LD25 Conference art
2025 Land Use

2025 Live Conference coming up Apr 10 in Austin. Info and registration »
2025 Materials expected available 3-5 weeks from conference date.

The  29th Annual Land Use Conference offers high-level, detailed coverage of the key issues, strategies, challenges, tools, and opportunities facing municipalities, counties, and developers. It focuses on real-world problems with practical solutions presented by an outstanding faculty, including developers' attorneys, land use planners, local government attorneys, engineers, and state and local regulators.

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LD24 Conference art
2024 Land Use

The 28th Annual Land Use Conference offers high-level, detailed coverage of the key issues, strategies, challenges, tools, and opportunities facing municipalities, counties, and developers. It focuses on real-world problems with practical solutions presented by an outstanding faculty, including developers' attorneys, land use planners, local government attorneys, engineers, and state and local regulators. Two-part case law updates, including key developments on topics such as zoning, platting, “takings,” and vested rights. A review of what the SB2038 ETJ- removal law does and its impact on cites and counties. Insight on how the courts have expanded property owner exactions and regulatory takings protections. Guidance from county leaders and housing experts on tools that counties are using to address local affordable housing needs, along with opportunities for expanding counties' toolboxes. Following the conference, attendees will receive a bonus eSupplement to ensure practitioners can earn their required 15.00/3.00 Texas MCLE hours for the year. Join a day early for the Land Use Fundamentals—ideal for new entrants to the field or as a refresher for experienced practitioners.

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LD23 Conference art
2023 Land Use

The 27th Annual Land Use Conference offers high-level, detailed coverage of the key issues, strategies, challenges, tools, and opportunities facing municipalities, counties, and developers. It focuses on real-world problems with practical solutions presented by an outstanding faculty, including developers' attorneys, land use planners, local government attorneys, engineers, and state and local regulators. 2023 highlights include: Two-part case law updates, including key developments on topics such as zoning, platting, “takings,” and vested rights. Updates from the 88th Legislative Session and how pending bills will impact land use regulation. Affordable Housing: Regulation of Single-Family Lots to Increase and Preserve Affordable Housing Partnerships with Public Facility Corporations: A Good Tool for Affordable Housing? A look at the impacts of water on land use in two sessions Too Little Water: Water Supply Considerations in Land Use and Too Much Water: How Water Shapes Urban Land Use Following the conference, attendees will receive a bonus eSupplement to ensure practitioners can earn their required 15.00/3.00 Texas MCLE hours for the year. Join a day early for the Land Use Fundamentals—ideal for new entrants to the field or as a refresher for experienced practitioners.

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LD22 Conference art
2022 Land Use

The 26th Annual Land Use Conference offers high-level, detailed coverage of the key issues, strategies, challenges, tools, and opportunities facing municipalities, counties, and developers. It focuses on real-world problems with practical solutions presented by an outstanding faculty, including developers' attorneys, land use planners, local government attorneys, engineers, and state and local regulators. 2022 highlights include: Two-part case law updates, including key developments on topics such as zoning, platting, “takings,” and vested rights. Hear legislative update on land use issues for cities & counties. Updates the Supreme Court’s decision in City of Austin, Texas v. Reagan National Advertising of Texas, LLC Do Cities have the Right to Unilaterally Terminate Legal Nonconforming Uses? Four part series on development and regulation in the ETJ, including municipal regulating authority, regulations around municipal utilities, tool for financing, and development agreements. A look at how new technologies are reshaping the way we think about land use issues. When the FBI Comes Knocking (or No-knocking), examines the initial ethical considerations for local government attorneys; the key steps they should consider; and the ethical and practical standards governing both the local government lawyer and federal law enforcement.   Following the conference, attendees will receive a bonus eSupplement to ensure practitioners can earn their required 15.00/3.00 Texas MCLE hours for the year. Join a day early for the Land Use Fundamentals—ideal for new entrants to the field or as a refresher for experienced practitioners.

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LD21 Conference art
2021 Land Use

The  25th Annual Land Use Conference offers high-level, detailed coverage of the key issues, strategies, challenges, tools, and opportunities facing municipalities, counties, and developers. It focuses on real-world problems with practical solutions presented by an outstanding faculty, including developers' attorneys, land use planners, local government attorneys, engineers, and state and local regulators. 2021 highlights include: Two-part case law updates, including key developments on topics such as zoning, platting, “takings,” and vested rights. Hear the Legislative Update on Land Use Issues for Cities & Counties. Financing Public Infrastructure via Special Districts: The Domino Effect. Insights on the unique aspects of planning and funding land development outside urban areas. Hot Topics in Affordable Housing. Conducting Land Transactions in the Cloud: Tips for Protecting Confidential Information and Information That May be Subject to the Public Information Act. Ethics Issues and the Legislature provides general considerations that every attorney should consider when working with legislators and legislative staff Following the conference, attendees will receive a bonus eSupplement to ensure practitioners can earn their required 15.00/3.00 Texas MCLE hours for the year. Join a day early for the Land Use Fundamentals—ideal for new entrants to the field or as a refresher for experienced practitioners.

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LD20 Conference art
2020 Land Use

The virtual 24th Annual Land Use Conference offers high-level, detailed coverage of the key issues, strategies, challenges, tools, and opportunities facing municipalities, counties, and developers. It focuses on real-world problems with practical solutions presented by an outstanding faculty, including developers' attorneys, land use planners, local government attorneys, engineers, and state and local regulators. 2020 highlights include: Get case law and legislative updates, including key developments on topics such as zoning, platting, “takings,” and vested rights. Hear specific updates and insights on the impacts of HB2439. Overview of incentive zoning and how this tool can be used to encourage affordable housing and other areas of public good. The pros and cons of using PIDs and MUDs to finance public infrastructure required for new development. Address what authority is left for annexation after the adoption of HB 347. Get answers to your frequently—and sometimes infrequently—asked questions at the Ask the Experts panel. Earn up to 14.50 hours of CLE credit, including 2.75 hours of ethics credit, and enjoy networking with your fellow land use professionals. Following the conference, attendees will receive a bonus eSupplement containing up to an additional 0.50 hour of MCLE (including 0.25 hour of ethics) to ensure practitioners can earn their required 15.00/3.00 Texas MCLE hours for the year. Join a day early for the Land Use Fundamentals—ideal for new entrants to the field or as a refresher for experienced practitioners.

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LD19 Conference art
2019 Land Use

The 23rd Annual Land Use Conference offers high-level, detailed coverage of the key issues, strategies, challenges, tools, and opportunities facing municipalities, counties, and developers. It focuses on real-world problems with practical solutions presented by an outstanding faculty, including developers' attorneys, land use planners, local government attorneys, engineers, and state and local regulators. 2019 highlights include: Get case law and legislative updates, including key developments on topics such as zoning, platting, “takings,” and vested rights. Discuss demographics, social and economic characteristics, and trends in major urban areas in Texas and the implications for land value and use. Explore the areas of land use law where the federal government or the state has prohibited or significantly limited municipal regulation. Hear the latest trends in the municipal P3 industry in Texas including a few of the unique constitution, statutory, and practical challenges that local governments face. Examine the changing technology and its effect on land use and transportation planning law. Look at land use issues including right of way creation, state and federal rules regarding cell sites, county authority, short-term rentals, affordable housing, and much more. Earn up to 15.00 hours of CLE credit, including 2.50 hours of ethics credit, and enjoy networking with your fellow land use professionals. Come a day early for the Land Use Fundamentals—ideal for new entrants to the field or as a refresher for experienced practitioners.

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LD18 Conference art
2018 Land Use

The 22nd Annual Land Use Conference offers high-level, detailed coverage of the key issues, strategies, challenges, tools, and opportunities facing municipalities, counties, and developers. It focuses on real-world problems with practical solutions presented by an outstanding faculty, including developers' attorneys, land use planners, local government attorneys, engineers, and state and local regulators. 2018 highlights include: Case law and legislative updates, including key updates on topics such as public rights of way, annexation, state preemption, permits, flooding and floodplains. Analyze the impacts of Reed v. Town of Gilbert on regulations including signs, charitable bins, and solicitation. Explore the use and development of emergency management plans before, during, and after a disaster. Examine the implications that the current social political climate has on land use and development. Review how zoning and economic development efforts can encourage the emergence of creative and other special districts. Hear how a backyard home brewing operation turned distribution brewery is supporting the revitalization efforts of downtown Taylor, Texas. Look at land use issues including projects outside corporate limits, county authority and ETJ, infill development, and much more. Earn up to 14.50 hours of CLE credit, including 2.00 hours of ethics credit, and the opportunity to network with your fellow land use professionals. Come a day early for Land Use Fundamentals—the perfect introduction or refresher.

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LD17 Conference art
2017 Land Use

The Land Use Conference offers high-level, detailed coverage of the key issues, strategies, challenges, tools, and opportunities facing municipalities, counties, and developers. It focuses on real-world problems with practical solutions presented by an outstanding faculty, including developers' attorneys, land use planners, local government attorneys, engineers, and state and local regulators. 2017 highlights include: Case law and legislative updates, including in-depth discussion of topics like Sovereign Immunity and Prior Non-Conformities How to overcome the limitations state law places on the ability of cities to sell real property An exploration of Financial and Regulatory Constraints on Commercial Development with Ron Lawrie of Orix Controversies, hot topics, and recent developments in fair housing litigation, regulation, and initiatives An analysis of the recent Texas Supreme Court decision in Crosstex North Texas Pipeline v. Gardiner and its effect on prosecuting future nuisance cases Public and private sector perspectives on the uses, costs, and special requirements of innovative districts and creative spaces A review of developing online security considerations for attorneys, emphasizing ethical obligations, unsettled questions, and practical tips Up to 14.00 of CLE credit, including 2.00 hours of ethics credit, with multiple opportunities to network with your fellow land use professionals  Come a day early for Land Use Fundamentals—the perfect primer or refresher.

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LD16 Conference art
2016 Land Use

The Land Use Conference offers high-level, detailed coverage of the key issues, strategies, challenges, tools, and opportunities facing municipalities, counties, and developers. The conference focuses on real-world problems with practical solutions presented by an outstanding faculty, including developers' attorneys, land use planners, local government attorneys, engineers, and state and local regulators.   2016 highlights include: The recent cases and state legislation affecting land use regulation in Texas Enforcement issues, remedies, defenses to enforcement, and sovereign immunity. Thursday Luncheon Presentation with George Staples on Municipal Codes of Ethics No Man’s Land: Municipal Authority and Extraterritorial Jurisdictions TWDB Program Update from TWDB Chairman Bech K. Bruun Explore the impact of Harris County Flood Control Dist. v. Kerr on local governments, developers, flooded property owners, and engineers. Friday Luncheon Presentation Sharing Economy: Short Term Rentals TOMA and TORA: What to Do Tomorrow? Land Use Practice under the Texas Open Meetings Act and the Texas Open Records Act Revolving Door and State Bar Rules: Additional Reporting Requirements with Ross Fischer Come a day early for Land Use Fundamentals—the perfect primer or refresher.

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LD15 Conference art
2015 Land Use

The Land Use Conference offers high-level, detailed coverage of the key issues, strategies, challenges, tools, and opportunities facing municipalities, counties, and developers. The conference focuses on real-world problems with practical solutions presented by an outstanding faculty, including developers' attorneys, land use planners, local government attorneys, engineers, and state and local regulators.  2015 highlights include: Thursday and Friday luncheons on current topics in land use law around the nation The effects of drought and population growth on land use with an emphasis on turf grass limitations, irrigation system requirements and xeriscapes   Environmental issues that impact the use of land in Texas and beyond  Updates in significant land use cases, including The State of Texas v. Cooper, Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Management District and Stafford v. Town of Flower Mound An exploration of dark sky cities—the growing trend to protect the natural night sky An update on the limitations of the Fair Housing Act Earn up to 2.50 hours of ethics with presentations on avoiding open government pitfalls, the work product privilege, sovereign and governmental immunity, and governmental approvals

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