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2024 Advanced Administrative Law

2024 Live Conference coming up Sep 17 in Austin. Info and registration »
2024 Materials expected available 3-5 weeks from conference date.

The Advanced Texas Administrative Law Seminar brings together members of the judiciary, regulatory, and academic communities to engage with practitioners about the latest legislative and case law updates, rule changes, and other timely topics. Expected topics include:   35 Years with Chief Justice Nathan L. Hecht Case Law Update: Part I and Part II Parallel Investigations: Regulatory and Enforcement (DOJ) History of the Third Court of Appeals Hearsay and Evidence at SOAH Judicial Panel Readable Legal Writing ChatGPT Ethics Following the seminar, attendees will receive a free, on-demand eSupplement containing additional programming, ensuring attendees can earn their required 15.00/3.00 Texas MCLE hours for the year.

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