SL25 Conference art
2025 School Law

2025 Live Conference recently concluded Feb 13 More info »
2025 Materials expected available 3-5 weeks.

UT Law CLE’s 40th Annual School Law Conference is the definitive program for school administrators, school board members, education professionals, and the legal counsel who represent them. Presentations offer in-depth, practical discussion of the legal and regulatory issues affecting schools and school districts, and provide a must-have set of materials and resources. Topics will include:    Commissioner Decisions Update Complying with Safety and Security Personnel Requirements in Texas Public Schools Update on Conflicts of Interest Cellphone Bans in Schools When Lawyers Make the News: It’s Not About You. It’s About Your Client. Artificial Intelligence as a Core Competency: An Ethics Lens Cyber Attacks and Data Breaches School Vouchers in Texas? Drawing the Lines: School Nurse Authority When Employees Go Viral Following the conference, attendees will receive a bonus eSupplement to ensure practitioners can earn their required 15.00/3.00 Texas MCLE hours for the year.

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SL24 Conference art
2024 School Law

UT Law CLE’s 39th Annual School Law Conference is the definitive program for school administrators, school board members, education professionals, and the legal counsel who represent them. Presentations offer in-depth, practical discussion of the legal and regulatory issues affecting schools and school districts, and provide a must-have set of materials and resources.

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SL23 Conference art
2023 School Law

UT Law CLE’s 38th Annual School Law Conference is the definitive program for school administrators, school board members, education professionals, and the legal counsel who represent them. Presentations offer in-depth, practical discussion of the legal and regulatory issues affecting schools and school districts, and provide a must-have set of materials and resources.

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SL22 Conference art
2022 School Law

UT Law CLE’s 37th Annual School Law Conference is the definitive program for school administrators, school board members, education professionals, and the legal counsel who represent them. Presentations offer in-depth, practical discussion of the legal and regulatory issues affecting schools and school districts, and provide a must-have set of materials and resources.

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SL21 Conference art
2021 School Law

UT Law CLE’s 36th Annual School Law Conference is the definitive program for school administrators, school board members, education professionals, and the legal counsel who represent them. Presentations offer in-depth, practical discussion of the legal and regulatory issues affecting schools and school districts, and provide a must-have set of materials and resources.

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SL20 Conference art
2020 School Law

UT Law’s 35th Annual School Law Conference is the definitive program for school administrators, school board members, education professionals, and the legal counsel who represent them. Presentations offer in-depth, practical discussion of the legal and regulatory issues affecting schools and school districts, and provide a must-have set of materials and resources. This year’s conference offers attendees the opportunity to: Hear updates on Commissioner of Education decisions from the past year, recent developments from the Office of the Attorney General, and Fifth Circuit and U.S. Supreme Court decisions on special education. Examine the competing demands facing school districts on school safety issues, individual rights relating to political speech, and school dress codes. Explore school personnel issues regarding secure records compliance, the newly created “Do Not Hire” registry, rules for accepting gifts or benefits, and the risks social media poses for teachers and other educators. Learn how to navigate the grievance/disciplinary process, best practices when served with a lawsuit, and how to present a case referred to the Texas State Office of Administrative Hearings. Multiple networking opportunities with program faculty and fellow school law practitioners, including the Thursday Evening Reception. Following the conference, attendees will receive a bonus eSupplement containing an additional 2.25 hours of MCLE (including 0.75 hours of ethics) to ensure practitioners can earn their required 15.00/3.00 Texas MCLE hours for the year.

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SL19 Conference art
2019 School Law

UT Law’s 34th Annual School Law Conference is the definitive program for school administrators, school board members, education professionals, and the legal counsel who represent them. Presentations offer in-depth, practical discussion of the legal and regulatory issues affecting schools and school districts, and provide a must-have set of materials and resources. This year’s conference offers attendees the opportunity to: Explore what Districts of Innovation mean for schools and teachers, and the impact local innovation plans can have on a district. Examine the practical implications of the DOE’s recent determination that Texas violated the IDEA and the impact of the resulting corrective action plan. Hear practical tips for Managing Student Protest Logistics and Dealing with Vexing Stakeholders. Explore approaches in Behavioral Threat Assessment, and how those approaches seek to balance safety concerns with student rights Learn what mandatory provisions may be missing from your contracts, including language concerning accessibility and data privacy. Live attendees also earn a full 15.00 hours (including 3.00 hours of ethics) with supplemental on-demand programming. And new this year, network with fellow school law practitioners at the Thursday Evening Reception.

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SL18 Conference art
2018 School Law

UT Law’s 33rd Annual School Law Conference is the definitive program for school administrators, school board members, education professionals and the legal counsel who represent them. Presentations offer in-depth, practical discussion of the legal and regulatory issues affecting schools and school districts and provide a must-have set of materials and resources. This year’s conference offers attendees the opportunity to: Explore the impact of “David’s Law” and the ways in which courts are treating traditional and cyberbullying claims. Survey the laws that impact the collection and handling of private health information and hear the best practices for complying. Learn to navigate the world of SBEC disciplinary hearings with practical tips on how to adjust to enforcement trends. Examine legal issues that may come into play when school employees or students engage in immoral or unseemly – but not criminal – conduct off campus. Prepare for cybersecurity threats by examining the risks particular to schools and by reviewing what needs to be in every school’s incident response plan. Learn from yesterday and plan for tomorrow with a deep dive into disaster planning and recovery from both the student service and operations perspectives. Hear practical tips for managing rogue board members and how to address the inefficiencies and disharmony they can create. Network with fellow school law attorneys while earning up to 12.50 hours of credit, including 1.75 hours of ethics.

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SL17 Conference art
2017 School Law

UT Law’s 32nd Annual School Law Conference is the definitive program for school administrators, school board members, education professionals and the legal counsel who represent them. Presentations offer in-depth, practical discussion of the legal and regulatory issues affecting schools and school districts and provide a must-have set of materials and resources. 2017 highlights include: Take a deep dive in to T-TESS and T-PESS practicalities with Jefferson K. Brim III, Brim, Robinett, Cantu & Brim, P.C., Austin, TX and Merri Schneider-Vogel, Thompson & Horton LLP, Houston, TX. Hear practical guidance for working with students, staff, school boards, and community members on the multi-faceted issues related to transgender students. Get the latest on Cameras in the Classroom with Nona C. Matthews, Walsh Gallegos Treviño Russo & Kyle, P.C., Irving, TX Explore the line between school employee’s speech as public employees and private citizens. Gain practical tips on reasonable accommodations from a former general counsel turned human resources administrator. Review recent Commissioner of Education decisions and hear the latest developments from the Attorney General’s Office. Learn to navigate the contentious intersection of individual rights relating to student speech, dangerous behavior, and service animals in the school setting. Explore the issues addressed in the EEOC Strategic Enforcement Plan for Fiscal Years 2017-2021 with Joe Bontke, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Houston, TX. Review requirements, best practices, and pitfalls of which every school lawyer should be aware when financing, purchasing, or selling real property interests. Network with fellow school law attorneys while earning up to 12.50 hours of credit, including 2.0 hours of ethics.

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SL16 Conference art
2016 School Law

UT Law’s 31st Annual School Law Conference is the definitive program for school administrators, school board members, education professionals and the legal counsel who represent them. Presentations offer in-depth, practical discussion of the legal and regulatory issues affecting schools and school districts and provide a must-have set of materials and resources. Join the Director of NSBA’s Council of School Attorneys, Sonja Trainor, for an update on the current state of federal law and guidance on student data privacy. Explore the challenging state and federal regulations related to firearms on school district property, prohibited weapons and other changes to student discipline. Learn what is expected of the school district by OCR and the current legal standards imposed by the courts in cases where students are bullied. Analyze the conflict between student free speech rights and a school’s obligation to maintain a safe and secure environment Review new federal procurement regulations (EDGAR), the new state conflict of interest disclosure requirements and their respective impacts on school district procurement and purchasing practices, including a comparison of the federal and state law requirements. Review the various types of protected activity and prohibited retaliation and explore how these claims proceed through the various administrative systems, like the EEOC. Learn best employment practices that every school should use that will help establish a defense to these claims before you need one. Learn responses to difficult questions regarding the intersection of family law and school law

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SL15 Conference art
2015 School Law

UT Law’s 30th Annual School Law Conference is the definitive program for school administrators, school board members, education professionals, and the legal counsel who represent them. Presentations offer in-depth, practical discussion of the legal and regulatory issues affecting schools and school districts, and provide a must-have set of materials and resources.   Mark P. Tilley, Texas Association of School Boards, provides an update on Commissioner of Education decisions from the past year, and Leticia D. McGowan, Dallas Independent School District, discusses recent developments from the Attorney General’s office Explore the challenges that arise for school districts regarding immigrant students and the legal obligation to educate all students, and examine the issues related to planning out-of-state and international student travel Review home schooling current legal issues that have arisen since the Texas Supreme Court’s landmark Leeper decision Russell Wilson, Schulman Lopez & Hoffer LLP and Judge-Elect of the 218th District Court, presents How the Boom-Bust Cycle of the Oil and Gas Business Affects Schools Learn best practices to address difficult UIL and Title IX compliance issues as well as tips for managing athletics when it comes to employing coaches Explore school personnel issues such as school district relationships with law enforcement agencies, pregnancy discrimination, and the dilemmas and dangers that social media poses for teachers and other educators Wayne Schiess, Senior Lecturer and Director of The David J. Beck Center for Legal Research, Writing, and Appellate Advocacy, The University of Texas School of Law, presents Ethics in Court Papers, an entertaining and informative presentation of real cases in which lawyers got into trouble for poor writing    

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