2025 Live Conference
coming up Jun 5 in Austin.
Info and registration »
2025 Materials
expected available
3-5 weeks from conference date.
The Higher Education Taxation Institute (HETI) provides a unique forum for college and university tax professionals from around the country to examine and discuss federal tax issues and compliance, as well as legislative, judicial, regulatory, and administrative changes affecting colleges and universities. This year's conference will be held on a Thursday - Friday date pattern. Highlights : Recent Developments in College and University Tax Law reviews recent tax law developments that affect the higher education community, such as Congressional legislation, IRS enforcement measures and pronouncements as well as judicial decisions. Legislative and Policy Update; Playing Defense for 2024 and Preparing for 2025, provides insight into what has been and will be occurring in 2024 regarding taxation of universities, their endowments, and examinations of school conduct and governance policies. Managing UBTI to Infinity and Beyond discusses Form 990-T reporting for both alternative investments and other university operations, including additional issues and forms that have arisen during the post pandemic period, such as debt from lines of credit, rent from unused office space, income from tech transfer, income from investments, and energy tax credits, among others. International Jeopardy is an interactive game of Jeopardy with topics highlighting international issues including; BEPS 2.0, indirect and digital taxes, nexus and triggering permanent establishment, NSPM33, 117 compliance, audit notices, and more! Plus, join faculty, planning committee, and attendees at the Thursday Evening Reception.