
2019 Fundamentals of Immigration and Nationality Law eConference

Contains material from Nov 2019
2019 Fundamentals of Immigration and Nationality Law eConference
4.67 out of 5 stars
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A very good overview of consular processing, I learned a lot about the Juarez consulate in particular.

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UT Law CLE's Fundamentals of Immigration and Nationality Law is ideal for new entrants to the field or as a refresher for experienced practitioners. It provides an overview of U.S. immigration laws, agencies and jargon, outlines the basics of immigration law.

Includes: Video Audio Paper Slides

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1. Understanding United States Immigration and Nationality Laws (Nov 2019)

Paul Parsons

1.00 0.00 0.00
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62 mins
62 mins
25 pgs
12 pgs
Session 1 —62 mins
Understanding United States Immigration and Nationality Laws (Nov 2019)

Examine the interplay of unlawful presence, out of status, nonimmigrant, immigrant, and citizenship status for foreign nationals, their employers, and their families.

Originally presented: Oct 2019 Fundamentals of Immigration and Nationality Law

Paul Parsons, Paul Parsons, PC - Austin, TX

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2. Immigration Agencies and Basic Immigration Terminology (Nov 2019)

Mona Gupta, Michelle L. Saenz-Rodriguez

1.00 0.00 0.00
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61 mins
61 mins
18 pgs
12 pgs
Session 2 —61 mins
Immigration Agencies and Basic Immigration Terminology (Nov 2019)

Explore the roles of various federal agencies involved in the administration of U.S. immigration laws, strategies for communicating with these agencies, and basic immigration law terminology.

Originally presented: Oct 2019 Fundamentals of Immigration and Nationality Law

Mona Gupta, Gupta & Wiora, P.C. - Addison, TX
Michelle L. Saenz-Rodriguez, Saenz-Rodriguez & Associates, P.C. - Dallas, TX

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3. Family-Based and Citizenship Cases in the Age of Enforcement (Nov 2019)

Analí Looper, Irene G. Mugambi

0.75 0.00 0.00
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45 mins
45 mins
5 pgs
Session 3 —45 mins
Family-Based and Citizenship Cases in the Age of Enforcement (Nov 2019)

Review current trends in family-based and citizenship cases. Explore best practices in preparing these cases and representing clients during their interview.

Originally presented: Oct 2019 Fundamentals of Immigration and Nationality Law

Analí Looper, American Gateways - Waco, TX
Irene G. Mugambi, Law Office of Irene G. Mugambi P.C. - Dallas, TX