Becoming a sponsor is an excellent opportunity for your firm or company to highlight its profile in front of your clients and colleagues. Sponsorship is also invaluable in making UT Law CLE programs such highly regarded and successful events and helps further our mission to provide the highest quality legal education.
Opportunities and Benefits
Sponsorship opportunities are available for many UT Law CLE conferences. These opportunities, and the benefits they confer, are outlined in the conference-specific Sponsorship Package which is provided with an invitation to sponsor or upon request.
- Sponsorship Commitment: Sponsorship commitment is to be provided by returning the Sponsorship Confirmation Form, which accompanies the Sponsorship Package, to the individual indicated in the invitation to sponsor and by the deadline stated in the invitation. At her discretion, a Program Director may accept an alternative form of written confirmation of the intention to sponsor in lieu of a Sponsorship Confirmation Form.
- Timing of Benefits: Although UT Law CLE may begin conferring benefits once a commitment to sponsor has been received in writing, benefits associated with a sponsorship opportunity are not guaranteed – and may be withdrawn if conferred – until payment of the sponsorship has been received.
- Use of Intellectual Property: Specific intellectual property, including a sponsor’s logo, and company profile statement, may be requested by UT Law CLE in order to fulfill the benefits specifically outlined in the conference-specific Sponsorship Package. Any intellectual property requested by UT Law CLE will only be used for the purposes outlined in the conference-specific Sponsorship Package.
- No “Pay to Play”: UT Law CLE programs are developed independent of the sponsorship process, and sponsorship benefits do not include a guaranteed speaker spot on the program.
- Limitation of Liability: In the event UT Law CLE is not able to provide the sponsorship benefits as outlined in the Sponsorship Package, the sponsor’s damages are limited to the amount paid for the sponsorship.
Exclusive Opportunities
The Program Director may, in her discretion, offer an exclusive sponsorship opportunity to a potential sponsor prior to releasing that opportunity to other potential sponsors. This offer does not oblige UT Law CLE to reserve the exclusive sponsorship on the offeree’s behalf, and the exclusive sponsorship opportunity and its benefits are only guaranteed once payment of the sponsorship has been received. In addition, exclusive sponsorship does not entitle a sponsor to that or any exclusive sponsorship opportunity in subsequent years.
Limitations on Availability
Sponsorships are available at the discretion of UT Law CLE. We reserve the right to decline any potential sponsor. Reasons that UT Law CLE may decline an offer of sponsorship include, but are not limited to:
- The entity seeking to sponsor has an outstanding payment due for prior sponsorship(s) or other services provided by UT Law CLE.
- A representative of the entity seeking to sponsor engaged in conduct at a prior conference that was deemed by UT Law CLE on-site staff as unprofessional or otherwise disruptive.
- The primary or stated mission of the entity seeking to sponsor does not, as determined by the Program Director, conform to the mission of UT Law CLE or the goals of the conference.
Conference/Event Cancellations
In rare instances, a live in-person conference or other sponsored event may cancelled by UT Law CLE due to a weather-related event or other unforeseen emergency. In such instances, UT Law CLE will evaluate the best course of action and implement one or more of the following:
- Reschedule Live In-Person Conference/Event
If a live in-person conference/event is rescheduled within 8-months of its original dates, this will be considered the same conference/event and all sponsorship commitments and payments will be automatically maintained for that rescheduled event. - Offer Conference/Event in Alternative Online-Only Format
If the live in-person attendance must be suspended for a conference/event, UT Law CLE may continue the conference/event as originally scheduled in an online-only format—via live webcast/virtual conference. For these conferences/events, UT Law CLE will update all sponsorship levels and related benefits to reflect those that can be offered in an online-only format. Sponsors will then have the option to 1) accept the updated sponsorship benefits and maintain their sponsorship commitment and level; 2) cancel their sponsorship for the current year’s conference/event, and request a credit of those sponsorship funds toward sponsorship of the following year’s conference/event; or 3) request a refund of their sponsorship for the current year’s conference/event, limited to the amount paid for that sponsorship. - Fully Cancel a Conference or Event
UT Law CLE may fully cancel a conference/event and not reschedule or offer the conference/event in an alternative format. In this case, sponsors will have the option to 1) cancel their sponsorship for the current year’s conference/event, and request a credit of those sponsorship funds toward sponsorship of the following year’s conference/event; or 2) request a refund of their sponsorship for the current year’s conference/event, limited to the amount paid for that sponsorship.