion initiatives, pay equity, whistleblower cases, and a reshaped workforce due to the pandemic. Taking Stock of the New Supreme Court with Professor Stephen Vladeck of The University of Texas School of Law. A two-part presentation series focused on Virtual Advocacy. Learn the best methods for virtually conducting depositions and investigations, and gain tips for virtually participating in hearings, trials, and arbitrations. 2.75 hours of ethics, including the always essential presentation on Ethics for Employment Lawyers. Following the webcast, attendees will receive a free, on-demand eSupplement that will bring their total available hours to 15.00, including 3.00 hours of ethics.
UT Law CLE's Labor and Employment Law Conference is the premier program on employment law practice in Texas. By virtually bringing together leading members of the bar, personnel experts, and in-house counsel, the conference offers the timely updates, emerging trends, and the variety of perspectives practitioners need. 2020 highlights include: Updates on the latest federal and state employment case law and legislative developments, including disability issues under the ADA, changes under the NLRA, wage and hour enforcement, religion in the workplace, and more. Workplace issues facing employees and employers on whistleblower cases, navigating the TWC/EEOC process, diversity initiatives, mental health, pay equity, and political activism. Focused presentation series on workforce solutions (featuring discussion of the internal investigations and sick leave ordinances) and litigation strategies (featuring discussion of effective arbitrations and preparing witnesses). 3.25 hours of ethics, including presentations on The Ethics of Civility, Ethics in Age of Digital Transactions, and Ethics for Employment Lawyers. Following the webcast, attendees will receive a bonus eSupplement to ensure practitioners can earn their required 15.00/3.00 Texas MCLE hours for the year.
UT Law's Labor and Employment Law Conference is the premier program on employment law practice in Texas. By bringing together leading members of the bar, personnel experts, and in-house counsel, the conference offers the timely updates, emerging trends, and the variety of perspectives practitioners need. 2019 highlights include: Perspective on Navigating the EEOC from both sides of the bar – and the EEOC Analysis of the standards for determining Contingent Workers and Joint Employment Discussion of Emerging Local Regulations and the Multistate Employer Focused presentation series on litigation strategies and workforce solutions Updates on federal and state law, including developments at the NRLB New this year – networking reception on Thursday evening Following the conference, attendees will receive a bonus eSupplement to ensure practitioners can earn their required 15.00/3.00 MCLE hours for the year.
After 25 years, UT Law's Labor and Employment Law Conference is more relevant than ever. With two days of timely updates and emerging trends in employment law from leading members of the bar and personnel experts, the conference has earned the reputation as the premier program on employment law practice in Texas. This year’s highlights include: Exploration of The Boundaries of Employee Free Speech with discussion of the rights of employees to express their views and the competing rights of public and private employers to respond. Insight into unconscious bias in the workplace, including how it may influence workplace decisions and interactions, and the latest approaches and legal implications for addressing it. Examination of current activity involving Leaves of Absence Under the FMLA and ADA, including tactics for pushing back on suspected leave abuse. What Is It Worth? An analysis of how lawyers on each side of the docket value the settlement of cases and how to compare in terms of valuation for standard employment law situations. Focused presentation series on litigation strategies (featuring discussion of expert witnesses and anti-SLAPP concerns) and workforce solutions (featuring discussion of the onboarding process and preventing workplace violence). The latest federal and state employment case law and legislative developments, including disability issues under the ADA, guidance under the NLRA, and more. At the conclusion of the conference, attendees will receive a bonus eCourse containing an additional hour of ethics to ensure attendees can earn their required 15.0/3.0 MCLE hours for the year.
The 24th Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference offers two days of timely updates and emerging trends in employment law from leading members of the employment law bench and bar along with HR and personnel experts. Highlights include: Welcome Folks, to the Trump Administration: What the First 100 Days Mean for Employers and Employees, with Laura M. Merritt, Boulette Golden & Marin, L.L.P. A deep dive into the principle of pay equity, how it is reflected in statute, and the legal and practical concerns in complying with those statutes William T. (Tommy) Simmons of the Texas Workforce Commission examining important hidden hazards in handling wage payment, unemployment claim, and unemployment tax issues at TWC General counsel perspectives on how to efficiently and effectively interact with in-house counsel, including interactions regarding litigation, company policies, and labor law requirements Focused presentation series on litigation strategies (featuring updates on discovery and social media) and workforce solutions (featuring updates on LGBTQ issues and background checks) The latest federal and state employment case law and legislative developments, including disability issues under the ADA, guidance under the NLRA, and more
The 23rd Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference offers two days of timely updates and emerging trends in employment law from leading members of the employment law bench and bar along with HR and personnel experts. Highlights include: An exploration of the technology-fueled sharing economy on the relationship between companies, consumers and service providers with Jason Boulette of Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P. Judicial insights into trends in employment litigation from sitting state and federal judges. Practical tips and techniques on accommodating pregnancy, religion and disability. Discussion of The Impaired Employee or Client with advice on how to identify and address suicidal tendencies and mental health crises in the course of your practice. Ethics and professionalism update for employment lawyers. Focused presentation series on litigation and workforce strategies. The latest on federal and state employment case law and legislative developments, including disability issues under the ADA, guidance under the NLRA and more.
The 22nd Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference offers two days of timely updates and emerging trends in employment law from leading members of the employment law bench and bar along with HR and personnel experts. Highlights include: Martha Kinard, NLRB Regional Director, presents Social Media and Protected Concerted Activities A summary of key employee benefits issues under the Affordable Care Act and practical guidance for managing their impact An analysis of the Uniform Trade Secrets Act and its impact on drafting non-compete agreements, clawback of benefits and risk allocation. Discussions on workplace discrimination, including religion the workplace and emerging LGBT issues An understanding of workplace violence before, during and after an incident An exploration of how “big data” is being captured, used and analyzed by employers and its increasing use and legal implications in employment decision-making Ethics and professionalism update for employment lawyers, plus ethical settlement negotiation and case valuation Focused series of presentations on litigation strategies and workforce strategies The latest on federal and state employment case law and legislative developments, including disability issues under the ADA, guidance under the NLRA, and more