2025 Live Conference
coming up May 15 in Houston.
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2025 Materials
expected available
3-5 weeks from conference date.
UT Law CLE's 47th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute is the conference for in-house counsel and outside counsel who represent companies of all sizes. The Institute offers in-depth, practical discussions on the legal issues and considerations that matter most to corporate counsel, and provides opportunities for dialogue and networking among speakers and attendees—making this an event you do not want to miss!

Join us for The University of Texas School of Law’s 46th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute—THE conference for in-house counsel and outside counsel who represent companies of all sizes. The Institute offers in-depth, practical discussions on the legal issues and considerations that matter most to corporate counsel, and provides opportunities for dialogue and networking among speakers and attendees—making this an event you don't want to miss! Topics include: Employment Law Update and Hot Topics Current Privacy Laws: The Texas Data Privacy and Security Act (TDPSA) and How it Differs from Other Laws The Current State of Non-Competes: Are They Still Enforceable? Did You Just Waive Privilege? Protecting Privilege and Attorney Work Product How "Reptile Theory" Should Impact How You Draft Your Next Contract Code Red: What You Need in Your Crisis Management Playbook The New Texas Business Courts Key Considerations When Selling or Financing your Company in Tough Market Conditions Cyber Attacks: Are Your Outside Counsel and Other Vendors Doing Enough to Protect Your Information? AI and the Future of Your Organization’s Training and Staffing Following the conference, attendees will receive a bonus eSupplement to ensure practitioners can earn their required 15.00/3.00 Texas MCLE hours for the year.

Join us for The University of Texas School of Law’s 45th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute—THE conference for in-house counsel and outside counsel who represent companies of all sizes. The Institute offers in-depth, practical discussions on the legal issues and considerations that matter most to corporate counsel, and provides opportunities for dialogue and networking among speakers and attendees—making this an event you don't want to miss! Following the conference, attendees will receive a bonus eSupplement to ensure practitioners can earn their required 15.00/3.00 Texas MCLE hours for the year.

We’re back in Houston this spring! Join us for The University of Texas School of Law’s 44th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute—THE conference for in-house counsel and outside counsel who represent companies of all sizes. The Institute offers in-depth, practical discussions on the legal issues and considerations that matter most to corporate counsel, and provides opportunities for dialogue and networking among speakers and attendees—making this an event you don't want to miss! Following the conference, attendees will receive a bonus eSupplement to ensure practitioners can earn their required 15.00/3.00 Texas MCLE hours for the year.

The 43rd Annual Corporate Counsel Institute is coming to you virtually this year! We've developed this year's program to make the most of your experience with us online. Spanning three consecutive mornings, the program continues to offer in-depth, practical discussions on legal issues and considerations that matter most to corporate counsel. The Institute is THE conference for in-house counsel and outside counsel who represent companies of all sizes, and provides opportunities for dialogue and networking among speakers and attendees—making this an online event you don't want to miss! Following the conference, attendees will receive a bonus eSupplement to ensure practitioners can earn their required 15.00/3.00 Texas MCLE hours for the year. The Institute is presented by the Corporate Counsel Section of the State Bar of Texas and The University of Texas School of Law.

The 41st Annual Corporate Counsel Institute offers in-depth, practical discussions on legal issues for in-house counsel and outside counsel who represent companies of all sizes. This year’s Institute features focus on the areas that matter most to corporate counsel: Crafting and Drafting The Win-Win Deal New Litigation Landmines GDPR & Cybersecurity Impacts on Texas Business Alternative Working Arrangements for All Attorney Marketing in the 21st Century Employment Issues for Corporate Counsel Topical Updates and Surprises In the Coming Year Registrants also have the opportunity to obtain an eSupplement to complete their full 15.00/3.00 MCLE hours requirement – free for members of the Corporate Counsel Section! The Institute is presented by the Corporate Counsel Section of the State Bar of Texas and The University of Texas School of Law.

The 40th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute offers in-depth, practical discussions on legal issues for in-house counsel and outside counsel who represent companies of all sizes. The Institute is presented by the Corporate Counsel Section of the State Bar of Texas and The University of Texas School of Law. Highlights include: Discussion of Shareholder Activism and Hostile Activity, including tactics for activist defense, raid preparedness, board/corporate governance, and shareholder engagement. Cybersecurity insight From the Mind of a Hacker, including a look into how to avoid being bait and what happens on the dark web. Tips for preparing your corporate representative for their time in the witness chair, and tips for keeping your in-house counsel out of that same chair. Analysis of Employee Ideology v. Company Values, with discussion of headline-making events that have put this collision of rights on the front page. Updates on labor and employment law, including insight into the latest on Class Action Waivers and Arbitration Agreements with discussion of the fallout from the NRLB’s decision in D.R. Horton, Inc. Best practices for board service, and analysis of Ethical Hazards That Confront In-House Counsel Exploration of how diversity in the work place and effectively working with local counsel can improve your legal department and help you get better results in the boardroom and the courtroom. Attendees will also receive a bonus eCourse after the Institute so they can meet their full 15.0/3.0 Texas MCLE requirement with one registration.

The 39th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute offers in-depth, practical discussions on legal issues for in-house counsel and outside counsel who represent companies of all sizes. The Institute is presented by the Corporate Counsel Section of the State Bar of Texas and The University of Texas School of Law. 2017 program highlights include: In-house perspective into pressures to improve disclosure, increase board diversity, enhance corporate governance and stave off cyber-attacks in What Keeps Boards Up at Night? Updates on employment law, trends in mergers and acquisitions, trade secret best practices, and trends in compensation A discussion of Effective Partnering, including best practices for effective communication between in-house and outside counsel on all facets of litigation practice, with focus on recent changes to the role of in-house counsel The Opportunity to Trump Obama's Environmental & Energy Agenda: a review of the first 100 days of the Trump Administration and what it means for the energy industry Judicial Views on the Role of In-House Counsel and the C-Suite featuring Hon Caroline Elizabeth Baker, 295th Civil District Court, Hon. Alfred Bennett, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas, and Hon. Randall W. Wilson, 157th District Court. Cybersecurity updates, including insights into the risks when data breaches occur and how to manage a data breach crisis, and practical tips for how to respond to network intrusions, data loss, data breach, and cyber disruption Multiple networking opportunities with program faculty and attendees and the opportunity to earn up to 15.00 hours of CLE credit, including 3.00 hours of ethics

The 38th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute offers in-depth, practical discussions on legal issues for in-house counsel and outside counsel who represent companies of all sizes. The Institute is presented by the Corporate Counsel Section of the State Bar of Texas and The University of Texas School of Law. 2016 program highlights include: Analysis of Ethics and Risk Allocation Between In-House and Outside Counsel with John M. “Jack” Tanner, Fairfield and Woods, P.C., Denver, CO. Effective strategies for balancing the risks and benefits of software as a service (SAAS) and cloud computing, including tips for contract negotiation. Insight into Internal Investigations and the Compliance Function, including practice tips, steps for effective compliance, and possible outcomes of ineffective policies. Lessons Learned from Trial, featuring highly acclaimed lawyers and judges sharing what works, what doesn’t, and what to do when your company is involved in litigation. Practical tips on building an effective code of conduct, protecting trade secrets, and complying with preservation obligations. Multiple networking opportunities with program faculty and attendees

The 37th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute offers in-depth, practical discussions on legal issues for in-house counsel and outside counsel who represent companies of all sizes. The Institute is presented by the Corporate Counsel Section of the State Bar of Texas and The University of Texas School of Law. 2015 program highlights include: Ryan M. Garcia, Dell, Austin, TX, explores the transition of social media from a brand new technology to an integral part of your everyday lives, including the more mature issues and understandings you are dealing with today Learn best practice tips for in-house counsel responding to government investigations and identify common legal issues and ethical pitfalls that arise throughout the investigation and best strategies to address them Hear from compliance officers and government-experienced attorneys on staying abreast of the government’s actions involving violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Steve Kardell Jr., Clouse Dunn LLP, Dallas, TX, examines the mind of the whistleblower and the factors that encourage whistleblowing Prepare for legal challenges and learn cutting-edge principles and techniques for managing risk beyond borders in The Top Five Cross-Border Legal Issues for In-House Counsel Explore the legal issues that arise from employees using their own devices to work on company business and access customer information with Gary D. Eisenstat, Figari & Davenport, L.L.P., Dallas, TX Gain advice for best practices for hiring and firing of executives and high-level consultants, legal spend and budget strategy, insurance and risk management, cyber privacy, issues in office leasing, and more Hear effective communication strategies for in-house counsel in times of corporate crisis Multiple networking opportunities with program faculty and attendees including the Thursday Evening Reception