
2019 Labor and Employment Law eConference

Contains material from May 2019 to Jun 2019
2019 Labor and Employment Law eConference
4.23 out of 5 stars
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Great course and speakers, S always.

I loved the ethics presentation at the end and the workplace civility presentation. I also enjoyed the presentation on the general case law update, settlement documents, corroborating evidence, and age discrimination. This course (the portions that I watched) was great and very comprehensive.

Very informative!

Craig Deats on public employment was exceptional. More time needs to be spent on public employment since government is the primary employer in Texas and the ideological tilting of the law is against public employees favoring state actors.

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UT Law's Labor and Employment Law Conference is the premier program on employment law practice in Texas. By bringing together leading members of the bar, personnel experts, and in-house counsel, the conference offers the timely updates, emerging trends, and the variety of perspectives practitioners need.

2019 highlights include:
  • Perspective on Navigating the EEOC from both sides of the bar – and the EEOC
  • Analysis of the standards for determining Contingent Workers and Joint Employment
  • Discussion of Emerging Local Regulations and the Multistate Employer
  • Focused presentation series on litigation strategies and workforce solutions
  • Updates on federal and state law, including developments at the NRLB

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1. State Employment Law Update: Texas and Beyond (Jun 2019)

Christopher Benoit, Clara "C. B." Burns

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51 mins
50 mins
12 pgs
Session 1 —51 mins
State Employment Law Update: Texas and Beyond (Jun 2019)

Examine employment-related developments under Texas state law, including a discussion of significant new Texas cases. Also explore important trends developing in other states, and what they might mean for Texas.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Christopher Benoit, The Law Office of Lynn Coyle, PLLC - El Paso, TX
Clara "C. B." Burns, Kemp Smith LLP - El Paso, TX

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2. Federal Employment Law Update (Jun 2019)

Danielle K. Herring

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41 mins
40 mins
28 pgs
Session 2 —41 mins
Federal Employment Law Update (Jun 2019)

Analyze recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions, significant federal case law, and federal legislative developments.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Danielle K. Herring, Littler Mendelson P.C. - Houston, TX

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3. Emerging Local Regulations and the Multistate Employer (Jun 2019)

Sarah Mitchell Montgomery

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34 mins
34 mins
16 pgs
16 pgs
Session 3 —34 mins
Emerging Local Regulations and the Multistate Employer (Jun 2019)

Businesses with employees in more than one state are facing the challenges of an increasingly disparate patchwork of laws. Hear about some of the most recent and significant labor and employment developments at the state and local level that could impact your multistate clients. 

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Sarah Mitchell Montgomery, Jackson Walker LLP - Dallas, TX

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4. Navigating the EEOC (Jun 2019)

Malinda A. Gaul, Philip J. Moss, Jennifer M. Trulock

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46 mins
46 mins
7 pgs
Session 4 —46 mins
Navigating the EEOC (Jun 2019)

Get practical tips to ethically navigate through the EEOC administrative process from the perspective of the employee, employer, and EEOC. Hear guidance on how litigation with the EEOC differs from litigation between employers and employees.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Malinda A. Gaul, Gaul and Dumont - San Antonio, TX
Philip J. Moss, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - San Antonio, TX
Jennifer M. Trulock, Baker Botts - Dallas, TX

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5. Negligence is Alive and Well in the Harassment Arena (Jun 2019)

Austin Kaplan

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29 mins
29 mins
19 pgs
6 pgs
Session 5 —29 mins
Negligence is Alive and Well in the Harassment Arena (Jun 2019)

What can negligence tell us about employment claims, and what negligence claims can survive Waffle House? Applying negligence concepts to harassment and other claims from the perspective of an employee-side attorney—learn what employees and employers are doing that may be damaging their claims and defenses.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Austin Kaplan, Kaplan Law Firm - Austin , TX

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6. Antitrust Insights for HR Practices (Jun 2019)

Christine E. Reinhard

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28 mins
28 mins
17 pgs
2 pgs
10 pgs
Session 6 —28 mins
Antitrust Insights for HR Practices (Jun 2019)

Discuss the Antitrust Guidance for Human Resources Professionals (issued by the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission in October 2016) and its enforcement under the current Administration.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Christine E. Reinhard, Schmoyer Reinhard LLP - San Antonio, TX

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7. Age Discrimination: A New Kind of Generation Gap (Jun 2019)

Katrina Grider

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29 mins
29 mins
9 pgs
Session 7 —29 mins
Age Discrimination: A New Kind of Generation Gap (Jun 2019)

The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) just celebrated the 50th anniversary of its enactment. With an aging baby boomer population, employees working past traditional retirement age, and millennials moving into management positions—these issues are more important than ever. Discuss strategies for managing multi-generational workforces and preventing age discrimination claims.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Katrina Grider, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. - Houston, TX

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8. Wage and Hour Update (Jun 2019)

Aaron Johnson, Daniel A. Verrett

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46 mins
45 mins
13 pgs
15 pgs
Session 8 —46 mins
Wage and Hour Update (Jun 2019)

Review developments in wage and hour enforcement and law over the past year.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Aaron Johnson, Equal Justice Center - Austin, TX
Daniel A. Verrett, Moreland Verrett, P.C. - Austin, TX

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9. As the Board Turns: Recent Developments Under the National Labor Relations Act (Jun 2019)

Jennifer Bley Sweeny, Rod Tanner

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40 mins
39 mins
28 pgs
11 pgs
Session 9 —40 mins
As the Board Turns: Recent Developments Under the National Labor Relations Act (Jun 2019)

A union lawyer and management lawyer discuss the continuing evolution of the Board and how recent developments are impacting employment policies for non-union and unionized employers.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Jennifer Bley Sweeny, Blumenfeld & Sweeny, LLP - Fort Worth, TX
Rod Tanner, Tanner and Associates, PC - Fort Worth, TX

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10. Click for More: The Pitfalls of Modern Recruiting (Jun 2019)

Corey E. Tanner

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23 mins
23 mins
28 pgs
12 pgs
Session 10 —23 mins
Click for More: The Pitfalls of Modern Recruiting (Jun 2019)

How much is too much information? Between background checks, social media, and visas, review best practices to avoid being sued before your employee’s first day.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Corey E. Tanner, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. - Austin, TX

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11. Drugs in the Workplace (Jun 2019)

Dylan A. Farmer

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36 mins
36 mins
21 pgs
13 pgs
Session 11 —36 mins
Drugs in the Workplace (Jun 2019)

Survey federal and state laws governing workplace testing for prescription and illegal drugs, including federal regulations, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and medical and recreational marijuana laws. Discuss best practices for drafting workplace drug testing policies in light of recent Texas case law.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Dylan A. Farmer, Schmoyer Reinhard LLP - San Antonio, TX

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12. Employee Mental Health Accommodations: Tips for Success in Managing Stigma and Stress (Jun 2019)

Susan Motley

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33 mins
33 mins
19 pgs
5 pgs
Session 12 —33 mins
Employee Mental Health Accommodations: Tips for Success in Managing Stigma and Stress (Jun 2019)

Does the topic alone kill your confidence or increase your own stress level? Hear practical tips and strengthen your skills in spotting and responding to such issues in compliance with the ADA and FMLA.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Susan Motley, Wood Weatherly Trial Law - Denton, TX

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13. Combatting Hostile Environments: Risks of “Workplace Civility” Policies (Jun 2019)

Christopher H. Hahn

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20 mins
19 mins
13 pgs
8 pgs
Session 13 —20 mins
Combatting Hostile Environments: Risks of “Workplace Civility” Policies (Jun 2019)

Anti-harassment policies that prohibit only conduct that is strictly unlawful do not go far enough to guarantee a respectful workplace for employees. But broadly-drafted policies that require civility in workplace interactions can have unintended consequences. Examine the pros and cons of policies that go beyond unlawful behavior, and what they can mean for you and your clients.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Christopher H. Hahn, Dell - Round Rock, TX

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14. Covenants Not to Compete: Recent Trends and Developments (May 2019)

Philip Durst

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28 mins
14 pgs
13 pgs
Session 14 —28 mins
Covenants Not to Compete: Recent Trends and Developments (May 2019)

Explore recent cases and strategies involving the enforcement or relaxation of restraints on competition.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Philip Durst, Deats, Durst & Owen, P.L.L.C. - Austin, TX

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15. Corroborating Evidence: It’s Not Just a Swearing Match (May 2019)

Jim Sanford

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29 mins
37 pgs
Session 15 —29 mins
Corroborating Evidence: It’s Not Just a Swearing Match (May 2019)

Workplace disputes dismissed as “he-said, she-said” very often are in reality “he-said, she-said” plus some other evidence says. What is corroborating evidence to courts and juries in workplace discrimination and harassment cases?

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Jim Sanford, Gillespie Sanford LLP - Dallas, TX

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16. Anti-SLAPP for Everyone! (May 2019)

Robert E. Sheeder

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28 mins
25 pgs
16 pgs
Session 16 —28 mins
Anti-SLAPP for Everyone! (May 2019)

More and more states are adopting Anti-SLAPP legislation, and the broad approach taken by Texas under the TCPA suggests that even a tangential relationship between the communication and a matter of public concern is sufficient. So what is an attorney to do? Review the elements and limits of Anti-SLAPP litigation, and make sure you are prepared the next time a slap is on the horizon.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Robert E. Sheeder, Bracewell - Dallas, TX

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17. Class Action Employment Litigation: What's Left and What's New (May 2019)

John V. Jansonius

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32 mins
19 pgs
10 pgs
Session 17 —32 mins
Class Action Employment Litigation: What's Left and What's New (May 2019)

Dukes, Epic Systems, and many other cases in the past decade have made class litigation extremely difficult in employment cases. Nonetheless, government agencies and private litigants are still filing a variety of class action discrimination cases and the prevalence of wage‑hour collective actions remain strong. Discuss the status of class and collective action employment litigation with a focus on recent developments impacting both the plaintiffs’ and defense bars.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

John V. Jansonius, Jackson Walker LLP - Dallas, TX

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18. Public Sector Update (Jun 2019)

B. Craig Deats, Natalie G. DeLuca

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42 mins
42 mins
49 pgs
22 pgs
Session 18 —42 mins
Public Sector Update (Jun 2019)

Get the latest on representing government employees, including developments in the First Amendment, due process, privacy, political patronage, and state law protections in the public workplace.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

B. Craig Deats, Deats, Durst & Owen, P.L.L.C. - Austin, TX
Natalie G. DeLuca, Metropolitan Transit Authority - Houston, TX

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19. Religious Freedom in the Workplace (Jun 2019)

B. Lee Crawford Jr.

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33 mins
32 mins
8 pgs
Session 19 —33 mins
Religious Freedom in the Workplace (Jun 2019)

Combined federal and state initiatives create a complex legal tableau for both employers and employees concerning religious beliefs and practices in the workplace. Trace the sources of the core rights and duties, and highlight significant legislative, executive, and judicial developments.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

B. Lee Crawford Jr., City of Austin Law Department - Austin, TX

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20. Developments in Disability Law (Jun 2019)

James H. Kizziar Jr.

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46 mins
46 mins
16 pgs
Session 20 —46 mins
Developments in Disability Law (Jun 2019)

Review significant regulatory and court developments under the Americans with Disabilities Act and gain insights into emerging disability issues.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

James H. Kizziar Jr., Bracewell LLP - San Antonio, TX and Washington, DC

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21. Contingent Workers and Joint Employment (Jun 2019)

Kathryn Youker

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30 mins
30 mins
88 pgs
11 pgs
Session 21 —30 mins
Contingent Workers and Joint Employment (Jun 2019)

Claims brought by contingent workers often involve disputes about whether or not a worker is an "employee" and who is that worker's "employer." Survey the different standards for determining employment status under various labor and employment laws with a focus on nonstandard work arrangements, including contract, temporary, and "gig" work. 

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Kathryn Youker, Texas RioGrande Legal Aid - Brownsville, TX

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22. The Gig Economy: Don’t Call It a Comeback (Jun 2019)

Michael J. Golden

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44 mins
44 mins
38 pgs
24 pgs
Session 22 —44 mins
The Gig Economy: Don’t Call It a Comeback (Jun 2019)

Revisit the rapidly evolving gig economy and take a tour through the myriad approaches courts and agencies have adopted, tested, and abandoned in their collective attempt to understand and classify the growing number of digital platform providers that now enable service providers to connect directly with end-users. Examine the limitations of the binary employee/contractor classification system, the promises and pitfalls of a proposed hybrid “gig” worker classification, and the competing federal, state, and local efforts to find the right balance between entrepreneurial enablement and service provider protection. 

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Michael J. Golden, Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P. - Austin, TX

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23. Federal Contractor Update (Jun 2019)

Shafeeqa W. Giarratani

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30 mins
30 mins
11 pgs
10 pgs
Session 23 —30 mins
Federal Contractor Update (Jun 2019)

It has been a record-breaking year of new initiatives from the OFCCP! Hear updates on federal contractor compliance obligations and review recent developments at Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Shafeeqa W. Giarratani, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. - Austin, TX

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24. HR Systems: Things to Consider (Jun 2019)

David L. Wiley

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32 mins
32 mins
38 pgs
Session 24 —32 mins
HR Systems: Things to Consider (Jun 2019)

The way human resources systems are structured and implemented can have impacts far beyond any individual case. Examine why and how these systems and the changes they bring can be so critical.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

David L. Wiley, Gibson Wiley PLLC - Dallas, TX

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25. Texas Unemployment and Payday Law Update (Jun 2019)

William T. (Tommy) Simmons

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48 mins
48 mins
50 pgs
15 pgs
Session 25 —48 mins
Texas Unemployment and Payday Law Update (Jun 2019)

Survey the significant Texas Workforce Commission-related legislation under consideration in 2019, and hear an update on how the TWC has been ruling on unemployment and wage claims. Outline important compliance issues for wage payments and unemployment taxes in Texas, and a highlight of the best practices for employers to follow in order to minimize the risk of unemployment and wage claims.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

William T. (Tommy) Simmons, Texas Workforce Commission - Austin, TX

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26. Settlement Documents: Lessons to Learn (Jun 2019)

Laura M. Merritt

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44 mins
44 mins
14 pgs
8 pgs
Session 26 —44 mins
Settlement Documents: Lessons to Learn (Jun 2019)

Optimizing separation agreement and settlement language to protect client assets, compliance with restrictions on confidentiality provisions, and avoiding hidden “gotcha” mistakes.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Laura M. Merritt, Boulette Golden & Marin L.L.P. - Austin, TX

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27. Ethics for Employment Lawyers: 2019 (Jun 2019)

Dennis P. Duffy

1.00 1.00 0.00
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55 mins
55 mins
13 pgs
Session 27 —55 mins
Ethics for Employment Lawyers: 2019 (Jun 2019)

Get updated on on cutting-edge ethics issues, including attorney-client privilege and waiver issues, ex parte communications, access to social media and computer information, inadvertent disclosure and improper acquisition of confidential information, litigation holds and spoliation issues, and settlement negotiations.

Originally presented: May 2019 Labor and Employment Law Conference

Dennis P. Duffy, Baker & Hostetler LLP - Houston, TX